There’s a new piece in Newsweek by Kevin Bass, a medical student & Substack grifter, titled “It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives,” in which Bass does not argue that we didn’t do nearly enough to prevent countless deaths & disabilities that have emerged as a result of the pandemic - but instead argues that we should have simply done nothing at all. Bass lists off many names, such as John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya, Vinay Prasad, and Monica Ghandi - all of which have been frequently wrong about the pandemic and have frequently advocated for a do-nothing pandemic approach.
Who else advocated for this? Unironic fascists such as podcaster Jack Murphy, in the winter of 2021 - long after Pandemic Pundits™ such as Vinay Prasad and Monica Ghandi declared the pandemic to be “over,” as it went on to kill and disable countless people. Weird how these countless declarations end up constantly being wrong.
Bass argues that we should have allowed COVID to rip through schools in early 2020, long before a vaccine was developed, which would have done one thing, and one thing only - exponentially multiply the numbers of dead and disabled, the hospitalizations of countless adults and children, and grind the nation’s social fabric into dust. We have already recorded over 2,000 child deaths from COVID, and hundreds of thousands of children suffering from Long COVID disability and chronic illness - Kevin Bass is insisting the leading disease killer of children should end even more lives. This goes against the mission of every serious medical professional.
In fact, Bass even goes to bat for former President Donald Trump, getting on his knees and slobbing the knob of this disgusting freak who was an absolute failure of a President, even before the pandemic began. A pro-Trump medical student is easily not an authority on COVID, and is unfit to publicly comment on any political or medical issue. Newsweek should be ashamed of having published this.
What Kevin Bass doesn’t want you to know, is that Twitter used to exist before the year of 2020. Shocker, I know. Bass also had a Twitter account at that time! Gee whiz, it sure would be awkward, if somebody bothered to dig through those pre-2020 tweets. In fact, Bass went out of his way to scrub these tweets from his feed before rebranding as a “Centrist” - but we happened to recover some of them!
Oh. Kevin Bass is literally a fascist prick pushing naked eugenics. Ask any layman off the street in America, would they take medical advice from a fascist pig? No? Then it’s clear that Kevin Bass is unfit to serve as a medical professional in any fashion, and must be expelled from their university with extreme prejudice. Newsweek must retract this Opinion piece and issue a formal apology for platforming a fascist. Any medical professional or writer who boosted this article must issue a formal apology, and wonder just why their views align with someone who is unironically a fascist.
Liz Highleyman, a “Medical journalist” for POZ Magazine and the Bay Area Reporter, which focus on HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ issues, respectively, shared this article with a positive response. Would the readers of these publications, many of which have frequently been the target of abuse from unironic fascists, be happy to know that Liz signal boosts articles from unironic fascists? That this journalist doesn’t even bother to do her homework before being a useful jackass for a rising American fascist movement? That seems like something a journalist is trained to do before writing.
Who else has positively shared this article? Just to name a few:
John Mandrola, MD.
Cardiologist Anish Koka, MD.
Michael P Senger of the Koch-funded “Brownstone Institute” - odd, ‘cause I feel like I make a brown stone in the institute of my toilet at least once a day.
What an incredibly wide net this article casts along ideological lines - but herein lies the problem. At a table of 13 people, if one of them is a literal fascist, then you have little more than a baker’s dozen worth of fascists. All of them have damned themselves by boosting this naked eugenicist fascist, and the publication of Newsweek thankfully ended their print edition, because this rag isn’t even worthy of wiping your ass with.
A very long time ago, there once was a little-known television show that frequently explored philosophical ideals, titled Star Trek: The Next Generation. In it, Captain Picard explains to his colleague Lieutenant Worf the importance of the vocal rejection of fascist ideals, no matter when and where they emerge. Watch:
“Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who cloak themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged…but she, or someone like her, will always be with us. Waiting for the right climate in which to flourish…vigilance, Mr. Worf. That is the price we have to continually pay.”
There’s an old wives’ tale to consider: Some time ago, the aging fascist skinheads of decades past are realizing that they’re dying out, pushed to the fringes of society. As it turns out, the general public is often not a fan of such a deranged and sadistic ideology. The elder members gather up the young in a meeting and tell them this - drop the jackboots and red shoelaces, the swastikas, the visual markers that identify you from a mile away. Clean yourselves up and go become cops, doctors, essential members of society, and quietly push our ideals onto the public. Let the people think they came to these conclusions on their own, even.
This is who Kevin Bass is - an open fascist, rebranded as a polite “Centrist,” pushing his eugenicist ideals onto society from the guise of a humble medical student. Anyone who platforms, or shares his work, damns themselves with this action, and betrays their fellow American in doing so. Fascism emerged in the aftermath of the 1918 pandemic in Germany, and millions of lives were ended as a result, burning scars into the world which will never fade away. And yet, as the last remaining survivors of the Second World War pass away, we are on the verge of repeating all of these same horrors - ensuring a grimdark future that will make COVID look like a pleasant afternoon stroll in the park.
Vigilance is the price we have to continually pay. Never again.
What can you do about this? Here are a few suggestions:
Contact and inform them that they have published an unironic fascist piece of trash. You can also reach them via Twitter - the editor Batya Ungar-Sargon can also be reached via Twitter as well.
You can contact Vinay Prasad’s employer, UCSF, and inform them that Vinay has been positively boosting the writing and ideals of a naked fascist.
You can inform Liz Highleyman on Twitter that she’s positively boosted the writing of an outright fascist. You could also get in touch with POZ Magazine and the Bay Area Reporter, that one of their writers is boosting unironic fascist drivel - something that LGBTQ readers are typically not fans of.