PROFILE: Allison Krug of Artemis Professional Coaching
Former Epoch Times Anti-Vax Contributor Turned "Life Coach?"
Hopefully you came across this article because you are researching the services of Virginia Beach based Allison Krug, who has recently pivoted into the "life coach" industry. If you're wondering what she was doing in the years before this sudden pivot, Krug holds a Masters of Public Health, but is not a doctor. Unfortunately, she would use these credentials to propagandize against public health and pediatric vaccines, only to find herself needing to embark upon a different career path. Let this profile be a guide to making your decision if Allison Krug is a trustworhy "coach" to improve your life.
It's worth nothing that previously, Allison Krug has written numerous articles for the Epoch Times, a far-right propaganda rag - Mostly fearmongering about safe and effective HPV and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The Epoch Times is owned by the Falun Gong, a far-right religious cult that promotes anti-Semitic Q-Anon conspiracy theories and has endorsed Donald Trump for President. She also claims to be the "founder and CEO of Artemis Biomedical Communications, LLC," a one-woman publishing racket to offer faux legitimacy to her unscientific ramblings.
Needless to say, why is Allison Krug taking money from a far-right cult that attacks evolution science, rejects modern medicine, and is opposed to homosexuality and feminism? If she truly respected the views of the Falun Gong, she would delete her account and let the men do the talking. Would you let a woman who took money from a far-right anti-feminist religious cult "coach" you through life's many challenges?

In the winter of 2024, as the federal government has rushed to construct an artificial "end" to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic before the next Presidential election, many who have wasted years crusading for the present mass infection approach are attempting to quietly retreat out of the spotlight and into alternative career paths, hoping that everyone will quietly forget their contributions to the needless deaths of children, their families, and educators - like Allison Krug, who has decided to pivot into "lifecoaching," paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for "certifications" from a sketchy organization with a less than stellar reputation.
Perhaps the years of anti-vax advocacy and the insistence of drowning children in repeated COVID-19 infections that rendered Allison Krug unemployable and forced her to pivot into independent practice as a "life coach." Assembled below is a collection of some of her most atrocious statements, largely collected from her Twitter account: “KrugAlli”
2021: A Fraud Emerges
May 26th, 2021: Allison Krug, Lucy McBride, Tracy Beth Hoeg, and UCSF’s Monica Gandhi take out an OpEd in the Washington Post, immediately after a pediatric COVID-19 vaccine was approved, claiming: “It’s time for children to finally get back to normal life.” This would be the first in a series of willful torturing of statistics and scientific fact, barely a year after SARS-CoV-2 arrived on our shores, to justify repeatedly infecting children with COVID-19. These four chuckleheads would use the fraudulent data published by Koch-funded economist Emily Oster to justify drowning children face-first in pestilence. As Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina writes:
“They cherry picked studies, which doesn’t give the full story. As scientists we have a responsibility to give the full story.
They ignored fundamental epidemiological concepts, which is surprising given some authors are epidemiologists.
They ignore guidance from pediatricians, which is confusing for the layman. And, quite frankly, could lead to vaccine hesitancy for parents.”
Can you trust a “professional coach” who cherry picks data points to suit their opinion, ignore fundamental epidemiological concepts (as Krug claims to be an epidemiologist) and ignores the guidance from pediatricians, who specialize in children’s health? This seems like an incredibly poor investment.
2022: Drown the Children in COVID-19!
January 25th, 2022: Allison Krug, Lucy McBride, Vinay Prasad, Tracy Beth Hoeg, Monica Gandhi, and others would launch the "Urgency of Normal," a campaign to champion infecting unvaccinated children with SARS-CoV-2. A \"toolkit\" riddled with pseudoscience and pro-viral drivel, releasing the same month that would be the deadliest on record for pediatric COVID-19 deaths, was immediately debunked and ripped apart - by Suicidologist Tyler Black here, and covered by the Death Panel podcast here at Emergency of Normal w/ Abby Cartus:
As Melody Schreiber wrote in The New Republic,
“The physicians…of The Urgency of Normal are cherry-picking data in their push to end pandemic precautions, but are getting favorable mainstream media attention and support from wealthy, white communities that never felt the full brunt of Covid-19.”
These “normalcy” quacks would attack the idea of children developing Long COVID disability from "mild" infections, knowingly miscited CDC pediatric suicide data, made false comparisons to the flu - which had killed 6 children in the time it took for SARS-CoV-2 to kill over 1,200 children - and misled parents about the serious harms these "mild" infections can cause to children's health and development, a topic that has an ever growing mountain of research building to this day. The "Urgency of Normal" used the lack of knowledge around COVID-19 in children, to declare that there were no serious harms caused by repeatedly infecting children. A mountain of research has since proven otherwise, collected here.

Februrary 2nd, 2022: Allison Krug alongside UCSF's Vinay Prasad, profiled here, takes out an OpEd in the right-wing propaganda rag "Unherd," tited: “Should We Let Children Catch Omicron? Restrictions in schools must never return.” The headline is entirely misleading: Krug and Prasad are arguing that we must infect children with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, and repeatedly. This was immediately after Janurary 2022, which was the deadliest month for pediatric COVID deaths in America. After mountains of research showing that pediatric COVID-19 infections led to the death of countless children, killed hundreds of thousands of primary caregivers, and disabled hundreds of thousands of American children - including cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue. Regarding pediatric COVID deaths, Vinay Prasad and Allison Krug would write:
"While the death of any child is a tragedy, Covid-19 is less deadly to children than many other risks we accept as a matter of course, including drowning, vehicle accidents, and even cardiovascular disease.”
As Dr. Jonathan Howard debunks in his book We Want Them Infected:
"This is doubly false. The CDC's COVID data tracker added 1,000 deaths to its grim tally in the year before that article was published, which is about the same as the number of children who drown annually and larger than the number of children who die from cardiovascular disease."
Sadly, Krug and Prasad would get their morally depraved wish, and the mountain of research showing the harms of repeatedly infecting children with SARS-CoV-2, including brain damage, continues to mount higher and higher. Prasad and Krug don't see a problem with this, writing:
"Normality means a world where [kids] are routinely exposed to, and overcome, viral illnesses.”
Victorian graveyards are full of children who died of “routine,” normal exposure to viral illnesses. One of the unintentional side effects of routine pediatric vaccines is how quickly they’ve made credentialed medical professionals forget human history. All while shrugging off the mountains of evidence showing viral infections can cause serious health complications, not just in the acute phase, but later in life.
That same day, Allison would tweet out that: “It's more like RSV and other coronaviruses that circulate routinely which are beneficial to develop immunity and boost routinely. We don't have vaccines for them. Better to develop immunity at the lowest 'price' possible.” Here, Allison gives up the game: if she was in charge, she would have crusaded to mass infect your children with the original SARS1 virus, as she believes viruses are “beneficial to develop immunity and boost routinely.” The willful ignorance, and total detachment from the science to insist that repeated infections with viruses are beneficial to children's health is nothing more than the ravings of a total pestilence sycophant.
Can you trust someone this unscientific and unprofessional with coaching you through life’s toughest challenges?
February 9th, 2022: Allison Krug declares via Twitter: "The way through [COVID precautions] may be a better understanding of how immunity actually works. It's complex, beautiful resilient. It's not really about the masks for me, it's about allowing youth to live. Life means ambiguity, uncertainty, options, open doors, freedom to move about." Worth noting that Allison Krug does not care for a child disabled by Long COVID and has ignored the growing mountain of science that shows how COVID-19 can harm a child’s immune system.
Foreclosing on Your Child's "Immunity Debt"
Of course, this rosy cheeked fiction is based off the long-debunked fantasy of "immunity debt" and your immune system operating "like a muscle," neither of which is true. Allison Krug has no actual scientific qualifications in immunity and is instead advertising constant viral infections as beneficial to children's health from a viewpoint of pure romantic fantasy.
Krug would go on to tweet: "Why should we drop mask mandates without metrics? Not so much because they don't work, but because covid-hyperfocus is unhealthy. Loss of agency is detrimental to psyche. Uncertainty, inability to plan future bad for youth. Masks are just a symbol of this myopia."
Countless American children have been rendered disabled by the repeated SARS-CoV-2 infections Krug insists they simply ignore, including serious cognitive & neurological impairment - destroying their academic and professional futures, and trapping children in a dystopian myopia of navigating the austerity torment engine that is disability benefits in America. Allison is insisting that these “lesser” children suffer and drop out of society so she can pretend that everything is going great.
Would you trust your future to a "coach" that would openly play so recklessly with your child's health?
February 10th, 2022: Allison tweets: "Im concerned about the collateral effects of interventions as well. Masking kids in school, having them sit quietly 6 ft apart at lunch, etc does little, if anything, to avert transmission among higher risk adults." Krug refuses to suggest any sort of intervention that would protect children from infecting their families with a deadly and disabling virus- respirators, HEPA filtration, ventilation improvements, and even Far-UVC lighting have been proven to protect COVID-19 infections.
Krug's “solution” is to drown these children facefirst in pestilence & demand they ignore playing a role in the painful death or disability of a loved one, something hundreds of thousands of American children have already been put through.
June 22nd, 2022: Krug doubles down on fearmongering about vaccine myocarditis, tweeting: "I know folks might tire of me talking about myocarditis," a topic that Krug has zero expertise or experience to evaluate, "but getting tired of hearing about this does not make the risk go away. IF your organization is requiring vaccination and does not allow exemption for those with prior covid, you are treating males and females differently." Steven Novella for Science Based Medicine would debunk this fearmongering in an article titled: “Risk of Myocarditis Following COVID-19 Vaccine - Risk of myocarditis following mRNA vaccines is real but tiny, and far outweighed by the benefit of vaccines.” Steven writes:
“We also have to keep in mind that COVID-19 infection itself causes myocarditis. The relative risk here is 16 times – with the absolute risk increasing from 9/100,000 to 150/100,000. That’s 1,500 cases of myocarditis per million COVID-19 infections, vs 40 per million in the high-risk group of young men from mRNA vaccines, and 1-2 per million doses in lower risk groups. The risk is literally 1-2 orders of magnitude (10-100x) greater from getting infected than from the vaccine.”
Unfortunately, Krug did not retract her misinformation or offer an apology for needlessly scaring parents into not vaccinating their children against COVID-19. What Krug also fails to explain is that a 2020 infection with the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 does not confer lifelong immunity against new variants, and nor does constant reinfections with COVID-19. As an anti-vax quack, Krug has also refused to engage with the reality of SARS-CoV-2's rapid evolution as a result of the mass infection strategy she has campaigned for, and how a public health response designed by responsible adults involves adapting to a constantly evolving threat.
2023: Unleash The Krug

January 15th, 2023: Allison Krug begins writing for the far-right religious cult outlet The Epoch Times, fearmongering about the highly safe and effective HPV vaccine - another topic she has no credentials or qualifications to factually opine from. Joe Thomas, MD (DocWithBowtie via Twitter) would write a rebuttal to this campaign later in the year, found here:
“The HPV vaccine has been extensively studied over the past nearly-20 years….a study out of Sweden that enrolled and followed women over the course of 11 years (2006-2017), showed that "the risk of cervical cancer among participants who had initiated vaccination before the age of 17 years was 88% lower than among those who had never been vaccinated." That is consistent with previous studies, which showed 91% efficacy against HPV infection…Cervical cancer, even more than the others mentioned, can be a deadly disease and the fact that we have a vaccine that can prevent it by that margin is HUGE!”
Unscientific & unprofessional anti-vax fearmongerer Allison Krug would continue to fearmonger against such an impressive vaccine, preferring to profit from misleading parents than acknowledge that the body of scientific evidence disproved her claims.
Janurary 28th, 2023: Allison Krug would endorse fellow quack Vinay Prasad of UCSF's crusade against the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, tweeting: "Join the movement to demand appropriate evidence." For someone who dreamed of becoming a "life coach," Krug's aspirations of leadership did not contribute to Prasad's anti-vaccine "movement," which immediately fizzled out into irrelevancy.
March 15th, 2023: Allison Krug, who has zero qualifications in PPE engineering, endorses the now infamous and long debunked Cochrane review on masks, by two corrupt authors, owned by a neo-Confederate billionaire, who deny that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus. We covered this debacle here.
The SARS-CoV Denial to Child Abuse Pipeline
April 2nd, 2023: Alison Krug would share a terrible study we previously covered attacking pediatric Long COVID, tweeting: "Symptom severity, loneliness, poor physical activity linked to LC symptoms. Need to recognize that we've put kids in a state of hyper-body-vigilance" - in which Krug makes the unscientific argument that public health measures, not repeated infections with a deadly and disabling virus, are what are disabling children. Purely unscientific quackery.
June 4th, 2023: In response to a defense of SARS-CoV-2 boosters, Allison Krug would declare: "This kind of thinking is why public health policy is flawed. Minimize harms. The young did not need to be coerced to protect the vulnerable," which really shows the depravity of Krug's crusade against public health: that the hundreds of thousands of American children that lost a primary caregiver, many of which because they were infected with COVID-19 at school and brought home the virus to a loved one, would have been happy to sacrifice their family for a perceived fantasy of "normal."
Worse yet, anyone who knows anything about pediatric development understands that bereavement is one of the largest contributors to academic hardship.
For someone who spent years speaking so authoritatively about child development as a justification to repeatedly infect kids with a deadly & disabling virus, can you truly trust someone as dishonest as Allison Krug as your “life coach?”
June 5th, 2023: Allison Krug would appear on the Megyn Kelly (former FOX News host) podcast to fearmonger about the HPV vaccine. This pattern of anti-vax advocacy is what likely drove Krug out of epidemiology and into "life coaching," after rendering herself unemployable in any professional or scientific setting. Much like Simon Goddek and Kevin Bass, you can only get so far as an anti-vaccine grifter before accountability puts a stop to your fantasies.
June 13th, 2023: Allison Krug declares, in reply to a Carl Schramm article criticizing CDC guidance during the pandemic and allegations of misinformation (largely against her fellow anti-vaxxers) that, "I am one of them. As a result, I'm questioning it ALL, not just the COVID-era policies. All of it. The pandemic only highlighted the existing biases." - the pro-viral influencers that emerged during the height of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic were never going to stop at the COVID-19 vaccine. Wealthy interests are funding these propagandists to destroy the very idea of public health.

November 15th, 2023: Allison Krug attacks a Long COVID advocacy initiative, declaring from her high horse: "We should be funding a resilience initiative instead, whereby we constantly push the evidence that exercise, nature, nutrition, and sleep - all free! - are what will protect people from serious sequelae."
Now, Allison does not have a medical degree and has zero experience evaluating patients, while openly endorsing the junk pseudoscience of naturopathy. To quote Britt Hermes of Naturopathic Diaries:
“Naturopathy and medicine do not exist on the same playing field. They are not even comparable in a way that suggests they might be equal. One is real, validated, and continuously revised by science. The other is more of a religion that is informed by anecdotes and folklore. We should not be looking for a middle ground between scientifically validated medicine and utter nonsense that terribly wants to be accepted.”
Unfortunately, Allison Krug would prefer that those suffering from Long COVID simply roll over and die quietly as to not complicate her romanticized fantasies. No, Allison's not going to actually acknowledge the growing mountain of science that proves the virus she championed is causing serious organ damage and vascular harm, leaving people bedridden - no, she's going to demand that these millions of Americans suffer in silence and be subjected to abuse for the disability she denies the very existence of.
Can you really trust someone this selfish & utterly detached from reality to "coach" you through life’s struggles?
2024: Allison’s Life Coach Era
Janurary 13th, 2024: Allison Krug announces her career pivot: "I've been a little shy about announcing what I'm up to here on X, but there's life beyond COVID-19, anxiety, overwhelm, stress, fear - join me if the below resonates? Several other programs available as well as 1:1 coaching on any topic. I work with a wide range of people. Income-sensitive pricing, and 30% of my practice is pro bono to ensure access for everyone. I'm playing full out in the war against fear-fueled-pharma - I'm now a certified professional coach in health and performance.”
It's worth analyzing these "certifications" and where they come from: iPEC Coaching sells an incredibly expensive certification program - between $10,000 to $16,800 for tuition - with mixed reviews online and sketchy business practices centered around their "Energy Leadership Index Assessment," which traps students into spending more thousands of more dollars for further certifications at the end of the initial program. Few graduates of this program actually seem to make it in the “life coaching” industry, and Allison is struggling to convert the social media clout she gained from her anti-vaccine advocacy into life coaching clients as a "Certified iPEC COR.E. Performance Dynamics Coach." There’s a meme for this.

Now, the validity of "life coaching" is up for debate, but the "services" being offered are highly suspect. For $150/month, you can join a "virtual peer support group" on "thriving as a neurodiverse female entrepreneur." Does "writing anti-vax garbage for a far-right religious cult's rag count as liberating feminist entrepreneurship? For $150/hour, you take a course titled: "Why is my smart kid failing? Understanding underachievement." Another $150/hour course is titled: "Performance Dynamics for Athletes," and one question is left to be asked:
How did years of profiting from anti-vaccine quackery certify Allison Krug as an “expert” to coach others across so many wildly different subjects: from entrepreneurship, to education, to athletics?
Perhaps it was the years of arrogance and lack of humility, with a total lack of scientific curiosity as Krug's bread was buttered by a far-right religious cult to write anti-vax propaganda, that detached her so far from reality that she saw fit to market herself as an expert "life coach” across all of life's diverse challenges.
It's clear that Allison Krug is not a serious person, and if you're in need of professional help, you're far better off than wasting your money with Artemis Professional Coaching and rewarding a woman trying to hide from her years of anti-vaccine quackery that failed to materialize a stable career and income.