Previously on the Pandemic Accountability Index, we addressed a recent medical student who decided to catapult into stardom by misrepresenting his association with the medical community, writing in Newsweek and declaring on Tucker Carlson that all of the actually practicing doctors and nurses were all wrong:
RAPID RESPONSE: Kevin Bass in Newsweek
Bass would only grow worse over time, leading to a compilation of his worst declarations, based not in science, but his own delusions of superior intellect:
Kevin Bass’ development of a Social/Online Subscription & Ad Dollar (SO-SAD) Conflict of Interest would quickly go to his head and end his dreams of working as a medical doctor in any hospital. On the 17th of June, 2023, Texas Tech University student Kevin Bass (kevinnbass via Twitter) would tweet out:
"Yeah I love the nurses and love to compliment them. I think I might be in some small trouble for flirting this coming week. I had no idea I had to watch every single word that comes out of my mouth. I also have not gotten this much flirty female attention in my life, not even just from nurses either. Is it the stress? Either way I'm kind of floored by everything."
On the 19th of August, 2023 Kevin would tweet again:
"Persuaded by friends no more dating in med school, maybe residency too. Concluded half of women are moles baiting just to report me, other half are feds. Might be an extraterrestrial or two in the mix as well given how my life's going. Good night."
Well, this probably wasn't the smartest message to publicly broadcast as a student, after wasting the past year trying to become the next anti-vax F-list celebrity, and wasting months spitting in the face of doctors, nurses, scientists, and experienced professionals with real-world responsibilities.
Especially if there was a certain "Accountability" outlet dedicated to taking on this growing anti-vax movement, hot on your heels, and previously contacted Texas Tech facility and administration regarding your many other atrocious public statements.
Because, on January 5th, 2024, Kevin Bass would tweet:
"I have been dismissed from medical school. I have submitted a 20,000-word appear addressing just the procedural problems in the final hearing alone. My appeal was a formality. I do not believe that anything that I wrote in it, no matter how compelling or accurate, will make any difference. Thus, I do not expect a favorable decision. I will provide a full account in the coming months."
Which is odd, because the PAI already e-mailed a full account of Kevin Bass' own professional misconduct to the admin and faculty. That's a real waste of 20,000 words, Kevin! Kevin Bass' previous misconduct in the public eye already ensured that he would never "match" and work in a hospital as a medical doctor. The credentials were to solely forward Bass' dream career as an anti-vax grifter & foot soldier in a libertarian crusade against public health as a concept, and now Kevin Bass will never be a Medical Doctor after disgracing Texas Tech University. The boy wonder destroyed his own dream for little more than pennies and a phone call.
One of the downstream effects of any pandemic is a rise in snake-oil salesmen, unscientific quacks, and wealthy interests fighting any sort of public health authority or mandates to protect their financial interests. Kevin Bass was just another one of these wannabe celebrities who thought he had an opportunity by misrepresenting himself as a "Medical Researcher" in Newsweek and on Tucker Carlson, making a complete ass of himself - while failing to disclose that he was a mere student at Texas Tech University - students are not a member of a professional community.
Kevin didn't even last a full year in the spotlight before getting thrown out on his ass by the administration of Texas Tech University - and now will do little more than spam Twitter with low-effort engagement bait to try and rake in ad revenue from Twitter, a dying webzone that does not have long for this world - there's two takeaways here for med students, and the administration of medical schools.
What Medical Students Can Learn from Kevin Bass
If you are looking to "aggro" the entirety of medical doctors and nurses for personal profit by not only misrepresenting yourself, making personal attacks against healthcare workers and scientific researchers around the world, and attempting to become an anti-vax "influencer," then you need to - well, not do this, for starters. More importantly, you need to be running a tight ship. You will inevitably piss enough people off, even outside the medical community, who will be on your ass like glue -waiting for the perfect opportunity to wreck your shit. You had better have a Plan B when you inevitably wash out, render yourself unmatchable, and if you get literally expelled - your ass is grass forever. Good luck with those student loans!
On a Twitter space, Kevin Bass bragged about getting to have a personal phone call with “health economist” Jay Bhattacharaya of the Great Barrington Declaration, owned by right-wing billionaires Charles Koch and neo-Confederate Jeffrey Tucker. That and a few hundred bucks in Twitter ad revenue is all that Kevin Bass has ever gotten out of his dedication to their crusade against public health - and has sacrificed his professional career in the process only to become another viral sycophant to be used up, drained dry, and disposed of when he no longer serves a purpose to forward their sadistic, unscientific, and indefensible worldview.
A total waste of many years of Kevin Bass' adult life, all for little more than a handful of pocket change and a pat on the back - imagine how he’ll try to explain this to his two young children, to boot. Let this be a warning to medical students who are flirting with the idea of becoming an anti-vax influencer: you are not nearly as special as your social media friends think you are.
What Medical Schools Can Learn from Kevin Bass

Over how many months, given how many opportunities, did Texas Tech Administration let their student Kevin Bass publicly sabotage their reputation, and double down on sabotaging the hard work of doctors, nurses, and medical scientists, by peddling absolute nonsense on social media for personal profit?
The outcome should be obvious: that after enough opportunities to get away with recklessly betraying the entirety of medical ethics and pushing an anti-vax narrative, Kevin Bass' absurdity would cross over into other forms of professional misconduct - publicly admitting to the sexual harassment of hardworking nurses just trying to do their jobs and save lives - and then writing the most obscenely misogynistic, incel-tier rant about how all of the women around him are either "moles," "feds," or "aliens." It's a shame that Texas Tech University had to wait this long to put finally put a stop to an established pattern of bad behavior, tarnishing their reputation in the process.
Part of the political crusade against public health is recruiting a new generation of “influencers” to broadcast unscientific, anti-vax garbage, many from medical schools. As faculty and administrators, part of your responsibilities is snuffing out this anti-intellectual contagion before it can take root.
Celebrating Another Victory for the PAI
One of the most shared articles of the Pandemic Accountability Index is from another dedicated Twitter anti-vax troll, former hydroponics scientist Simon Goddek. As many Twitter users are unfamiliar with Simon when he’s boosted onto their feeds, a quick google search turns up just how unserious and hateful Simon truly is, and how Simon will never work in a professional or scientific setting ever again.
Kevin Bass, who will now never hold a medical degree or work in a hospital, (thank the heavens) has joined Simon in this fate of self-inflicted unemployability, tweeting out provocative, unscientific garbage in the hopes of getting a few pennies’ worth of ad revenue from a dying social media platform that has plummeted in value since its new leadership has opened the floodgates for hate speech, anti-vax garbage, and other garbage.
This is the Pandemic Accountability Index in action. Supported by you, readers from around the world, your subscriptions and donations make this critical work of driving out hate and anti-vax garbage from professional circles and academic institutions possible. Only by coming together and making this sadistic behavior unacceptable by making an example out of these bad actors, will we turn back the tide against this billionaire-backed crusade against vaccines and public health.