One of the unspoken side-effects of pandemic mismanagement is institutional rot. As wealthy interests lobby the government to abandon public health measures and offload the burden of the COVID-19 disaster onto the shoulders of working Americans, the door is opened for charlatans & the morally depraved to come and make an easy penny producing unscientific justifications for such irresponsible policy decisions. Once reputable academic institutions for intellectual inquiry and scientific discovery will inevitably find themselves in decline if they choose to permit nonsensical delusions, such as anti-vaccine sentiments, to take root.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, wealthy interests have exploited contrarian academics, hiding behind institutional credentials, to lobby against necessary public health measures required to save lives and preserve the social fabric. Left unchecked, the reputations of medical universities such as Stanford, and the University of California of San Francisco, have watched their reputations tank in the larger medical community as some of their staff became outspoken crusaders against public health; lining their pockets with appearance fees, book deals, and social media revenue, whilst the university's reputation is dragged through the dirt amongst colleagues and the science-minded public.
These laptop-class academics presented nonsensical, unrealistic, unethical, and frankly sadistic "solutions" to the COVID-19 pandemic that were rightfully shredded and torn apart by their contemporary colleagues - “solutions” such as the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued that the mass infection of hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans in rapid fashion would somehow induce “herd immunity” to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and not bring about a total societal collapse with overwhelmed hospitals, schools drowning in pestilence, and mass graves. The Great Barrington Declaration was always a completely unfeasible fantasy, that would have had to be enforced at gunpoint.
It is now 2024 in a "post-pandemic" fantasy of epidemic waves, as unmitigated COVID-19 continues to damage organs, disable countless Americans, and continue to kill Americans at a steady clip. The President of Stanford University, Jonathan Levin, has elected to give opening remarks at a conference titled: "Pandemic Policy: Planning the Future, Accessing the Past" on October 4th. The organizers (mostly Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford) claim to be "bringing together esteemed academics, public health practitioners, journalists, and government officials from ‘all sides’ of the COVID-19 policy debate" - which all sounds well and good, right? A fair and honest "debate" from "all sides" claiming to "learn the lessons of the COVID-19 era?" Who could possibly object?
When one actually reads the schedule and list of speakers, it’s instantly obvious that what we have here is Stanford hosting precisely one “side” of this "debate;" a debate that this side soundly lost amongst their professional colleagues - and instead of admitting failure, chose to take their contrarianism to social media, as well as lobbying conservative politicians to embrace a deadly and disabling virus that these laptop class academics never treated in a hospital, nor bothered to fully understand.
These viral sycophants have been proven dead wrong at every turn across the past four years and are now desperately attempting to re-write history to cover for the needless, preventable death and disability that they fought so hard for, in what is essentially Comic-Con for pestilence. What follows is a rundown of this “conference” and a highlight of the worst of the worst of those who got everything wrong, completely disgraced themselves amongst their peers in service of a virus, and now attempting to falsely portray themselves as enlightened public health gurus. All of this is being enabled by Stanford University, a once prestigious institution.
Session 01: Evidence-Based Decision Making During a Pandemic
Readers of the PAI will be familiar with the sham that is "Evidence-Based Medicine." What should raise your eyebrow is that none of these pandemic pundits who misrepresented themselves as experts on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, fail to understand basic mathematics. You see, before the number "2" is an integer called "1," and the name "SARS-CoV-2" implies the existence of a "SARS-CoV-1" virus. None of these pseudointellectual blowhards ever bothered to consult the medical literature around the original SARS virus when making their bold proclamations, or bothering to read anything that was coming out of China and precisely why they were employing such strict measures. This is not a panel about "Evidence-Based Decision Making," because the people on the panel refused to ever consult the evidence.
Now, is the priority of this panel to debate how best to prevent the death and disability caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus? No. "…lockdowns, extended school closures, social distancing, mask mandates, vaccine mandates - were unprecedented in their scope and global impact." This is a lie. There is precedence for many of these things in previous pandemics, including mask mandates and even vaccine mandates, which were defended by the Supreme Court in 1905. Long before COVID-Con can even begin, we're already dealing with outright dishonesty. Which is to be expected, considering the roster of speakers and their extensive history of spilling lie after lie.
Monica Gandhi, Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Monica been previously profiled on the Pandemic Accountability Index in an extensive review, and whilst she has enjoyed making quite a few media appearances on cable news, collecting speaking fees for academic panels, as well as publishing a borderline unreadable book titled Endemic: a highly technical and specific term that does not apply to the present state of the COVID-19 pandemic nor what Monica's preferred approach of nakedly embracing unlimited COVID-19 infections represents, Monica has never accepted responsibility for the many times she has been objectively incorrect about the COVID-19 pandemic, either - it’s too profitable to double down.
Monica Gandhi also mocked people for taking the pandemic seriously as early as the fall of 2020, well before a vaccine was widely available and a massive amount of death was occurring. Monica doesn't believe in "Evidence-Based Decision Making," she imagines pandemic policies solely centered around her personal comfort & luxury as a comfortable academic in one of the most expensive cities in America.
Marty Makary, Chief of Islet Transplant Surgery, John Hopkins
Marty has made a lot of money writing opinion editorials in mainstream outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, and also incorrectly predicted the end of the pandemic on cable news. In February 2021, he proclaimed that "We'll Have Herd Immunity by April." This obviously didn’t come to pass. In July 2021, he claimed that COVID-19 would kill zero American children - now in 2024, COVID-19 has killed thousands of American children, disabling many more with Long COVID.
On March 2nd, 2024, Marty cried about the mask mandate at his hospital, whining that "seeing smiles" was more important than protecting patients from COVID-19, which according to an Australian study, has a 10% nosocomial (hospital-acquired infection) fatality rate. He believes we should have been mass infecting unvaccinated children, their families, and educators as early as Spring 2020 - and has fearmongered about the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine before Congress. Marty openly refuses any evidence that refutes his opinions, clearly indicating that he is incapable of "Evidence-Based Decision Making."
Anders Tegnell, Former Swedish State Epidemiologist
Tegnell is another quack that we have profiled on the Pandemic Accountability Index. Remember how none of these pandemic pundits ever bothered to consult the research on the original SARS-CoV-1 virus? Tegnell threw all of that literature out in early 2020 to instead consult with a far-right Youtube creep called "Fat Emperor." Taking Swedish tax dollars to abandon science, and consult with thoughtless ragebaiting social media blowhards is not, and never will be, "Evidence-Based Decision Making."
So, in closing, this "Pandemic Policy" convention opening with a panel on "Evidence-Based Decision Making," which features three panelists that are all physically incapable of producing evidence to support their preferred pandemic policy choice: Drowning unvaccinated children, their families, and teachers in whatever brand new pathogen arrives on our shores in the future. If you wanted to become a more uninformed thinker, this is certainly an excellent way to start your day!
Session 02: Pandemic Policy from a Global Perspective
"...pandemic policy decisions made by Western governments had profound impacts on the health and economic prospects of people worldwide...How can the interests of the world's poor be better represented in the decisions of Western government during the next pandemic?" (Stanford's typo, not ours.)
Now, one might reasonably assume this is a panel about America and Europe providing better access to vaccines and PPE to impoverished nations around the globe in time for the next pandemic. A study from Africa shows that half of COVID-19 patients on the continent, who struggled to recieve the COVID-19 vaccine in time, developed Long COVID disability. Of course, looking at these registered panelists, you would be dead wrong for assuming base credibility.
The shared perspective of these panelists is that protecting your children from COVID-19 here in America, is not only destroying their lives, but also destroying the lives of starving children in Africa - a belligerently dishonest and nonsensical argument that makes a mockery of progressive ideals.
Kevin Bardosh, Applied Medical Anthropoligist, University of Washington
Bardosh is a Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) lover who has written for the right-wing conspiracy theory rag "Unherd," and whined in October 2023 that "scientists who supported the [GBD] is now subject to different standards of questioning & evidence in the [United Kingdom Covid] inquiry." He's also a part of Collateral Global, a dark money funded propaganda outlet used to launder GBD-adjacent ideals - and in March 2024, denied the existence of Long COVID, a condition that is estimated to have disabled 400 million people worldwide, according to the New York Times.
Bardosh also believes that preventing COVID-19 infections via public health mandates is tantamount to a violation of civil liberties - it's your God-given freedom to spread a deadly & disabling virus amongst your community, damnit! - and in May 2024, mocked a Systematic Review (the highest tier of evidence according to Evidence Based Medicine, mind you) of masks & respirators in reducing transmission of airborne viruses by female academic Trisha Greenhalgh, as "cherry picking & data washing," without even bothering to read it. This rank misogyny, common to STEM academia, is highly unprofessional and has no place at Stanford, or any academic institution. Bardosh’s immature antics are yet another prime example of the institutional rot that pandemic mismanagement enables.
Kevin Bardosh, like the rest of the speakers at this pestilence convention, deny the objective reality of the many well-documented harms caused by the SARS-CoV-2 itself, as well as the engineering science that can prevent COVID-19 infections, and instead demands that everyone conforms to his absurdist fantasy that viruses are harmless, while public health is a scourge upon society that must be abolished forever. If the University of Washington wants to continue to employ Bardosh, then the only place left for him is the Creative Writing department, as Kevin is clearly incapable of accepting objective, scientific reality when it contradicts his personal opinions.
Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, Oxford University
Sunetra is one of the original authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and is yet another laptop class academic who has never bothered to consult any of the medical research around the potential of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to cause serious harm. She, like co-authors Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, wildly underestimated the virus, and has refused to admit her many failures. In July 2020, she proclaimed that we had already reached "Herd Immunity," only for countless people to die or be disabled by COVID-19 later that year. She believes we should have been rapidly infecting unvaccinated children, their families, and their teachers as early as Spring 2020, and in January 2022, wanted those infected with COVID-19 to spread the virus around their communities. She's also a fan of Kevin Bass, the former med student who was expelled from Texas Tech University for sexual misconduct.
Absolutely none of the Great Barrington Declaration authors or their screeds have been vindicated in the past four years. Their sole proposal, tossing the entirety of public health scholarship out the window, is drowning unvaccinated children in brand new deadly & disabling pathogens as rapidly as possible. These sycophants for pestilence so fanatically unable to accept the foolishness of such an approach, that it has rendered them and their followers scientifically illiterate over the past four years as they incestuously consult with one another, constantly lashing out with nothing but pitiful insults at their critics. The fact that the President of Stanford is attaching his name to this pitiful Live Action Role-Play Session of pretend "science," much less allowing this pitiful display of arrogant incompetence to continue, is a stain upon the legacy and credibility of Stanford University as an academic institution.
Vinay Prasad, Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Readers of the PAI and followers of our Twitter account are well aware that UCSF’s Vinay Prasad is a bizarre mix of craven dishonesty and outright incompetency, trapped in a cognitive bias feedback loop fed by social media revenue across Twitter, Substack, and Youtube. You can read an extensive 17k+ word profile detailing his descent from rising star in the medical world to rabid anti-vax quack here.
Vinay Prasad is in complete agreement with fellow pediatric illness advocate Kevin Bardosh on every issue around COVID-19, and the importance to drown unvaccinated children in pathogens. Prasad constantly lashes out and slings insults, attacking every institution or actual science with real-world responsibilities beyond ranting or raving on social media to a captive fanbase of rabid anti-vaxxers. On top of this, Prasad is also an abusive misogynist, inciting his followers to harass women in STEM and journalism for the crime of COVID-19 seriously.
Vinay has called award-winning female journalist Laurie Garrett "crazy," and wrote off Trisha Greenberg's systemic review of PPE as "Garbage in, garbage out" without even bothering to read it, as a self-proclaimed champion of "Evidence Based Medicine." It's also worth noting that Vinay Prasad has blocked an overwhelming number of doctors and scientists on Twitter, in order to shield his anti-vaccine fanbase from contradictory evidence that illustrates his scientific illiteracy. This is the sort of pseudoscientific cowardice that UCSF permits, and Stanford University seeks to endorse at their very own Pestilence Con.
If President Jonathan Levin wants to establish a "safe space" for abusive men in STEM to indulge one another's chronically incorrect rants and raves, then he should consider using his basement to host a poker night, instead of abusing the legacy and reputation of Stanford University. This second panel is obviously not "Pandemic Policy from a Global Perspective," it's about entertaining three chronically incorrect frauds who all agree with each other on one central point: that children should not be protected from deadly and disabling viruses - and justify said delusion by denying the mountains of evidence that SARS-CoV-2 actively harms children and their developing bodies, rendering many once-healthy children disabled. This is the anti-thesis of the mission of medical science and should be condemned by Stanford Medicine in full.
Session 03: Misinformation, Censorship, and Academic Freedom
It's widely understood by public health experts and serious professionals in the realm of medical science that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in many ways, notably being the first global pandemic in which high-speed internet and social media has connected the world in ways previously thought impossible. While anti-vaxxers have existed amongst us dating back hundreds of years, they've taken their quackery to new heights in this age of the (Dis)Information Superhighway. A significant body of research shows that social media enabled anti-vax propaganda to fool Americans into refusing PPE or vaccines that would protect them from the worst effects of COVID-19, including in many cases, death. Now, one might reasonably assume that such a panel could host a debate on how to protect lives and inform the public on how to best protect themselves from a deadly and disabling virus that, according to the Economist, has already killed around 30 million people worldwide.
This is not that panel, and a cursory glance at the speakers’ history will tell you this.
Scott Atlas, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Scott is the first COVID Czar, serving under the Trump Administration; a position he earned by being a loyalist to the SARS-CoV-2 virus across social media and cable news. Atlas is also a fellow of the conservative think-tank known as the Hoover Institution, further establishing his detachment from objective reality. He claimed COVID-19 "would cause about 10,000 deaths" in March 2020, which was immediately proven false by the real-world example of New York City alone.
In June 2020, Atlas went on Tucker Carlson and made an extended diatribe, informed by his own delusional fantasies, that we actually wanted 99% of Americans infected with COVID-19, long before a vaccine would be readily available, "because that's exactly how we're going to get herd immunity, population immunity," which is grimly ironic to the child who has suffered from four or five bouts with COVID-19, or the millions of American children who have been disabled by their "mild" COVID-19 infection. Four years later, has Scott Atlas ever admitted his grave missteps, misleading millions of Americans into wildly underestimating COVID-19?
The message that Stanford University is sending to their students is that they should never admit fault, even when objective, tangible, scientific reality indisputably proves them undeniably incorrect.
Scott's blaming of necessary public health measures whilst hospitals in New York were nearing a state of collapse, with doctors who were actually treating COVID-19 patients being driven to suicide, for the deaths of millions - and declaring that he has no respect for the overwhelming majority of colleagues in the medical world who refuse to indulge his ahistorical fantasies of being a lone voice standing up against the tyranny of public health - is a prime example of Napoleon complex, emboldened by social media sycophants who will never be brave enough to critically examine just how wrong you've been, over and over, for many years now.
The standard that President Jonathan Levin is setting, is that Stanford University students should be allowed to graduate with solid Fs across their transcript, as long as they declare that they were never wrong and don't respect their teachers.
Jenin "LeftyLockdowns" Younes, Litigation Council, New Civil Liberties Alliance
Jenin is a Federalist Society hack, owned by oil billionaire Charles Koch. She made a name for herself starting in 2020 by being a vocal proponent of abandoning all public health mitigations and drowning unvaccinated children, their families, and public schoolteachers in COVID-19, in the hopes of furthering the goal of abolishing public education and forwarding an extremist Christian conservative for-profit agenda. She wanted SARS-CoV-2 to kill as many unionized public schoolteachers as possible. In August 2023, she cried about N95 respirators being required in nursing homes to keep the elderly safe from COVID-19.
Jenin Younes also bragged she was "proudly ignoring COVID-19 since March 2020," which is an objective lie, as she has exploited the crisis to make a name for herself in anti-vaccine circles. What she actually meant is that she was “proudly ignoring” the death and disability caused by COVID-19 amongst her fellow Americans.
How does Stanford see fit to invite someone who bragged about "proudly ignoring" the COVID-19 pandemic, after it has already killed and disabled millions of Americans, to speak at a conference literally titled "Pandemic Policy?" Is Stanford University a "safe space" for serial liars now? In April 2023, Jenin proudly proclaimed "the idea that 'public health' should be making policy needs to be obliterated."
Will the students and faculty of Stanford Medicine be brave enough to condemn this conference for inviting a speaker that is lobbying for a return of cholera, smallpox, polio, and other diseases that public health has crusaded so hard against, saving countless lives, including many children? Or has Stanford University now become an adult daycare for social media cranks who are completely unable to handle any sort of real-world responsibilities?
Session 04: COVID-19 Origins and the Regulation of Virology
"The stakes in the debate about the origin of the pandemic could not be higher...what is the evidence of these topics, and what is the path forward?"
There's not a lot to say about this panel specifically; Laura Kahn as a speaker is a lot more grounded in reality than the rest of the announced roster making up this conference. What is worth talking about, however, is that the overwhelming majority of the speakers at this conference are in agreement that the original SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered out of a Gain-of-Function laboratory in Wuhan, China. Knowing absolutely nothing about this virus and its potential long-term effects, something well-documented in a 2010 paper about the original SARS-CoV-1 virus, this entire roster of social media cranks believe that America should have rushed to infect tens of millions of unvaccinated children in the spring of 2020 with a deadly and disabling virus…that was designed in a foreign laboratory.
The absurdity of such a position cannot be understated - if one was a mustache twirling evil scientist designing viruses in a lab to cripple the global economy and usher in an age of barbarism, one would not foolishly design a virus that kills too quickly, that people would rush to shield themselves from, lest they wish to join the mass graves - something New York City experienced in 2020 regardless. No, you would design a virus that kills slowly, that lingers and persists in the body, that causes brain, heart, and other organ damage, that disables millions at a time with every epidemic wave. A virus that continues to disrupt the body's natural functions even after acute symptoms pass.
If SARS-CoV-2 was designed in a lab, then that's all the more reason to take every measure to mitigate transmission and prevent COVID-19 infections. This panel is sadly nothing more than an exercise in fiction-based absurdity.
Closing Remarks: John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine and of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford
Gee, where to start with Ioannidis. On STAT News, he proclaimed COVID-19 would only result in 10,000 deaths in March 2020. In April, after over 20,000 deaths, he pivoted to claiming that COVID-19 would only cause 40,000 deaths. This toxic optimism spread like wildfire amongst conservative circles, from Fox News to the Trump Administration. Even though he was continually dead wrong, Ioannidis was more than happy to jump in front of the cable news camera and spread toxic positivity rooted in fiction, desperate to become a household name. In professional wrestling, we would call this a "gimmick," a character that is very shallow and one-dimensional, hitting the same notes to their audience over and over. Desperate to maintain his onscreen persona that insisted COVID-19 was nothing to worry about, Ioannidis would commit incredibly fatal, basic flaws to justify his rosy-tinted outlook. Flaws that even a middle school arithmetic student could point out.
In July 2020, Ioannidis would angrily proclaim "I never said that I knew that the death toll was going to be '10,000 deaths in the US.'" In August 2020, he proclaimed the pandemic to be over, only for hundreds of thousands of deaths to follow. He immediately began blaming everyone else for his failures of wildly underestimating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its potential for harm, and engaging in conspiracy theories, claiming doctors who were actually treating COVID-19 patients were "just going crazy, and intubating people who did not have to be intubated.” Ioannidis has never apologized for these baseless accusations.
Ioannidis would also seed the fraudulent claim that recorded COVID deaths were of people that actually died of something else, in a desperate attempt to save face, and yet again blame others for his claims failing to stand up under scrutiny. This is yet another conspiracy theory that has become widespread in anti-vax circles; that COVID-19 was merely an innocent bystander as people died agonizing, painful deaths caused by a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Ioannidis would only double down on his contrarianism, even going so far to insist theoretical harms from the COVID-19 vaccine were worse than the actual deaths caused by COVID-19.
Now in 2024, Ioannidis is desperate to salvage his reputation and rewrite history, casting himself as the forsaken Galileo. Early this summer, Ioannidis published an opinion editorial, masquerading as a scientific research paper, condemning the Delphi consensus statement on COVID-19, an excellent paper featuring experts from across the scientific realm, titled "Panel stacking is a threat to consensus statement validity." Attached to this paper was a laundry list of laptop class academics who made a name for themselves on social media championing the benefits of unmitigated COVID-19 infections, crying about how “ZeroCOVID radicals” had undue influence in the media, and what a shame that Ioannidis was no longer the center of attention.
John's "control group" to prove his claim of "panel stacking" was the United Kingdom based "HART" group, of which absurdist quack Clare Craig is a co-chair of. In leaked WhatsApp chats from 2021, Clare would "suggest we say 'several sudden deaths of health children have been reported following the COVID-19 vaccinations,' and that "we need to see the thought that vaccines cause COVID." In other words, simply outright making up garbage to profit from fearmongering.
This is the capstone of Stanford's “Pandemic Policy” conference: an objective failure who, in the face of a global crisis, chose to pursue the limelight over being mature enough to admit their own faults, giving closing remarks at a conference amongst his fellow scientifically illiterate cranks, all of which have relied upon social media to keep themselves relevant. It’s a shame to have to watch these charlatans humiliate themselves in this extended campaign of pathetic grifting, instead of respectfully acknowledging the hard work and achievements of their colleagues in the academic, scientific, and medical fields: those with real-world responsibilities beyond screeching on social media, those that produce credible medical research which provides crucial insights into the many harms COVID-19 is capable of, and most importantly, those who have actually treated COVID-19 patients.
In Conclusion
It's almost impressive that Stanford University is hosting a conference that will leave its students knowing less than they did beforehand. This more than just a professional conference claiming to host "all sides of the COVID-19 policy debate." This is a Pestilence Con: a masturbatory circlejerk so perverse, you used to have to organize this sort of thing on Craigslist with strangers. What Stanford will refuse to acknowledge is how truly incestuous this entire sham of a "debate" truly is - these speakers all follow one another on social media, they all pose with one another in photos, and are happy to lash out at anyone who dares challenge their grift.
This entire roster of speakers all agree with one another that the "solution" to pandemics is to drown unvaccinated children in every new pathogen that arrives on our shores, and to simply turn a blind eye to the endless suffering and agony this sort of foolishness would cause - or worse, blame them on public health mandates. All of this needless hardship would be in service of preserving a fantasy of "normalcy." The dream of these "Pandemic Policy" speakers is forcing poor and working Americans to shoulder the burden of death and disability whilst wealthy and comfortable laptop class academics get to go on Fox News and pretend that nothing is wrong, while showering themselves in adoration from their anti-vaxx social media fanbase.
What’s most embarrassing of all, is that you will learn absolutely nothing new from this pathetic mutual masturbation session that you couldn’t have already gleaned from their respective social media accounts and television appearances. This is like watching a bad rock band, long past their prime, desperately playing their greatest hits hoping that nobody finally notices they’re air strumming to a backing track.
What you are witnessing is a concentrated effort to rewrite history, and negatively influence future public health policy, by enabling this fantasy of COVID-19 having been relatively harmless & benign since 2020, long before a vaccine was ever available. Stanford's selective exclusion of experts with real-world responsibility, and their endorsement of anti-vaccine social media quacks as credible, is a grave injustice to the students of Stanford University. If incompetence, arrogance, and denial are the new academic values of Stanford, then President Jonathan Levin should clarify as such. Otherwise, the entire Stanford campus from students, to faculty, to administration have a sworn obligation to condemn this sham of a “debate.”
This entire charade is part of a larger rebranding campaign for those who have been the most wrong about COVID-19. These utterly humiliated crackpots are desperate to erase their long record of undeniable, objective failure, and reframing themselves as enlightened scientific thinkers, oppressed by tyrannical public health thugs.
We simply cannot allow this to happen.
Unlike the above rogues’ gallery, the Pandemic Accountability Index is a grassroots funded initiative supported by readers like you - instead of relying upon oil billionaires & corrupt academic leadership to keep the lights on.
Archiving, sorting, and compiling all of this mental waste is an exhausting endeavor, and only with your financial support, whether that be upgrading to a paid Substack subscription, a one-time donation via Paypal, or via Ko-fi, can the Pandemic Accountability Index continue to grow and push back against this politically motivated siege against the historical record of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Thank you for your time, consideration, and continued support.