As of January 2024, these are the indisputable facts of the COVID-19 pandemic:
SARS-CoV-2 is a socially transmitted deadly and disabling airborne virus that has killed and crippled millions around the globe by causing the disease COVID-19. Long-term health complications, even from "mild" infections, include brain damage, crippling fatigue, and other serious issues have been well documented.
Nearly every American killed and disabled by COVID-19 was infected by their fellow countryman, including countless children.
Numerous highly effective engineering solutions to prevent the airborne transmission exist and have existed since long before SARS-CoV-2's emergence in 2019: respirators, ventilation, air filtration, and even Far-UVC lighting are scientifically proven to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Thus, as an allegedly civilized and democratic society, we share a collective responsibility in protecting the health of our fellow American and preventing needless disability and death in our communities.
The tragic fact is that our behavior as Americans is what has forced an incredible amount of needless and preventable suffering upon millions of our fellow countrymen and made our nation much weaker & more susceptible to future pandemics. Delusional propagandists have attacked these facts for years, lining their wallets with money made off cheering on the suffering and abuse of their fellow American.
These abusive, unscientific quacks like Vinay Prasad of University of California San Francisco insist that the massive amount of death and disability caused by COVID-19 is either imaginary, or more importantly, inevitable - because for all their allegations that others are "living in fear," the fact is that they are terrified of facing the reality that since Spring 2020, they have acted horrifically selfishly and irresponsibly, contributing to the physical suffering and anguish of their fellow Americans. Their extended campaign against indisputable scientific facts is little more than a masturbatory self-rationalization to justify the irresponsible behavior they have practiced and profited from proselytizing across social media.
The thinking is thus: “If COVID-19 deaths & disability cannot be prevented, then they are simply inevitable. If they’re inevitable, then I share no responsibility in preventing death and suffering, even if I am a credentialed medical or scientific professional with a responsibility to the public. My personal comfort takes priority over your health.”
As the years have progressed and the mountains of evidence of the cumulative, population wide harm that COVID-19 has inflicted upon the public's health, championed by these pestilence sycophants, becomes more and more obvious - including a recent young ballerina who is now bedridden after her fourth "mild" infection - the pro-viral advocates have grown more and more aggressive, abrasive, and irrational - even after the Biden Administration gave these quacks everything they wanted, including the repeated infections of countless unvaccinated children.
Thousands of kids died. Countless more disabled. Hundreds of thousands brought home the virus from school and infected a loved one, playing a central role in their primary caregiver's death. Pestilence cranks have rejected the consequences of their pro-virus advocacy and insist that these casualties are simply imaginary. All for the masturbatory performance of proving their own supposedly elevated intellect.
All in the service of defending their fragile ego from realizing that they wasted entire years of their life being wrong and lashing out at others, contributing to needless death, disability, and suffering, all in service of a non-sentient virus that has done nothing but made their body weaker and more frail. This is the terrifying reality eating at the minds of these indoctrinated crusaders against the public's health. "Crusaders" being a very specific word choice, in reference to those who marched across Europe to butcher & pillage the Middle East in service of an imaginary cause of justice & nobility.
This rabbit hole of detachment from decency has evolved into a false messiah complex, that the irresponsible behavior to spread a deadly and disabling virus around their community is in fact a worthy and noble venture, encouraging the harassment and abuse of those fighting to protect their families and children from needless death & disability. and rebrand themselves as heroic figures standing up against injustice.
Narrative power fantasies have long persisted throughout human civilization, from ancient mythology to modern videogames, with men dreaming of being the violent hero, slashing throats for personal glory or some noble cause. The fantasy of violence or cruelty as a masturbatory, self-satisfying act in service of some "greater good." To be seen and accepted as a heroic, upstanding character, looming over the dirty, unwashed inferiors - the foundation of fascist ideology is sorting society into this hierarchy based upon a fictional, at times even mythological narrative of immortal champions and their subhuman inferiors.
So much of the "do nothing" approach to SARS-CoV-2 that the Koch-funded Great Barrington Declaration and their related pestilence sycophants, many owned by a neo-Confederate billionaire, is rooted in a fascist delusion that pandemics are a net-positive for society - eliminating the weak and the frail, the "useless eaters," and leaving only the "strong" remaining. Of course, only a crippling amount of denial and delusion can cover for the fact that COVID-19 has disabled many young athletes in the best health of their lives, ending countless sports careers.
While the Third Reich sold themselves to the world as a highly advanced society leading the charge of human innovation, in reality, their economy was a Russian nesting doll of scams, with their soldiers and leadership constantly abusing one substance or another. In the end, their cities would be firebombed, their children made to charge hardened Russian infantry in paper uniforms whilst clutching hand grenades, and their citizens marched through atrocity factories forced to witness the crimes against humanity they all played a role in before burying the mountains of corpses amassed in concentration camps, starting with Aktion T4 and those the state executed for the crime of being disabled or “unworthy of life.”
The delusional myth that irresponsible behavior during a pandemic involving a deadly and disabling virus, that is estimated to have killed over 35 million worldwide since 2020, is not only socially acceptable but in fact a noble act of heroic resistance, is little more than a societal suicide pact that cannot simply be “tolerated.”
Mythologies and power fantasies are for entertaining children. Centering your entire society around entertaining these fictions, especially as a disaster response - is little more than a societal suicide pact to be resisted by any means necessary.
Thank you! We live in frightening times. I keep myself and loved ones safe.