Excellent article. These people are showing themselves for whom they truly are - entitled, self righteous bullies. This is not academic discourse, but threats being ramped up to an outrageous extent. Prasad's tweet demonstrates that he has either truly lost his sane mind or gone completely over to the dark side. What is far more concerning is the large number of so called academics that continue to call for RCTs on the use of high quality masks and clean indoor air to deal with COVID, other respiratory viruses and pollutants. These dangerous individuals couch their real thoughts in double speak, and they are likely similar to Prasad's thoughts as illustrated above. So called academic medicine is looking more and more foolish as time progresses. A huge dose of humility and willing ness to learn would do them all a heck of a lot of good as well as the patients they treat. The intellectual dishonesty in this group is staggering.
Excellent article. These people are showing themselves for whom they truly are - entitled, self righteous bullies. This is not academic discourse, but threats being ramped up to an outrageous extent. Prasad's tweet demonstrates that he has either truly lost his sane mind or gone completely over to the dark side. What is far more concerning is the large number of so called academics that continue to call for RCTs on the use of high quality masks and clean indoor air to deal with COVID, other respiratory viruses and pollutants. These dangerous individuals couch their real thoughts in double speak, and they are likely similar to Prasad's thoughts as illustrated above. So called academic medicine is looking more and more foolish as time progresses. A huge dose of humility and willing ness to learn would do them all a heck of a lot of good as well as the patients they treat. The intellectual dishonesty in this group is staggering.