As the second Trump Administration has embarked on a crusade to cripple & silence federal public health organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & the National Institute of Health, it falls upon once-mocked independent organizations such as the People's CDC, The Sick Times, the World Health Network, and mask blocs nationwide to safeguard the health of working Americans.
Here at the Pandemic Accountability Index, on top of documenting false statements from fraudulent "experts" in the media, we also regularly compile the latest studies about COVID-19's negative impacts on the body and effective methods to prevent COVID-19. These developments are rarely, if ever, covered in corporate media.
On the dawn of a second Trump Administration, here is what the federal government doesn't want you to know about SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19:
COVID-19 Has Killed Over 1.2 Million Americans Since 2020, And Is Still Taking American Lives
In the largest mass death event in American history, vastly overshadowing American casualties in our long history of wars around the world, a single virus has taken over a million Americans in a rapid fashion. While most of the deaths are of older people, there have been a significant number of younger people, including thousands of children, among that death toll. COVID-19 is still killing around a thousand Americans a week at a steady clip.
While this is clearly an improvement over losing 3,000 Americans a day, the deaths happening today are because they were infected by a fellow American who transmitted the SARS-CoV-2 virus to them. This is needless and preventable. The refusal of the federal government to do so is shameful and indefensible.
COVID-19 Has Disabled Tens of Millions of Americans, With No Treatment or Cure
"Long COVID" is an umbrella term referring to a range of symptoms that persist after initial COVID-19 infection, that include chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, heart palpitations, and many other serious issues. Many Americans have been lost their ability to work as a result, or even left bedridden. Women are disproportinately affected by this condition, and are often neglected by their loved ones, falling into poverty, homelessness, and deaths of despair as a result. For many, symptoms persist beyond two years. "Viral Persistence," meaning that the immune system does not clear the virus after the initial infection, has been identified as a likely cause.
There is no federal aid or relief to provide for those afflicted, including many vaccinated Americans who followed the Biden Administration's guidance to drop masking & other precautions, including isolation guidelines before returning to the workplace. Here is just a sampling of the many studies about this disabling condition:
“[In the United States] 14 percent reported suffering long COVID at some point.” (PLOS One)
Adults aged 25-39 had the highest rates of long COVID symptoms, followed by adults aged 40-54 (CDC)
COVID-19 Negatively Impacts the Brain, Heart, and Other Organs
Americans have been misled that SARS-CoV-2, an airborne virus, is comparable to the flu and common cold, entering one lung and going out the other. COVID-19 is a vascular multi-system disease that impacts every organ in the body, and can even cross the blood-brain barrier, leaving behind significant damage. Scientists are just beginning to wrap their head around what impact unmitigated COVID-19 is leaving on our bodies:
Children Are Negatively Impacted By COVID-19
Since the very beginning of the pandemic, outspoken voices in bad faith have misled American parents into believing that COVID-19 is harmless in children. For the parents of the thousands of children, overwhelmingly unvaccinated, who are now dead as a result of COVID-19, these false assurances didn't help them much. Many, many more children are now disabled as a result of repeated "mild" COVID-19 infections. Here is just a sampling of the leading research on how COVID-19 negatively impacts pediatric health and development:
“Blood Vessel Damage in All Children with SARS-CoV-2 Regardless of Disease Severity” (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
COVID-19 Infections Are Preventable
An incredible amount of energy has been wasted on misleading Americans into simply embracing endless bouts with COVID-19 as an inevitable fact of life. In reality, they were organized politically into embracing the virus & spreading it around their communities, forging the chains of transmission that have killed & disabled millions of their fellow countrymen, in a massive betrayal of the American government's responsibility to defend the life and liberty of its citizens. Even Ayn Rand, the godmother of libertarianism, defended public health mandates such as mandatory quarantine as essential safeguards of individual liberty. The engineering solutions to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2, including respirators, air filtration, and even FarUVC lighting, have existed for decades before 2020.
Air filters on wards remove almost all airborne Covid virus (NHS Cambridge University)
Air purifier use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a third (YLE News)
Organizations You Can Rely On
As the future of federal public health agencies remains up in the air, and the American public is struggling to find reliable information about active & looming public health threats such as COVID-19 and H5N1, here are just a few reliable independent institutions you can trust:
The People’s CDC - (Twitter) - (Substack) - (Bluesky)
Closing Notes
This is just some of the essential information that the Biden-Harris Administration and the CDC under Mandy Cohen failed to provide to the 330+ million Americans, who could have at least had the decency to leave a playbook on safeguarding our nation's health. As one of the last functioning public health institutions in America, without the mandate of taxes, the PAI is forced to pass the hat around & ask for your financial support in this dark chapter of our tortured tapestry that is the gothic horror of America's fate, since the PAI is now an adversarial organization in conflict with the agenda of the federal government. If you’ve made it this far, you are now a heretical “Covidian” according to Trump’s pick (PAI) to lead the NIH. How…exciting!
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Thank you for your time, and we hope this guide helps you stay safe as the next four years of perpetual crisis unfolds before the world’s eyes.
Thank you for this super important and informative roundup.
Once again, I am angered by the mindless repetition of bad information by uninformed people who still insist on maintaining their delusions. I'm glad you're here doing this work.