One of the most irredeemable violations a person can commit is dancing upon the grave of a child, as sadistic cruelty has no place in civilized society. In the past three years of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many pro-viral influencers have spent this time screeching and hollering like a wounded hyena that this airborne virus that leads to a deadly and disabling vascular disease which attacks every organ in the body, which has killed millions worldwide in just the span of a few years, is actually harmless to children. Bold claims such as this require strong evidence.
Even if this were somehow true, it simply isn’t. In America alone, over 280,000 children have lost a primary caregiver thanks to COVID. Many because the child was forcibly infected at school, bringing home the virus to their family, infecting & killing a loved one. This has been a known phenomenon since 2021. Pro-viral influencers have refused to acknowledge this fact, and instead continue to demand that children be repeatedly infected with a virus that has disabled millions of Americans and can cause brain damage, with zero protection from vaccination.
In reality, COVID-19 has become the leading disease killer of children. As of March 22, 2023 the CDC has reported 2,145 pediatric COVID deaths. There has been no effort by the Biden Administration or the CDC to take measures to protect these children and prevent further deaths - or disability - and on May 4th, 2022 it was reported in Bloomberg that over half a million children were suffering from Long COVID induced disability and chronic illness. That number has likely doubled since then. Not a single pro-viral influencer has apologized for getting it wrong or acknowledged the serious harms that the virus poses to children. Instead, they have doubled down in their unqualified ignorance to grow their social media following.
Recently, a grave line has been crossed. Pro-COVID social media influencers Vinay Prasad, Tracy Beth Hoeg, and Kelley Krohnert (aka @KelleyKga), who have all wasted years lobbying in service of a deadly and disabling virus, and against their fellow Americans’ health - have published a new paper on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), an “open-access online pre-print community.” Very “rigorous standards” required to publish, much more like a fancy Substack if you will. Titled “Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” this paper is not peer-reviewed, nor does it adhere to any sort of publishing or scientific standard.
In this “paper,” Vinay, Tracy, and Kelley allege that the CDC is vastly overcounting pediatric COVID deaths - as they desperately trawl for “evidence” to confirm their conclusions: the opposite of how science is performed but is a frequent habit of many pro-COVID influencers, as we previously wrote in “Doing Science Backwards: The Last Stand of the RCT Zealots.” The evidence of this trio of terror is that across 2,145+ pediatric COVID deaths, these stay-at-home investigators have uncovered an entire 24 instances of errors by scouring Twitter, interviews, and other third-party sources over the Internet. They are frequently labeled as simply “exaggerated,” but none of these armchair experts can suggest an actual number of pediatric COVID deaths supported by evidence - because they have none.
In fact, many of their claims of “exaggerated” are thus: “Very likely a dramatic multi-week increase was due to imputation error” appears on multiple occasions. “Likely” is not grounds for accusations of “unacceptable incompetence” and does not pass any scientific standard. In fact, many of these bold claims are made without evidence, and come from authors who clearly have a heavy ideological bias, a complete lack of relevant expertise, and are not legitimate sources of information on the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, these hack frauds continue to publicly opine with zero humility.
Vinay Prasad, Tracy Beth Hoeg, and Kelley Krohnert are using alleged typos to fuel rightoid hatemongering to burn down the CDC, rage against child vaccination, and calls for a second Nuremberg - not because of the thousands of dead children as a result of preventable COVID infections, but instead because pro-viral influencers have wasted years screaming that this deadly and disabling virus is actually harmless in children - so these authors have decided to rewrite the facts to serve their conclusions. Because that’s how science works - you just make stuff up!
One of the major data manipulations of this paper is using CDC estimates for pediatric flu deaths, but demanding death certificates for pediatric COVID deaths as evidence the CDC is “inflating” pediatric COVID death counts. The nature of a vascular disease which can damage organs and create all sorts of health complications, often umbrellaed under the term “Long COVID,” complicates these matters. In the delusions of Prasad, Hoeg, and Krohnert, COVID is simply a “respiratory virus” that comes and goes just like the common cold. This claim is clearly not based in reality, and intentionally used to mislead their audience.
Since 2022, we have known that COVID deaths are undercounted by somewhere between 15% to 30%. Taking the most conservative estimate, the much more likely scenario is that the CDC has failed to report over 300 pediatric COVID deaths. This is not a concern of any pro-viral influencer, that we might be failing to accurately tally the deaths of children as a result of COVID - stripped of their freedom, liberty, and future, never being able to realize their dreams or potential. Because they died, as the adults were led to believe that COVID is harmless in children by these pathetic, pro-viral influencers sabotaging the work of actual doctors and nurses.
A grave injustice - that in the minds of Vinay Prasad, Kelley Krohnert, and Tracy Beth Hoeg - is either not happening or should simply be accepted with a smile on our faces as they dance on the graves of children. Instead, they rally against vaccinating children against COVID, which would have prevented many of these needless deaths - all in service of personal profit and social media clout.
Tracy Hoeg: Guilty of Congressional Perjury?
Even worse, one of the authors of this drivel, Tracy Beth Hoeg, was recently allowed to testify before Congress’ “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic” on the “consequences of school closures,” masking, and vaccines. Dr. Allison Neitzel of “Misinformation Kills” writes via Substack:
Høeg has aligned herself deeply with the Koch-tied GBD/Brownstone Institute network. She is a member of the new “Norfolk Group” alongside GBD signers Bhattacharya and Kulldorff as well as Gov. Glen Youngkin’s (R-VA) Covid advisor Dr. Marty Makary who testified in the first HSSCP hearing.
Despite being a California resident, she has been serving as a remote “consultant” for the Florida Health Department and is a member of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) public health “integrity” committee with Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, and Florida State Surgeon General and America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) founding member Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
Koch money was what funded the original rightoid Tea Party movement that alleged Barack Obama was a Kenyan socialist Manchurian Candidate. The remaining Koch brother has funded a new viral “Tea Party” against the very ideal of public health in order to further their own profits. Now, why would Florida hire a consultant based out of California, who spends much of her time pushing untested, quack medicine? Hoeg has frequently used minor, pre-print studies to rage against PPE and other COVID mitigations, which Governor Ron DeSantis has used to “end COVID theater.”
Tracy Beth Hoeg has a long record of advocating against vaccines and pushing delusional quack medicine. From her own website:
“Dr. Hoeg has a special interest in harnessing the body’s ability to heal itself through exercise and movement as well as by stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself through orthobiologic medicine such as platelet rich plasma, proliferative therapy such as dextrose as well as bone marrow aspirate concentrate.”
What. Let’s break this down - first of all, multiple studies have shown “platelet rich plasma” to be ineffective for the ailments that Hoeg offers PRP for. “Proliferative therapy” is not covered by insurance, and in 1999 it was determined by Medicare that there was not “any scientific evidence on which to base a coverage decision.” It’s clear that Hoeg is/was grifting off of uninformed patients by charging them outlandish fees for untested, unproven treatments in her own practice. California is notorious for quack medicine, and it’s clear that Hoeg is not doing much to subvert this reputation.
After years of demanding RCTs to justify COVID mitigations, Hoeg has yet to present a single RCT to justify her medical quackery. How odd.
In front of Congress, Hoeg proceeds to testify the following:
"We've had evidence prior to the pandemic that masks were largely ineffective at preventing community transmission of influenza and other upper respiratory viruses, and we did not obtain any new high-quality evidence during COVID-19 that masks are an effective mitigation strategy.”
This is a naked lie and is grounds for federal prosecution under United States Code, Title 18, sections 1621 and 1001. Tracy Beth Hoeg’s fetish for RCTs that she doesn’t apply to her own practice is not the “gold standard” for “high-quality evidence.” Hoeg is either lying, completely illiterate, or so utterly delusional that she should be stripped of her medical license and potentially committed to a facility as her delusions have become a danger not only to the health of her children, but the children of her many followers on social media. To make objectively false statements in front of Congress is a grave offense - and in truth, Hoeg has a long history of struggling with reality.
“But the highest quality data we have, for example, from a Cochrane review of randomized studies, has not found evidence that masks are effective. It wasn't science-based"
This is also an outright lie from Tracy Beth Hoeg. As we have debunked in a previous article titled RAPID RESPONSE: "No Strong Evidence That Masks Protect Against COVID?" via Slate this “Cochrane review” is a poorly constructed meta-analysis from authors who are scientifically illiterate and tainted by the influence of rightwing billionaire funding - yet again, desperately constructing evidence to justify their conclusions after the fact, the exact opposite of the scientific method.
In 2021, Tracy Beth Hoeg shared a pre-print that was repeatedly rejected by scientific journals which claimed the vaccine was causing myocarditis in children, and later went viral as fuel for the anti-vaccine movement. Her “evidence” is VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Now to understand the rigorous standards of VAERS, one could submit a that the Moderna vaccine made their farts stinkier, and it would be considered a VAERS report. Dr. Eric Burnett explains via Twitter:
Tracy Beth Hoeg has long crusaded against vaccines, even using her own son as an object. He will grow up to either resent this or be so detached from reality that he ends up sabotaging his own health as a casualty of his mother’s social media addiction. The tweet below is a nakedly absurd anti-vaccine argument that goes back to the early 1900s, yet has been rebooted for today’s audiences:
This is the rigorous scientific standard that Congress’ “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic” considers for their experts to testify. Even then, Tracy Beth Hoeg proceeded to lie and mislead elected representatives with blatantly false information that does not pass a basic smell test. Federal prosecutors must be informed and Tracy Beth Hoeg must be investigated promptly for a grave violation of federal law, something she clearly doesn’t have much respect for.
The Carnival We Held Over the Tiny Bodies
After 1,000 American children were killed by COVID, UCSF’s Vinay Prasad wrote:
“While the death of any child is a tragedy, Covid-19 is less deadly to children than many other risks we accept as a matter of course, including drowning, vehicle accidents, and even cardiovascular disease.”
It is clear that Vinay Prasad, Tracy Beth Hoeg, and Kelley Krohnert simply do not care about the harms this new disease that has killed and disabled millions worldwide. Their focus is lying and misleading the public, in order to grow their own social media follows and pocket funding from deranged billionaires such as Charles Koch and Jeffrey Tucker. Even now, Vinay has opened a new “laboratory” in his own namesake, the “VK Prasad Laboratory,” funded by the financial criminal in charge of Enron who received $8 million dollars before the company filed for bankruptcy.
Prasad is proud to feature his subservience to the anti-civil-rights billionaire on his website - this is not a laboratory, just another tool of a wealthy right-wing agenda that also seeks to eliminate pensions, privatize education, deploy surveillance drones over American cities, and expand the carceral system. Corrupted by right-wing funding, Vinay Prasad has abandoned his humanity and gone full plague-rat influencer, so drunken on Protagonist Slurp that he is naming a laboratory after himself.
What the American people are being subjected to is a rightoid billionaire crusade against society itself - a war on many aspects of it we take for granted, including public education and public health. From the ashes, they seek to erect an anti-democratic, techno-feudalist nightmare of which countless lives are wasted, condemned to suffer and die for the luxury and comfort of a sadistic few. Some would argue that we have already arrived to this place, and that by repeatedly infecting children with COVID, we are indoctrinating them to accept their place as the permanent underclass chained to Amazon warehouses and Uber black cars, not entitled to their own health or liberty.
Vinay Prasad, Tracy Beth Hoeg, and Kelley Krohnert have become public-facing champions of this war for their own profit, desperate to bury the very real harm being caused by this pandemic that they constantly lie and knowingly misinform their audience about, frequently revealing their own scientific and medical illiteracy, as well as their own sociopathy. These freaks are demanding that we as a collective society throw on painful grains as we throw thousands of children into shallow graves, “as a matter of course,” and celebrate the medical wisdom of someone like Kelley Krohnert, who has been a computer toucher since the late 1990s, and founded her own computer consulting company - Consulting - which I’m certain details all of Kelley’s extensive experience in the medical field, especially centered around pandemics! Let’s look:
Kelley has experience in Web Design, Technical & Business Writing, Graphics Design, and more.
Looking at Kelley’s Wordpress template joke of a website, it’s clear that she is terrible at web and graphic design, and one doubts “epidemiology” would be found under “more.” Kelley Krohnert clearly became a pro-viral influencer because she and her husband were failures at launching a consulting firm, and struggled to make ends meet at the beginning of the pandemic. Frustrated at the pandemic’s impact on the economy as doctors were overwhelmed by waves of mass disease and death, she hopped on her laptop and went to war insisting that COVID was harmless, and now helps put children in early graves by spreading absolute fiction about a topic she knows nothing about, as well as fueling calls for violence and arson against the federal government - all for personal profit and clout.
Sadly, society is rewarding her sadistic derangement with a large social media following and paid Substack subscriptions, instead of exiling Mrs. Krohnert from polite society for crimes against children that can never be forgiven.
A Call to Agitation
It is clear that the UCSF School of Medicine must condemn and punish Vinay Prasad, Tracy Hoeg, and the “Prasad Laboratory” as a result of this paper’s publication, and the years of falsehoods that Prasad and Hoeg have used to influence policymaking decisions within federal, state, and local governments. Prasad and Hoeg have become not only liabilities, but active saboteurs of UCSF’s work, and must be driven out of their halls in disgrace. This is where you, the general public, come in.
• The Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine is Talmadge E. King, Jr. and can be found via Twitter at @TalmadgeKing or contacted via e-mail - you can also reach his office over the phone at +1 415-476-2342 - you should inform the Dean’s office of what is being done in UCSF’s name under Prasad and Hoeg’s derangement - this is clearly unacceptable conduct.
• The Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs is Joshua Adler and can be contacted via phone at +1 (415) 353-7999. By encouraging COVID infections in children, it’s clear that Prasad and Hoeg are meddling in the clinical affairs of children across the country.
• The Vice Chair of Pediatrics at UCSF is Elena Fuentes-Afflick, and can be contacted via e-mail at and phone at +1 628-206-8505. Considering that Prasad and Hoeg are accusing the CDC of artificially inflating pediatric COVID death counts and have wasted years arguing the leading disease killer of children is harmless in children, I’m sure Elena would love to hear about the sadistic lies being done in UCSF’s name.
• The Vice Dean for Research at UCSF is David Morgan, and can be reached via e-mail at or over the phone at +1 415-476-6695 - I’m sure David would love to hear about the rigorous research standards that Prasad and Hoeg of UCSF approve of by unqualified & uncredentialed computer toucher Kelley Krohnert - who again, has grown a social media following by spreading fictions about pediatric COVID deaths with utterly pitiful attempts at “research.”
• Synapse is the student newspaper of UCSF and can be contacted via email at and via phone at 415-502-1484. The drivel of Prasad and Hoeg is a major scandal that is tarnishing the good name of UCSF and potentially sabotaging the future careers of its students by dragging the reputation of their school into the cesspool of rightoid derangement that is frequently harassing doctors, nurses, and public health experts, driving many to leave the field.
• SSRN, the platform which published this paper, is availiable via Twitter. Inform them of the incompetence of Prasad, Hoeg, and Krohnert’s paper, and demand its immediate condemnation and retraction.
• The United States Department of Justice can be contacted via this form on their website. As Tracy Beth Hoeg has made false claims to Congress in her testimony, she may be subject to prosecution for perjury, and face a significant prison sentence.
The only way this dystopian cesspool of a pandemic starts to get better is the public agitating and demanding that our institutions hold themselves to the rigorous academic and scientific standards they claim to uphold. Pushing back against this eugenicist crusade, funded by rightoid billionaires and built atop the bodies of innocent children, is the moral obligation of every American citizen with a conscience.
There are still children’s deaths to be prevented, and as adults we all share in the responsibility to protect them. There is no justified alternative.