Learning to Love Viruses...and Toxic Smoke?!
How Pro-Viral Influencers Encourage Destroying Your Child's Health
As of late, a wave of brutal wildfires has ripped throughout Canada, serving as yet another warning shot off the bow of how unchecked consumerism continues to terraform the only planet that can support life into an uninhabitable hellhole. Where there is fire, there's smoke, and when massive wildfires wreak havoc, that smoke inevitably travels far & wide, which crossed the border from Alberta and into the Northeastern region of the United States of America. Here at the PAI's offices in New York City, the city was cloaked in toxic wildfire smoke - which can cause severe health complications. (Source: EPA.gov)
The New York city & state governments were late to the party, but eventually responded by distributing N95 respirators, including a million in NYC... to a city of 8 million. A woefully inadequate response when they had advance warning and could have protected their citizens' lives, and health. Luckily, as we're still in a raging airborne pandemic with a deadly & disabling virus that we're still struggling to understand the full effects of, the PAI office's stockpile of N95 respirators was still in use - having lived in NYC for a decade now, the experience was a bit of a shock.

This policy decision made certain pro-viral influencers, who have wasted years crusading against protecting your health from this deadly & disabling virus they know nothing about, become utterly feral & rabid. Now, it's one thing to try and fool the public that a new virus which can cross the blood-brain barrier & cause neurological and cognitive impairment is harmless in children, but smoke can be detected by the naked eye, and smelt by the naked nose. Breathe in enough, and you'll likely cough it up - any enjoyer of the wacky tobaccy known as "marijuana" would explain this radical scientific theory to you:
Your lungs evolved to process oxygen - and only oxygen - from the air and oxygenate your blood before your heart pumps it throughout your body, making all of your muscles, guts, & brain function as you're used to. Inhaling the aerosolized smoke that contains substances like nicotine and THC, mixes them with your blood so these drugs can induce a state of intoxication. Now, there are no intoxicating substances within wildfire smoke, and zero benefit to forcing this toxic smoke down the threat of your children. However, it can cause asthma attacks, lung damage, and other serious problems - your body isn’t built to process smoke!
This should be obvious. Having spoken before about my rural upbringing surrounded by nature, I encountered smoke in numerous forms - garbage burn pits, campfires, secondhand smoke, smoking salmon we caught fly-fishing in a smokehouse, a class-action investigation into Idaho crop-burning... the list goes on and on. Never - not once, was it suggested that inhaling this smoke, in any form, was somehow "normal," much less healthy or even desirable.
Everyone Except Vinay Prasad is an Idiot, says UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad
For radicalized unprofessional clowns addicted to social media engagement from masquerading as contrarian “experts,” these basic facts didn't complicate their larger anti-public health agendas, funded by sadistic right-wing billionaires desperate to indoctrinate the public into accepting their own disposability for the profit accumulation of their economic "betters." Neo-Confederate billionaire and helmsman of the Brownstone Institute Jeffrey Tucker immediately led the charge, declaring policies such as respirator distribution little more than "panic:"

Professor of the University of California San Francisco and writer for Tucker's Brownstone anti-intellectual turdstream, Vinay Prasad, who was previously featured on the PAI here and here proceeded to have an extended meltdown at the idea that N95 respirators could protect against smoke inhalation, which is what they were engineered and designed for - protecting your lungs from airborne hazards such as toxic smoke and harmful viruses like SARS-CoV-2:

In fact, Vinay Prasad takes out an entire Substack article to declare that because there's no "randomized control trials" proving that N95 respirators protect against smoke - a highly unethical and unpracticed method of evaluation that is NOT deployed in the engineering field - that protecting yourself from toxic smoke inhalation is actually a "mental illness," something that Vinay Prasad is not at all qualified to comment on as an oncologist. University of California San Francisco must professionally condemn and sanction this sort of outlandish, anti-scientific speech, as their silence is an endorsement of this ridiculous, dangerous harm that will be caused by misleading the public with such reckless fictions.

Of course, Prasad is also pretending that the interior of school buildings are magically sealed off from outdoor wildfire smoke spreading into what are widely known to be poorly ventilated spaces with terrible ventilation. Also, children with asthma and other sensitive respiratory issues? Inhaling toxic smoke that compromises visibility and paints the entire city of millions into a haze of orange? Totally harmless? A completely reckless statement from someone who claims to be a medical expert. Of course, Prasad goes on to become completely detached from reality and reveal his true agenda, and that of his libertarian owners of ex-Enron exec John Arnold and child labor fetishist Jeffrey Tucker:
Oops. Prasad admits that the entire larger crusade against public health measures to protect children’s health is part of a larger central goal: the complete and total devastation of public education.

Whether it’s by devastating the public teacher workforce via mass infection, demonizing teachers’ unions because their members aren’t willing to die or be disabled on the job, or simply grinding operations to a halt as a result of constant outbreaks gumming up the works - the end goal for these jackasses is crushing public education, and making money out of the devastation that would emerge from a “voucher system.” Here’s a hint: poor kids wouldn’t get a real education; they’d sit inside a windowless room in front of a cheap laptop for 6 hours and click through menus all day. But it’d be profitable to the school’s owners, so maybe that’s not so bad…

Condemning New York's N95 distribution program on Twitter as well, UCSF's Vinay Prasad proceeds to napkin-math design an RCT and pretends his infinite genius can predict the outcomes. Of course, this is not how science works, and this is not how the research, design, development, and engineering of PPE such as N95 respirators is conducted. A fundamentally unserious statement from a joke of a man drunk on overconfidence, with no real-world responsibility or obligation to scientific truth. UCSF should be embarrassed that Vinay Prasad has become their loudest public representative as a result of his shameless pro-viral grifting.
Fellow RCT Enjoyer Dr. Jonathan Howard of Science Based Medicine has written extensively about the difficulties of designing and organizing a Randomized Control Trial, and in his book "We Want Them Infected":
"In a fantasy world with unlimited time and money, but without ethics, an RCT would yield the optimal answer to nearly all medical questions."
Of course, how outlandish would it be, if at a time of great crisis and with lives at threat, in a city of millions like New York - the Governor deployed the National Guard to cordon the city off into separate zones... for an RCT to evaluate respirator effectiveness against... smoke inhalation? With lives at stake and everyday people in danger of developing serious health complications? Do you really think the millions of working-class New Yorkers would tolerate such a massively unethical and inhumane experiment, subjecting them to be little more than lab rats to evaluate something that the engineering field and manufacturers such as 3M have already proven - that N95 respirators are effective protection against toxic smoke.
No serious adult, much less a supposed medical "expert," conducts themself like this. UC San Francisco has employed a carny hack masquerading as a professor and destroyed their image of a reputable institution in the process of continuing to endorse Prasad's outlandish and personal attacks through their silence.
Noctor Trout Strikes Again
Last but not least, we have previous subject of the #PAI, Texas Tech University's very own Kevin Bass, who says this:

Absolutely none of what Kevin Bass is saying here is true, and he is actively fearmongering about a subject that he knows nothing about as a 3rd year medical student proudly representing Texas Tech University in his profile photo. Frankly, n95 manufacturers such as 3M and BNX should consider taking legal action for his public defamation of their companies and products, suggesting they are harmful to the public…based on an intentional misreading of the facts.
This is direct sabotage of mask manufacturer profit margins, and they are entitled to take legal action to defend their public reputation - something that Texas Tech University should consider as well, considering how Kevin Bass, who publicly represents Texas Tech University according to his profile photo, is currently sabotaging by engaging in misogynistic attacks against women online for protecting themselves from SARS-CoV-2 virus which has killed and crippled millions:

Understanding the Endgame
What the pro-viral influencers that have emerged from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have revealed is that this crusade against public health was against *all* forms of public health: That you, as an everyday American citizen, are not allowed to protect you, your family, or your children from *any* hazard to your health - from new deadly & disabling airborne pathogens whose dangers we've yet to fully comprehend, all the way to toxic wildfire smoke that we fully comprehend the dangers to you & your child's health from the hazards that will emerge in our looming climate collapse.
You and your children are to be marched into any hazard, especially those as a result of the manmade climate disasters that emerge as a result of the reckless overconsumption and environmental devastation championed by selfish brats with too much money and zero responsibility like neo-Confederate jackass Jeffrey Tucker. You will do so and suffer this agony with a tortured smile on your face, in complete denial of anything being wrong, and continue to serve your economic betters without question or resistance as viruses, smoke, and other toxins grind your body into dust - and when you inevitably succumb, another poor desperate bastard will take your place without an ounce of hesitation.
On a closing note, here is what Mark Twain wrote about Revolutionary France's "Reign of Terror," loosely paraphrased:
"There were two 'Reigns of Terror,' one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one last mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon 10,000 persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the "horrors" of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake?"
Wildfire smoke will continue to be a fixture in America’s air as long as Canada’s wildfires continue to rage. N95 and better rated respirators continue to provide excellent protection from the harms caused by inhaling this toxic wildfire smoke, and HEPA filtration remains an essential tool for both viruses and smoke. What pro-viral influencers like Prasad and Bass are trying to achieve is indoctrinating the public to accept throwing their own health away for the luxury and comfort of those wealthy enough to afford the “focused protection” proposed by the Great Barrington Declaration - to literally dehumanize yourself and your children as little more than disposable chattel for the pleasure of their economic “betters.”
Deny them.