Pandemic Profitability: Understanding the CDC's Proposed COVID-19 Isolation Guidelines
Wealth Extracted Of The Flesh
To make sense of why certain pandemic mismanagement decisions are made, one needs to understand that America does not have a health "care" system. America has a health "denial" system; a privatized labyrinth full of pitfalls and booby traps constructed for the sole purpose of trapping as many working American families as possible into lifelong, crippling debt. Understand that the debt is never actually meant to be paid off: it's about getting as many people as possible writing a check for the rest of their life to some health insurance company or hospital or selling that debt for pennies on the dollar to a debt collector to receive that check in the mail for the rest of the debtor's life. A magical wealth extractor enforced by the State.
You may think you have good health insurance, and then you have a medical emergency; winding up in the hospital, require all sorts of expensive treatment, and when the doctor goes to bill your insurance - some quack in a cubicle farm turns around and refuses to cover the costs your policy said they would cover. Deductibles, co-pays, etc. The great "Obamacare" reforms were originally written by a right-wing policy thinktank, the Heritage Foundation, and are little more than a taxpayer funded blank check to health insurance executives whilst working Americans continue to avoid necessary medical care out of fear of crippling lifelong debt.
Your poor health, from whatever cause, is biological profitability to a select few that extract wealth whilst providing nothing.
Which brings us to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an airborne socially transmitted virus that causes the multi-system disease COVID-19. While acute systems may mirror common respiratory viruses such as influenza, the untold damage that COVID-19 can cause all across the human body can be incredibly dangerous - and has even left some bedridden. Periodically, we compile the latest research, over a hundred studies at a time from reputable institutions and leading scientists around the world and make them available for the public to inform themselves of the developing science:
Everything from heart damage to cognitive impairment, to even erectile dysfunction and disruption of female sex drives. These different long-term health complications post-acute COVID-19 infection, including crippling disability, are affecting a growing pool of millions of Americans, including many children. There is presently no "cure" or effective treatment for Long COVID and the many symptoms it can cause.
A level-headed person would look at this unfolding calamity of population-wide pestilence and see societal cyanide.
Laboring in the Vascular Mines
The wealthy in America see an expanding market of healthcare customers generating new revenue streams as chronic illness and "mysterious" ailments become the public's "new normal." Since 2020, there has been a concentrated propaganda effort to force the public to accept endless, repeated infection with a new virus that can cause a deadly and disabling disease - by billionaires who are invested all across privatized healthcare system, and the quarterly revenue can only go up.
Sure, the majority of the people who are reported to have died of COVID-19 were older Americans - and this argument is used to justify mass infection approaches, in an “awh, shucks” mentality. In reality, this outcome is desirable: that's a lot less Social Security checks being cashed, fresh real estate getting dumped on the market, less people using Medicare benefits, and taking advantage of other public assistance programs, just for starters. The reduced life expectancy for working Americans means they're dying younger, and much less likely to retire - maximizing their "economic productivity" before being disposed of as just another "useless eater."
On the road to that early grave, the puzzles of the flesh open all sorts of new and horrific avenues of bio-economic exploitation to profit from:
Doctor/Specialist Visits
Prescription pharmaceuticals
Over-the-counter treatments
Supplements of dubious quality & effectiveness
Snake oil like Ivermectin and HDQ
It's worth mentioning that the largest donors to the Biden 2020 campaign was the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. Behind closed doors with wealthy donors, Nancy Pelosi would laugh that they shouldn't have to ever worry about "Medicare For All" or single-payer healthcare ever coming to pass under a Democrat-majority government. These millions upon millions of dollars of corporate donations go on to fund campaign consultants & vendors who arguably have a financial conflict of interest to lose elections via grave incompetence and an inability to communicate like a well-adjusted human being. Does anyone remember Betomaniacs?
So much of the bastardization of the term "mild illness," establishing a binary delusion that anyone who didn't immediately drop dead from COVID-19 magically makes a full recovery, is about establishing a framework that it's perfectly acceptable - and even economically desirable to the ownership class - to have a working population that is constantly being exposed and infected with SARS-CoV-2 and infecting others. Repeatedly infecting your kid with COVID, forcing another trip to the pharmacy to find another bottle of NyQuil to chug, is putting money in somebody else's pocket. All in service of a misguided delusion that "mild" means "harmless."
New Anti-Isolation Guidelines of the CDC (Centers for Dispersal of COVID-19)
The original CDC isolation guidelines for COVID-19 was 10 days, even though there have been plenty of reports of people remaining infectious for 14 days or more. After Biden campaigned in 2020 on claims that he would "follow the science," and that someone who presided over 220,000+ COVID deaths should not be President, the Biden Administration would entertain the lobbying of the CEO of Delta Airlines and their demand to reduce the CDC's COVID-19 isolation guidelines to 5 days.
Fauci would go on television to defend this unscientific policy change by claiming the further illness, disability, and death this would cause is "preserving societal function." When policies of mass infection gave rise to the Omicron variant, Anthony' Fauci shrugged his shoulders and declared everyone's going to get it before countless Americans would die and wind up disabled in the winter 2021-22 wave - including plenty of Americans who got vaccinated and quit masking as the Biden administration instructed in the Spring of 2021.
Pharmaceutical company Pfizer would celebrate the end of population-wide masking, indicating that this would lead to a greater demand for Paxlovid and an increase in their quarterly profits. As Final COVID Czar Ashish Jha celebrated the privatization of the pandemic response, a series of Paxlovid antivirals will now run the usual American over $1500 - when most Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency expense.
All the while, from when Biden took office to now, the general public has been under an overwhelming, multi-faceted propaganda assault to normalize mass infection of unvaccinated children, constant illness, and to shrug off the possibility that this new deadly and disabling virus posed any risk to “normal” Americans. The Fourth Estate, especially laptop class pundits with zero medical or scientific background, were more than happy to lend their credentials and legitimacy to the Biden Administration’s pestilence propaganda campaign - with the New York Times’ David Leonhardt being personally praised by Biden for encouraging liberals to submit to SARS-CoV-2.
Which brings us to 2024, in which it is estimated that 100 million Americans were infected by the JN.1 variant, of which there was not an updated vaccine for. By spring, it will become clear to millions of Americans that they have now been disabled by COVID-19, in the “post-pandemic” fantasy that supposedly “science following” liberals have constructed. Instead of admitting fault and correcting course, the Biden Administration’s conversation of the CDC into a 2024 campaign office is publicly pontificating whether or not they should follow California and Oregon’s lead to reduce the isolation guidelines… to a single day.
Feeding The Pestilence Engine
So many of the absolutely terrible arguments for this policy change, when people can remain infectious for much longer than 5 days, is essentially summarized as by pro-viral quack Shira Doron in Vox as “because so many people don’t have paid sick time, acknowledging even mild symptoms can lead to real financial losses when it means missing a week of work.” This somehow justifies spreading an infectious disease around your workplace, community, and school - getting everyone else around you sick and forcing them to roll the dice on potential crippling disability and other serious health complications, including cognitive & neurological impairment.
On a personal level, working through a COVID-19 infection can greatly increase your risk for lasting damage after an acute infection as the virus works its way around your bloodstream, when we’ve all known for centuries that you’re supposed to be resting when ill. What Shira Doron is advocating for in Vox is a direct sabotage of the public’s health and an increasing number of people who will need extensive medical treatment in one form or another after their “mild” infection.
Celebrity MD Celine Gounder would argue on CBS News that “I think this is really an effort on the part of the CDC to align their guidance with what people are willing and able to do. People have not been following this guidance, let’s be real.”
Both of these public facing “experts,” who clearly prefer being in the spotlight than staying up to date on latest research about how COVID-19 damages the body, are either ignorant or sadistically misleading the public about the reality of what the CDC’s policy change would mean: that employers would be further empowered to force working Americans to sacrifice their health and multiply the number of infections, disabilities, and deaths caused by COVID-19.
Let’s be clear: American flesh is presently being fed into an unforgiving pestilence engine for the ownership class to extract profit from. As an unsustainable mentality of infinite growth has dominated financial circles, the ownership class simply lobbies the government to make policy changes which directly improve their profit margins. Multiplying the rate of re-infections with a socially transmitted virus by increasing the number of infectious people in the public sphere which directly translates into increased revenue for health insurance companies, privately owned hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, snake oil salesmen, and their shareholders.
The moral and ethical obscenities of the wealthy lobbying the state to force the public to accept repeated infections with an ever-evolving virus that causes vascular & organ damage, as a colossal violation of bodily autonomy aside - all in service of the wealthy profiting from the inevitable suffering which follows - is frankly unsustainable. The economy requires able-bodied people to move goods and perform services; it’s much more than simply scrolling numbers on a Bloomberg terminal.
Grinding those physical engines into dust via COVID-19 in order to make a few extra bucks is grinding the actual economy into structural collapse.