The Grand Balderdash Denouncement
American Medicine Must Be Bold & Condemn Trump's Picks for Public Health
In just over a week, a new Trump Administration will take office with a serious focus on compromising and/or outright destroying federal public health institutions under the leadership of notorious scam artist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr and his handpicked lackeys. It has become clear that the American people do not fully comprehend the scale of this looming crisis and how the risk to every American's health is at stake - especially our children - and the silence of our leading medical institutions is staggering. It should be considered completely unacceptable that someone as much of a crackpot like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - who already has the blood of dozens of children on his hands (Protect Our Care) - could possibly be appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services, yet there is a very serious chance that Congress rewards decades of scams and lies with an appointment to one of the most crucial roles in the federal government, backed up by a nefarious roster of liars and frauds.
Yet we hear little from the American Medical Association, or the countless doctors in America who all very well know that Trump's crusade against public health is completely untenable, unacceptable, and unsustainable. Only 15,000 out of America's 1,044,734 licensed doctors bothered to sign a letter condemning RFK Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services. (Committee to Protect Healthcare) What we do hear instead a lot of is utter garbage that suggests we could "work with" RFK Jr. and his "Make America Healthy Again" scams. (Immunologic) This includes compromising the National Institute of Health with Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya, a health economist who made a name for himself by being arrogantly wrong about SARS-CoV-2 from the very beginning - including claiming that 133 was a smaller number than 9 (Youtube) when comparing pediatric COVID-19 and flu deaths in November 2020 - this is a Stanford “health economist” looking to head one of the world’s leading medical research institutions whilst struggling with basic arithmetic!
Now we are seeing massive surges in disability, (Insurance Newsnet) including cognitive & neurological impairment, caused the same virus which Bhattacharya personally profited from championing. Instead of condemning this dishonest narcissist, liberal pundits are now insisting that Jay is instead "qualified" (PAI) for the task of conducting mass layoffs and ending NIH funding for infectious disease research, one of RFK Jr's primary goals, as well as wasting taxpayer money producing elaborate fictions about how Jay Bhattacharya would have ended the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 if he were in charge, by mass infecting hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans.
Those of us grounded in scientific reality already know that this will not end well. Americans will die and be disabled needlessly. If another COVID-19 style pandemic event kicks off under a second Trump Administration, these frauds will get very many Americans killed very quickly and make Spring 2020 look like a family picnic. Yet our medical and scientific institutions have been largely passive, or in the case of Stanford Medicine, outright cheering in support (Twitter) for the laundry list of potential disasters caused from banning vaccines, lifting health & safety regulations over our food supply, or the future disease outbreaks which are a side-effect of climate change. The Brown University Dean of Public Health, Ashish Jha, should not be singing the praises of men like Jay Bhattacharya and Marty Makary, (PAI) who plastered their faces across news media and misled many Americans into embracing a virus that killed and disabled them. Yet, that's the new standard for public health.
Time is short, but doctors, nurses, and medical scientists - real ones, not the sort of frauds you find thoughtlessly ragebaiting on Substack or Youtube, desperate to suck up to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - have a moral and scientific imperative to speak up and condemn the appointments of RFK Jr. and his assorted henchmen to major federal public health institutions in order to carry out a scorched Earth agenda that will leave America far weaker and on the world stage, utterly irrelevant, too plagued by diseases and needless death & disability to compete. China and BRICS will dominate the rest of the century, whilst America sinks into pestilence and irrelevance. We all have a duty to speak up & condemn this sham in its entirety - it should be utterly impossible for Trump & RFK Jr's agenda to compromise America's health with utter quackery.
If state and city public health departments are forced to tell their constituents that the federal government has become a rogue entity dedicated to sabotaging their health for private profit, then so be it. Hospitals, medical universities, and public health departments - and the doctors, nurses, academics, and scientists which make up these institutions - need to be bold and come together in one unified voice to tell the general public the truth, an undeniable fact that no amount of passive-voice or both-siding can cover for: What Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his gaggle of morally depraved yes-men are planning to subject American families to, will unleash a wave of pestilence that totally cripples our society and our economy's ability to function.
If you're a doctor, nurse, or scientist that understands the grave threat the larger anti-vaccine movement poses to the health of America and its children, and the sheer amount of death and disability that cranks like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Jay Bhattacharya are responsible for, then you have a moral obligation to sign below & share the Grand Balderdash Denouncement. Contact your Congressional representatives and demand that they condemn Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Marty Makary, Jay Bhattacharya, Mehmet Oz, and the rest of the anti-vaccine crusade's attempt to hijack America's health through exploitative dishonesty.
Thank you,
The Pandemic Accountability Index
Please consider subscribing to the Pandemic Accountability Index to stay informed about COVID-19 and other pandemic threats as we enter this dark new chapter of public health, in which diseases, not children, are protected by the federal government.
RFK is there to make the others look good and create the illusion that they will check his worst instincts. In reality, the fact that they appear credible makes them even more dangerous.
This truly is a frightening moment for America!