From Los Angeles to North Carolina to Chicago to New York City, state and city politicians, mostly of the Democrat Party, are now leading a charge to ban PPE (such as N95 respirators) in public settings, using model legislation developed by the white nationalist think-tank known as the “Manhattan Institute.” (Twitter) With SARS-CoV-2 still infecting almost the entirety of the American population on a regular basis, and leaving countless millions disabled (PAI) - and unable to work, in many cases - those who have done their best to refuse infection with N95 respirators and other mitigations are now essentially being told by the "liberal" political party that no, you're not allowed to protect yourself from COVID-19, a disease that has already killed & disabled millions of Americans.

It's worth noting that the Biden Administration led the charge in the fall of 2021 to mass infect America's unvaccinated children with COVID-19, doubling the pediatric death total in just a few months, and killing over a thousand children in the 2021-22 school year. Many would develop long-term chronic health issues and disability. Many children were forced to bring home the virus from school and infecting a loved one, killing a primary caregiver. A Presidential candidate who ran for office on a promise to "follow the science" and take COVID-19 seriously was happy to experiment on tens of millions of unvaccinated children, their families, and their teachers, based off of fraudulent data produced by... an economist, with no credentials or expertise in medical science or pediatric health and development.
The American government had now found it enjoyed a new, unchecked power: It could force mass infection of brand-new pathogens upon American families, regardless of the potential & well documented harms they might cause, (PAI) and the American people would simply... cheer them on. Few questioned the freedom of the government to abandon its citizens to population-wide pestilence - when disaster response is one of the central responsibilities of any government entity. The Democrat Party, often funded by corporate donations from the pharmaceutical and health insurance sectors, was more than happy to discipline the American people's expectations and force a new expectation of constant, potentially debilitating illness: hell, even "progressive" pundits such as Ryan Cooper of The American Prospect endorsed an obviously bunk delusion known as "immunity debt."
Fueling the Pestilence Embezzlement Engine
A lot of money is to be made from a population-wide uptick in regular trips to the pharmacy for over-the-counter medicine, prescription medication, doctors' visits, and hospitalizations. Some of that profit is then turned around and donated to political campaigns, lobbyist groups, "think tanks," political action committees, and other organizations aligned with the Democrat Party’s libertarian slant. On top of this blatant conflict of interest, if you're one of the remaining Americans protecting yourself from infection with a virus that has killed and disabled millions of your fellow citizen, your "left-wing" party is actively working to deny you the right to avoid that same fate - and those who have already fallen through the cracks are finding themselves abandoned and left to rot.
This is just a couple of the real-world stories emerging from the Biden Administration's "post-COVID" fantasy:
A frontline nurse gets COVID-19 on the job, twice. She seemingly makes a full recovery. The third time in early 2023, she winds up bedridden and unable to work, so the hospital that employs her simply fires her. There's no resources or treatment for her Long COVID condition. Too disabled to work, she files for disability with Social Security. Over a year later in 2024, she is denied even a meager scrap of assistance, after doing everything right as a frontline nurse and healthcare hero. Now her career in medicine is potentially over. For all intents and purposes, the Biden Administration's policy is that her only options left is poverty, homelessness, and an early death of despair on the streets of America.
A mother of two children contracts COVID-19 in the fall of 2023 after her son brings the virus home from school. It reactivates her latent Epstein-Barr Virus, and she's thrown down a labyrinth of a medical mystery - struggling to find answers, treatments, and solutions whilst credentialed medical professionals shrug their shoulders, downplay her laundry list of symptoms, and scratch their heads whilst this young mother's stuck struggling to raise a family and balance her debilitating chronic fatigue. Seeing all of these specialists, trying different medications and treatments, and all of the other challenges of navigating America's health denial system has been a significant burden on her finances.
In the fifth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still lack effective treatments for Long COVID, a condition that is debilitating millions of Americans, and that number will continue to grow as we continually reinfect the population (CDC) with SARS-CoV-2, many multiple times a year. This disability also disproportionately affects women, who have long struggled with misogyny in medical settings and having their symptoms taken seriously. So, of course, the "liberal" party in America that claims to defend women's rights (quite poorly, one might note) is now using its authority and power to organize the population in a way that would maximize the proportion of the population suffering from COVID-19 induced disability. Do you truly believe that the government has the right to cripple you, destroy your career, and condemn you to poverty and a needless death of despair? Are the governing bodies of America entitled to force this fate upon you or your children?
American Public Health: 1780-2024 RIP
Learning to Love Viruses...and Toxic Smoke?!
Setting the ongoing threat of COVID-19 and its colossal chronic health burden aside for a moment, there are other looming public health threats that require the use of respirators. Toxic wildfire smoke, for starters - something that anti-vax cranks like Vinay Prasad of UCSF insist is magically not a threat to children's developing lungs, just as they denied the many harms of SARS-CoV-2 to pediatric health. Your lungs aren't built to process toxic wildfire smoke! The Democrat party's new position is now that you and your children should simply suffer the preventable organ damage with a bright smile on your face. This is a public health threat that we will likely continue to face for the rest of our lives, and not a single penny in any federal, state, or local budget has been committed to protecting the developing lungs of our youngest - while also banning them from being able to protect themselves from needless harm.
We must also look at the current surge of H5N1 “bird flu” across cattle populations and prepare for the worst: The strong possibility that this virus evolves for human-to-human transmission. Is the current plan to co-infect our children with both the latest COVID-19 variants and whatever horrors await us with a human-to-human transmissible H5N1 virus, forcing everyone to "grin-and-bear-it" through another potential pandemic calamity for the sake of an artificial, unsustainable "normalcy?" Even if it's not H5N1 specifically, the recent surge of skyrocketing global temperatures and extreme weather events creates greater opportunities for pandemics to emerge as animal populations are disturbed from their usual territories.
The "liberal" political party that claimed to "follow the science" in 2020 is now refusing to make any significant effort to prevent, mitigate, or adapt any of the challenges our collapsing climate will present in our immediate future. Even worse, they're organizing our politics in a way to maximize the harm inflicted by environmental threats - including pathogens and wildfire smoke, by stripping the public of the liberty to protect their health from the physical harm caused by such threats. Even worse, the "conservative" party that has grown only more and more hateful and sadistic in recent decades will seize upon this consensus to ensure even more pointless suffering.
Organic Waste Disposal Innovations
Rest assured though; the Democrats have a plan! You’re probably assuming it is expanding Social Security to cover Long COVID disability, preserving the lives of millions of newly disabled Americans until effective treatments or a cure for Long COVID is available? No!

In New York State, legislators with Senate Bill S2445A have already begun importing the MAID program from Canada: Medical Assistance in Dying! If you’re too disabled or bedridden by your government mandated COVID-19 infections to work anymore, well, now healthcare workers can browbeat and coerce you into letting them end your life “with dignity.” Which is something that’s already happening on a regular basis up North in Canada! (Sarah Colero via Twitter)
These decisions, such as banning PPE, will kill our fellow Americans. They will disable our fellow Americans. They will violate the developing bodies of our communities' children. They will cause a litany of problems and a leviathan of suffering that makes all of us, as a society, worse off. There's really only two questions left to ask at this point:
Do you believe the government is entitled to destroy the health of you and your family? What actions are you willing to take to defend the health of you & your family?