Public health is already over w Biden sealing the deal. There's lots of death and illness now and it will be worse but it's hard to care when Public Health is already so compromised. Now the public might know what it feels like to be victim of target practice decades and the public does little to nothjng meaningful. America is a death trap. Now will they know how it feels ...probably they won't care. Hopeless country.
RFK is there to make the others look good and create the illusion that they will check his worst instincts. In reality, the fact that they appear credible makes them even more dangerous.
This truly is a frightening moment for America!
Public health is already over w Biden sealing the deal. There's lots of death and illness now and it will be worse but it's hard to care when Public Health is already so compromised. Now the public might know what it feels like to be victim of target practice decades and the public does little to nothjng meaningful. America is a death trap. Now will they know how it feels ...probably they won't care. Hopeless country.