As 2023 comes to a close, let's double back quickly, just in case new readers of the Pandemic Accountability Index are unfamiliar:
➼ Back in October, we covered the new Neil Degrasse Tyson pro-vaccine documentary Shot in the Arm, which features Andrew Wakefield: pointman for the modern anti-vaccine movement starting in the 1990s over the MMR vaccine, who was impressively eviscerated by independent journalist Brian Deer. Unless my memory is mistaken, Brian Deer is not interviewed or credited in Shot in the Arm. However, we do get incredible footage of Andrew Wakefield's resurgence as an anti-COVID vaccine activist at a neo-Nazi rally alongside Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - the anti-Semitic Presidential candidate who argued that COVID-19 was a Chinese-Jewish conspiracy.
➼ Back in August, we covered the medical contrarian academics who would defend Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - like Vinay Prasad of the University of California San Francisco, who claimed that RFK would "destroy" anti-pharma SARS-CoV-2 vaccine developer Peter Hotez in a "debate" on the MMA meathead Joe Rogan podcast. Francois Balloux, of the University College of London, would also defend antisemite Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as "intelligent and well read" as well as "fundamentally honest," serving as the figurehead of "Children's Health Defense." (CHD)
CHD pays RFK, Jr. hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in salary as part of their mission to get countless children killed by vaccine-preventable diseases, which Shot in the Arm documents well and confronts RFK Jr. with, to the director's credit. Neither of these well-off academic men with large social media followings, Balloux and Prasad, would acknowledge that RFK Jr. would frequently promote disgraced ex-doctor and anti-vax grifter Andrew Wakefield.
What Shot in the Arm failed to address, however, was bother to mention the name of Andrew Wakefield's colleague and business partner, H. Hugh Fudenberg. Shot in the Arm, also fails to mention arguably the worst thing that Andrew Wakefield has ever done to children.
Late one night on YouTube, you might stumble upon a free feature length documentary titled Vaccines and Autism: A Measured Response by Youtuber "HBomberguy." You should watch it - it's a little over 90 minutes long and the production value is incredible. For the sake of time, we just need to touch on a couple quick factoids pulling from this excellent feature length documentary for this article.
To quickly paraphrase HBomberguy, Andrew Wakefield's claim to fame was that the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Ruebella) vaccine caused autism by infecting a child's guts, causing them to produce morphine, which turned children autistic. Wakefield would propose his own singular vaccine for Measles based on this terrible paper, that he wrote sourcing a man named: Hugh Fudenberg. Wakefield hoped to make millions by developing and selling this alternative, singular vaccine based off of a patent registration and an incredibly thin, pathetically unscientific "study."
The modern anti-vaccine movement screeches that pediatric vaccines are harmful and child abuse. However, they’ve refused to examine the records of the leading figures that have influenced their beliefs - and are in quite the embarrassing pickle. Let’s work our way up from the very bottom of the rabbit hole:
1. Hugh Fudenberg's Exploitation of Autistic Children
At 18:00 in Vaccines & Autism: A Measured Response, it’s revealed that Wakefield’s colleague, Hugh Fudenberg, is an unlicensed quack who sold a "cure" for autism that was...extracted from his own bone marrow. This oral “extract” would make Autistic children “become normal.”
This is who Andrew Wakefield considered a reliable scientific expert to launch the modern anti-vaccine movement! An absolute freakshow that personally profited from selling parents of disabled children a quack "cure" that would make their child "normal" extracted from... Fudenberg's own goddamned bone marrow! You don't need a medical or scientific degree to understand how utterly obscene that claim sounds!
2. Andrew Wakefield's Assault Of Children
Content Warning: Child Abuse - We're going to touch onto awful, awful child abuse, by a former doctor, against children…So if you aren’t comfortable about a quick summary of the intimate violent of children's bodies, we'll make it so you can quickly skip ahead. That said, here we go:
Andrew Wakefield intimately abused children to prove his delusional unscientific hypothesis, locking a bunch of children in a hospital for a week and did a rapidly intensive series of highly invasive procedures on them, including colonoscopies, which involves ramming a camera up your butthole and through your guts. For young children, this is incredibly dangerous as the tube can puncture their intestines, risking serious infections and possibly death. Children were violated, and seriously harmed, to justify Wakefield's anti-vax scam "science," resulting in little more but the loss of Andrew Wakefield's medical license.
In an interview with the Encephalitis Society, a brain inflammation non-profit, Brian Deer describes the abuse of these children by Andrew Wakefield as such:
“No hospital ethics committee would have approved what [they] did…in my view, these children were assaulted, and that those people involved should have faced arrest for what they did…they would undergo lumbar puncture, colonoscopies…MRI, CT scans, EEGs, blood tests, barium meals, and these children, some of them were fighting back, screaming, crying all the time…this child actually collapsed four times in the hospital, was ultimately sent home 280 miles in a taxi because he was vomiting and in such a bad state…this was a house of horrors…there were children who, the experience of lumbar puncture meant they were admitted as emergency cases to other hospitals...this was a fishing expedition…he had to get into the guts of these children.”
This is the sort of upstanding “scientist” that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Presidential candidate, likes to publicly associate himself with and rely upon for medical scientific knowledge - one that treats children’s insides as playthings. Wakefield would inevitably lose his medical license, and “retire” to Texas with millions to continue peddling anti-vaccine propaganda alongside RFK Jr.
3. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s Pediatric Bodycount
We’ve covered this topic before, and the documentary Shot in the Arm goes into this event in detail - but Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s anti-vaccine advocacy in Samoa got dozens of children killed back in 2019. From the hosts of the wonderful Conspirituality podcast for Time magazine:
By 2019, Kennedy was the leading buyer of antivax ads on Facebook, and was implicated in a measles outbreak in Samoa that infected 5,700 and killed 83. The outbreak followed the tragic deaths of two children who had received contaminated vaccines. Kennedy traveled to Samoa, and was pictured with a local antivax advocate. This was followed by Children’s Health Defense sending a letter to the Prime Minister of Samoa, urging him to question the general safety of the Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Dozens of children paid the ultimate price because Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. mislead their parents into not vaccinating their children against measles. If the anti-vaccine movement is so worried about child abuse, then why do they put blind faith in a man who literally got dozens of children killed?
Even worse, it was recently revealed that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was a longtime associate of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, even after the conviction of “procuring a child for prostitution.” The New York Post writes:
“Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. was on such good terms with Jeffrey Epstein that he had free use of the billionaire pedophile's Manhattan office in 1993 and partied with him at The Pierre, The Post has learned.”
Why would the anti-vaccine movement, who constantly proclaim that pediatric vaccinations are child abuse, get in line behind a close associate of a convicted billionaire pedophile that trafficked children?
4. University College of London's Francois Balloux
We've profiled Balloux previously, a self-proclaimed “libertarian” who argued that the mass infection of unvaccinated children would bring the public to a seemingly desirable "endemic" state of harmlessness. Francois Balloux would go on to defend RFK, Jr. as "intelligent, and well read" as well as "fundamentally honest."
To see a UK government advisor and high-profile academic endorse a close associate of noted child abuser Andrew Wakefield should be grounds for immediate dismissal from the University College of London and a complete expulsion from the world of medical science in Great Britain. We already see the pseudoscientific poison taking root in Balloux’s mind: arguing that unvaccinated, “healthy” children must be infected with any new pathogen in order to send it into “endemicity.”
Children are not lab rats, nor human sacrifices. This blatant recklessness with children's health and the endorsement of anti-vax quackery has no place influencing pediatric health decisions.
5. University of San Francisco's Vinay Prasad & Tracy Beth Hoeg
Always desperate to get himself in the spotlight, Vinay Prasad would argue that RFK, Jr. would "destroy" Peter Hotez, and dedicated a great deal of coverage to him across social media, claiming "it is important to acknowledge the thing RFK jr is absolutely right about...No namecalling." Why would a medical university such as UCSF employ someone who frequently dedicates time and energy painting a quack that has gotten dozens of children killed in a positive light, and palls around with Andrew Wakefield, a disgraced quack that assaulted a dozen children in a hospital?

For someone who professes the importance of “Evidence Based Medicine,” Vinay Prasad sure likes to play fast and loose with the actual evidence that quacks like RFK, Jr. and Wakefield get children killed, wasting energy insisting how they’d “destroy” your nemesis, a scientist who has actually developed a lifesaving low-cost vaccine instead of ranting on social media and anti-vaccine websites all day.

Prasad and his ilk have spent multiple years now raving against protecting children from SARS-CoV-2 in any fashion, including vaccines. In a 17,000+ word profile, we detail this phenomenon in its entirety - from Substack subscriptions to Youtube ad revenue. On top of this, he tried to argue that Long COVID was "made up" to scare the public and suggested that "lockdowns" were the true cause of this new debilitating condition that affects countless children across America.
Isn't it strange, however? That the strongest crusaders for the delusion that pediatric vaccines and masks are child abuse, when not a single pediatric death has been linked to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine or a respirator, frequently go to bat for actual child abusers and quacks with pediatric body counts?

Vinay Prasad's associate Tracy Beth Hoeg, a quack sports physician turned laptop class "researcher" spamming anti-vax and anti-mask nonsense papers, used her own son as a prop to spread anti-vax myths on social media. When asked about vaccinating her son against chicken pox, she claimed "it was not a recommended/offered vaccine in Denmark where my kids were brought up. Same with Sweden. They just allow the kids to get it." Of course, these children are now at increased risk for shingles, a highly painful and potentially devastating disease later in life. Will Tracy tell her children the scientific truth, or keep them in the dark about their health?
For thousands of unvaccinated children in America, it did matter if they got SARS-CoV-2, because they died. In defense of her unscientific sadism, Tracy Beth Hoeg would go on to attack reporting of pediatric COVID-19 deaths as fraudulent.
As adults, we all share in the responsibility to protect the children of our society, such as not throwing them face-first into whatever new virus or pathogen doesn't immediately kill them. To not turn them into contagious infectious vectors to get their parents and teachers sick with a deadly & disabling virus that has already taken hundreds of primary caregivers away from American children. To protect our children from abusive, exploitative cranks like Andrew Wakefield and RFK, Jr.
We have vaccines and public health to thank for the severe reduction in pediatric mortality over the past couple hundred years - with pestilence vultures and cranks who have done unspeakable abuses upon children for their own personal profit desperate to use the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as a path to reclaim the spotlight. Their followers, who scream and threaten and howl that pediatric vaccines are child abuse, find themselves trapped in an existential prison: the fact that they're objectively incorrect in their unscientific beliefs, fed to them by men who have outright abused children - fatally, in some cases - may be too much to bear.
It’s good to be angry about child abuse, and those who would recklessly throw children’s lives away have no place in the public sphere. If the anti-vaccine’s most dedicated supporters would focus that hatred on those who have actually harmed children, their supposed thought-leaders that willfully misled them for personal profit, the world could be a much better place.