Bizarre Contradictions of the Viral Mind
Creative Fiction Masquerading as Scientific Literature
Pro-viral and anti-vaxx influencers want you to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is a "bog-standard" respiratory virus akin to the cold or the flu not worth protecting yourself from infection. Their entire theory of the pandemic is that this new virus was essentially harmless, stays in the lungs, and doesn't do any lasting or permanent harm - and it was the public and government's “hysterical” overreaction that caused all the actual deaths and problems we're presently facing.
However, if this were true, then why is it that these same pro-viral influencers have wasted years trying to invent new terminology and inject it into the scientific lexicon? Going back to 2020, before a vaccine was even available, Harvard economist Martin Kulldorff of the rightoid billionaire Koch (Tea Party) and Tucker (Neo-Confederate) funded Great Barrington Declaration coined the term "anti-Herder."
What is an "Anti-Herder?"

Simply put, an anti-herder is someone who was not "high-risk" from SARS-CoV-2 complications and had a civic duty to go out and not only get infected with SARS-CoV-2, but spread it around and infect others, including their family. The fantasy, not at all grounded in reality, was that if everyone who was "low-risk" got COVID-19 as quickly as possible, then they would all have "natural immunity," which would be the basis of "herd immunity," and this whole pandemic would simply go away, resuming 2019 levels of economic activity and the uninterrupted growth of private wealth for billionaires like Jeffrey Tucker and Charles Koch.

Martin would then go on to demonize those who refused to enable this fantasy, equating "anti-herders" with the appropriately stigmatized "anti-vaxxers" and "climate deniers," both of which are political cranks that are funded by right-wing billionaires such as child-labor enthusiast Jeffrey Tucker, helm of the Brownstone Institute. Oh, what an inconvenient contradiction, Mr. Kuldorff!
See, you were a bad person to try and protect you and your family from SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 - and now, there are dedicated astroturf groups who waste all day on social media harassing, insulting, doxxing, and even threatening people who post a masked selfie or advocate for those suffering from Long COVID disability. In some instances, this stigma had led to real-world confrontations and even violent assaults. This was an intentional goal, from a toxic anti-intellectual weed seeded by Harvard's Martin Kuldorff in 2020.
The Genesis of "Hybrid Immunity"
After the vaccine began to roll out in 2021, many enlightened centrist viral pundits went hard at work downplaying the vaccine, and suggesting America would be protected by a blanket of “hybrid immunity,” suggesting that a SARS-CoV-2 infection was somehow beneficial or even preferred over the vaccine. In fact, some voices suggested that it was worthwhile to seek out SARS-CoV-2 infections after vaccination, because this would somehow confer “super immunity.”
It is estimated between Spring 2021 and 2022, nearly 80k-100,000 Americans who were fully vaccinated died because of COVID-19. Many more disabled with Long COVID. How many of these people might still be alive and in good health if they didn’t listen to these virus-loving creative fiction writers?
Paying off "Immunity Debt"
In 2021, as a vaccine was slowly being rolled out worldwide, public health measures began to be demonized by these same wealthy interests, and a new term had to be coined - one that was championed by UK pediatrician *trainee* Alasdair Munro, previously featured on the PAI here. If you remember, he went to the mat for a fictional creation of his titled "Immunity Debt," to the extent that he was mansplaining this ideal to actual working immunologists in a pathetically cringeworthy and embarrassing fashion. Even now in 2023, after Munro has been proven objectively wrong, he is still pushing "immunity debt" as a concept.

The fantasy that Alasdair Munro is pushing is that remote schooling was destroying children's immune systems by not "training" them like a muscle with repeated SARS-CoV-2 infections, as some children are now on their third or fourth bout with COVID-19. In the United States, over 2000 children have died.
Now in America alone, over 2,000 children have been killed by SARS-CoV-2. From a spring 2022 Bloomberg article, over half a million children were suffering long term complications and disabilities from COVID-19. Extrapolating from there, over a million children are likely suffering from Long COVID. For a pediatric trainee like Alasdair Munro to be making such bold claims about SARS-CoV-2 and children's immune systems, he needs some incredible evidence. Munro never produced it, and the entire field of immunology easily refutes him, as well as basic logic - do children develop "immunity debt" after multi-month summer and winter vacations? Do astronauts on the International Space Station for extended periods develop "immunity debt?" No? Then Munro clearly has a smack barm pea wette for a brain, masquerading as a self-described "accomplished scientist."
Was there ever a "Nature’s Vaccine?"

On the night of July 18th, 2023 UCSF Professor Monica Gandhi was at Green Apple Books in San Francisco as part of her victory lap book tour for the new release "Endemic: A Post Pandemic Playbook." We covered all of the horrors of Monica Gandhi's elaborate fictions from 2020 to then in an extended profile here. Early in 2021, she referred to the evolution of new SARS-CoV-2 variants as "variants, shmariants," nothing to be worried about. The Delta variant soon arrived, and countless Americans died or became disabled as a result.
Later in 2021, the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 emerged out of South Africa. You may have memory-holed this, so here's a quick refresher: a doctor walked through a hospital ward with patients infected by this new variant, then did a television internet calling Omicron “mild.” This immediately took off like a meme, spreading across the Internet like wildfire, and let some like Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Makary call it “Nature’s Vaccine” in the Wall Street Journal:
"We also got another very promising study that answered the open question, 'does Omicron immunity cross over to Delta?' and it was found that it gives four times the immunity against Delta. So, it does answer the question - will Omicron displace Delta? - the answer appears to be yes. So for much of the world that will not have access to a vaccine, Omicron will be nature's vaccine." stated Makary.
There was no evidence to support this claim, and countless people wound up killed and disabled by the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. The world is now submerged in a variant soup of many different Omicron strains.
You can’t have it both ways - simultaneously pretending SARS-CoV-2 is just a mild, harmless bog-standard flu bug that goes in one lung and harmlessly out the other - whilst wasting years creatively ginning up new “scientific” terms with zero concrete evidence to support their outlandish claims, to try and make disease desirable.
This is what years of unserious pandemic punditry has left us with: a mountain of dead and disabled bodies, as those who were most incorrect get to parade around on television, signing book deals, and spreading more elaborate fictions instead of facing accountability for constantly misleading the public in service of a deadly & disabling virus. As manmade global warming continues to rage and risk unleashing the next pandemic upon the globe, (amongst other horrors) public health is now far less prepared than ever before.
All because people would rather believe what they want to be true, over facing the very uncomfortable reality that we’ve found ourselves in.