“Well, you know, some people believe they're Napoleon. That's fine. Beliefs are neat. Cherish them, but don't share them like they're the truth.” -Bill Hicks, 1993
In our previous dispatch, we compiled 100+ articles on how COVID harms the body. You can read and reference this piece here. Now an incredible amount of ink has been spilled, propped up by a disgustingly pathetic amount of rightoid billionaire fun-bucks from Zuckyboi to Count Thiel to the remaining Koch brother, in order to peddle bullshit to a public that has largely lived their lives blissfully unaware of the entirety of public health, epidemiology, virology, immunology, and other complicated subjects that require years of university to even begin to fully understand.
In this void, many individuals have risen to prominence as “influencers” on these subjects surrounding the SARS-Cov-2 / COVID-19 pandemic, a once in a century worldwide disaster that has killed millions and crippled many millions more. Some are legitimate experts informing the public with actual science and knowledge to help protect them and their families from a deadly and disabling virus. Others, of which will be the focus of the Pandemic Accountability Index over the coming months, have made it obvious they’ve never donned a set of scrubs, much less opened a medical textbook in their entire lives, yet speak about the pandemic with such a level of confidence commonly reserved for drunken maniacs looking to defend their fragile masculinity from a stranger they bumped into on a noisy and crowded dance floor.
Since 2020, these bullshit peddlers have polluted the international pandemic discourse with an incredible amount of what can only be summarized as absolute fiction, or in less polite terms - a mountain of shit. Shit that has been used to justify disastrous policy decisions which has led to a staggering amount of death and disability. Below, you will find a compilation of these pandemic myths, debunked by actual science, and rooted in factional reality. Whether it be due to ignorance, greed, or malice, if you encounter these myths in the wild, you can rest assured that whatever else they have to say about COVID can be completely and entirely ignored.
“Ancient” Myths
#1: “COVID is not spread via airborne transmission.”
I would hope we are finally done with this often repeated myth. If someone is infectious with COVID, then whenever they exhale their breath, they are spreading the virus through the air. If you breathe in the air that contains the virus, you will become infected with COVID. The fact of the matter is that for the millions of people who died of COVID since 2020, 99% of them were infected by someone else who was infectious and shedding the virus. This is why you have public health authorities implement measures such as quarantine facilities, masking mandates, so on and so forth - to suppress transmission of an airborne virus, and protect the public’s health.
#2: “We must rapidly infect the population in order to achieve a state of ‘Herd Immunity”
People are already on their third, even fifth reinfection with COVID-19, and it is causing disastrous damage to their health. So this was clearly never the case, and yet again, a work of absolute fiction. The rightoid billionaire Koch-funded “Great Barrington Declaration” peddled this idea to the UK and USA governments early in 2020 - even going so far to suggest forcing young, healthy people into enclosed areas to further accelerate infections and the spread of the virus. Instead, mass infection leads to nothing but the generation of new variants of the virus, and the further prolonging of the pandemic, the exact opposite outcome that anyone who doesn’t already have a billionaire’s hand up their ass wants.
The truth is that there is no “herd immunity” gained from mass infections. Anyone suggesting infections are bringing us closer to the end of the pandemic is spewing absolute fiction, not at all based in fact.
#3: “Kids don’t get COVID or spread it to their families”
Rightoid billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel dumped a lot of money into propping up economist Emily Oster and her deranged peddling of this absolute lie, selling a delusional vision of “normalcy” based on an elaborate fiction that we could ram kids back into schools without any sort of effective protections such as masking, air filtration, etc. - and in the 2021-22 school year, over 1,000 American children died of COVID. As of May 4th, over 500,000+ American children have been crippled by Long COVID (Bloomberg). Hundreds of thousands of American children lost a primary caregiver, many of which because the child was infected in school, brought home the virus to infect their entire family, and a beloved family member was killed because that child was key factor in the chain of transmission.
We are supposed to pretend that relatively minor declines in test scores are because of PPE or quarantine policies, instead of the trauma of losing a family member in a deadly and disabling pandemic. The reality is that we as adults forced this burden onto children in order to legitimize the delusions of a winemom economist fraudster backed by rightoid billionaires, and many are paying a horrific price for our delusions of “normalcy” and comfort.
#4: “This will be the last wave.”
Or as I like to call it, Monica Ghandi of UCSF’s greatest hit. I’ll let MSNBC pundit Medhi Hasan take this one away:

Even worse? After such a humiliating and pathetic display, Monica Ghandi is still tweeting out and giving interviews to spew absolute fiction about COVID - her employer, the University of California San Francisco, is partially funded by the GOP megadonor and rightoid billionaire William E. Oberndorf, whose primary objective is to privatize education. And what better way to achieve that goal than crippling public schools via a deadly and disabling pandemic? If you’re getting your COVID information from Monica Ghandi, then you’re a useful idiot in some billionaire’s deranged vision of destroying public schools for his own personal profit.
#5: “Omicron is mild.”
This meme was originally kicked off by a South African doctor who had walked through a patient ward in 2021, and not at all based in reality. The fact is that 2022 has been the deadliest year of the pandemic yet, for a multitude of reasons:

The primary reason is policies (or lack thereof) encouraging mass, repeated infection in the population. The secondary reason is bullshit artists painting a rosy picture that it’s totally fine to be repeatedly infected with COVID, and clearly, all of that “Long COVID” stuff is all made up and just in the heads of these wimps, whiners, and little wieners. COVID! It’ll put hair on your chest! Get you some!
Dropping masking, failing to keep the public up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations, and a general dereliction of duty to the public’s health has caused this crisis, where we are actually doing worse than we were in 2020. So no, Omicron and its many sub-lineages are not “mild,” especially for those have been killed and crippled.
#6: “Plexiglass is an effective COVID mitigation tool.”
An artifact from the era before it was widely understood that COVID is primarily airborne. So the viral load would just go… around… the plexiglass barrier. There’s probably an investigation to be made on the profiteering that came from this little distraction. But this was an absurdly silly chapter in pandemic history, the artifacts of which linger to this day.
#7: “Paxlovid rebound is rare.”
I am not at all qualified to talk with confidence about the anti-viral treatment Paxlovid and it’s effectiveness in treating COVID-19, and I would not presume to give medical advice, outside of “disease bad,” which is apparently a radical statement nowadays. However, between Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, and Rochelle Walensky, who all suffered COVID rebounds after the 5-day treatment course, and many others have reported suffering this same fate, it’s clear that this 5-day treatment course is not enough, especially considering how most people are still infectious at 10 days, and some even further beyond that.
This magical number of 5 days likely has more to do with the 5-day isolation guidelines lobbied for by the CEO of Delta Airlines, Ed Bastian, who is not a medical doctor or expert in any fashion, of which the cowards at the Biden Administration and the CDC rolled over like trained dogs for. Chaos ensued, as employers started forcing infectious employees back into the workplace, to infect their coworkers, customers, etc. - a force multiplier of infections, which not only leads to mass disease, death, mass disability, but also drives the generation of new variants and further prolongs the pandemic.
#8: “Breakthrough infections (and deaths) in the vaccinated are rare.”
The entire saga around breakthrough COVID infections in the vaccinated, and the countless deaths of those who, in the eyes of the Biden Administration did everything right by getting vaccinated, dropping their PPE, contracting COVID, and then dying anyways, totals a staggering number of Americans. Some estimates putting it close to around 100,000 souls. The Breakthrough Infection Saga will be worthy of its own article as well. So who said what, and when?
“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus… don’t get sick.” -CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on MSNBC, March 29, 2021.
“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe they will not be infected.” -NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, May 17, 2021.
“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” -Joe Biden on CNN, July 21st 2021.
Well, for millions of Americans, they did. Tens of thousands of them died, many millions more crippled by Long COVID. Whoops. Now, that’s not to say that the COVID vaccine isn’t effective to a substantial degree - it is, or our death toll would be much higher than it is now. The truth is that Biden, Walensky, and Fauci all had no idea, and if they were following the precautionary principle of public health, they wouldn’t have peddled such utter bullshit about a “scarlet letter” and how much “sweeter the air tastes.”
People still need to protect themselves from infection, and the best way to do so is with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that blocks the inhalation of airborne pathogens. We have had a massive number of COVID deaths that were entirely preventable, and to pretend that they were somehow “worth it” in order to enable some sort of fantasy of “normalcy” is morally and ethically reprehensible, opening the door to naked eugenics - one of the founding pillars of Nazism and the Third Reich.
#9: “COVID is endemic”
A lot of jackasses who never even heard the term “endemic” started spamming social media with it starting in 2021, and have made it clear they never bothered to crack open a book on epidemiology, but instead were desperate for an excuse to just throw their hands in the air and do nothing.
Massive global waves of infection, leading to massive amounts of death and disability, is not what a serious person would ever consider “endemic.” Anyone peddling that crap is a hack and a fraud, and their commentary can be immediately written off as worthless. It’s like arguing with an illiterate Neanderthal about the thematic subtext of Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, an utterly fruitless act of futility.
And that’s really what we have here - intellectual children insisting their unhinged drivel be considered worthy of sitting alongside the adults having serious, intellectual discussions on how to actually bring an end to this ongoing global disaster.
#10: “COVID is seasonal.”
Bzzt, wrong again. Yet another pathetic attempt to equate COVID with the winter flu and cold season, and another pitiful justification for inaction. Unless you mean… every season, which sure, you could make that argument, but it means that we need to do more to mitigate transmission and prevent as many deaths and disabilities as possible - beyond any sort of moral or empathetic reasons, as correct as they would be, but in order to protect society’s ability to function. Hence the formation of… “Public Health.”
#11: “COVID is just the flu, bruh. Just breathe it in, maaaan.”
Going to make a bold claim here, and I am certainly willing to be wrong, but just the flu, bro - doesn’t leave millions and millions crippled, potentially for the rest of their lives. The flu certainly doesn’t command the massive global death toll that COVID has achieved in just a couple years of circulation. Again, here is a compilation of 100+ articles on how COVID harms the body, potentially permanently.
#12: “Ivermectin is an effective COVID treatment.”
Even pro-COVID influencers Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi admit that this was a total myth. Ivermectin is a wonderful and essential drug used in anti-bacterial treatment, worldwide. COVID is a virus. Two entirely separate fields of disease, and good lord, do not go and take the horse paste version of Ivermectin - it’s for horses, which are not people. You risk seriously harming yourself - and failing to treat your COVID infection.
As an aside, I don’t believe in mocking people who fell for this. One of the key elements in pandemic management is dealing with the fear that travels through society. Snake oil salesmen will be working against your public health response, peddling miracle cures, latching on to and profiting from the fear from a public that is uncertain on what to do. Unfortunately, denialism is also a coping mechanism to manage the fear brought on by the pandemic, and one that the American government has wholeheartedly embraced - in a manner far more detrimental than the Ivermectin meme ever could be.
#13: “Workplaces are safe, even with infectious workers present.”
Any indoor space that contains an infectious individual is a place where COVID can easily spread, and infect others. If anyone has COVID, they should frankly be removed from society and contained in a government run quarantine facility, given treatment and care until they are no longer infectious. With the Biden Administration and Walensky’s CDC refusing to publish and enforce guidelines to do so, the number of infections leading to disability and death has multiplied dramatically.
“Just give up” is not an effective pandemic mitigation strategy, and anyone suggesting otherwise can have the entirety of their COVID commentary discarded as completely and utterly worthless for public consumption.
#14: “Asymptomatic transmission of COVID is rare.”
If someone is infectious with the virus and exhaling it out, then they’re infecting others, and further prolonging the pandemic. Symptomatic or not - this is a simple fact of life that has yet to change, and hence the reasons why you implement test, trace, and isolate measures - as well as PPE mandates.
Again, “just do nothing” is not an effective pandemic mitigation strategy, and the professional frauds who have lined their pockets suggesting otherwise are lying to you in a criminal, exploitative fashion.
#15: “Masks don’t work.”
I could spend an entire book debunking the massive elaborate mythology written against masking during an airborne pandemic. But first, I will let bestselling author, martial artist, satellite radio host, podcaster, professional wrestler, and professional wrestling journalist Bryan Alvarez set the tone, as he correctly equates anti-masker drivel with it’s natural companion - flat earther mythology:
Now, why does a man who makes a living talking about grown men pretending to smash each other’s brains while prancing about in their underwear seem to understand PPE during an airborne pandemic more than supposed “health economists,” oncologists, Substack grifters, whatever the hell Nate Silver thinks he does, academics, and other faux-experts who have all repeated this ridiculous meme?
If you’d like to “debate” the effectiveness of certain forms of PPE during an airborne pandemic, such as cloth masks versus an N95 respirator or a P100 elastomeric respirator, then that’s certainly an adult discussion to be had. There is an entire field of study centered around aerosol physics and airborne transmission of viruses such as COVID, which has been around for quite some time, and experts such as Kimberly Prather who is an Atmospheric Chemist at the University of California San Diego would be more than happy to explain the science to you.
You can protect yourself from COVID infections - this is scientific fact. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health actually approves certain masks, such as the 3M Aura N95, to protect against infection. So if you’re out and about wearing an N95, and someone who is infectious with COVID is doing some viral pissing in the wind, the N95 will, if properly worn, protect your nose and mouth holes from inhaling the virus by filtering out the aerosol particles. Here’s an excellent video that explains how this works:
So we understand that masks do work. Scientific fact. Masks designed to serve as airborne PPE during an active pandemic work even better. If you don’t like 3M’s monopoly, or you’d prefer something American made, you can shop from Armbrust - they even sell a mask sampler kit to help you find the best make and model for your face shape and comfort preferences - they also sell child-sized KN95 respirators to protect your little ones during this ongoing pandemic.
#16: “N95s cannot be worn properly by the general public”
I’m sorry, does the general public not have two hands and the ability to press a piece of fabric against their face? Does the general public lack the ability to follow a simple 2 minute video tutorial on how to properly don PPE during an airborne pandemic? Do you seriously think that goddamn little of your fellow human being?
The bullshit dispensers are trying to pretend that basic fit testing is somehow the equivalent of brain surgery - which is ironic, considering how COVID is known to permanently damage the brain.
#17: “Masks don’t work, but also, masking causes immunity debt.”
This is one of the more recent developments, the genesis and meme-ification of the term “immunity debt.” It’s a romanticized idea that your immune system is like a muscle in the body that needs to be trained… by being repeatedly infected with COVID, a virus that we know can damage the immune system. In the previous dispatch, “What COVID Does to the Body,” you will find listed over a dozen articles all pointing to immune system damage.
I will let an actual expert in the field, the immunologist Andrea C. Love from the Unbiased Science Podcast, explain:

The term “immunity debt” did not exist until 2021, as detailed by the Counter Disinformation Project. The author is a lot more polite about the topic than I am about to be, as the term “immunity debt” is an elaborate work of fiction peddled by bullshit artists looking to mislead the public for personal gain and profit, and was repeated moronically in media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, etc. - all looking to legitimize the dropping of COVID protections during the ongoing pandemic and justifying the mass, repeatedly infection in children by suggesting it was somehow… putting hair on their balls, or something. The disease that damages your immune system is… making it stronger, apparently.
It’s also an elaborate, entirely fictious metaphor with a seductive, overly simplified ideal that pretends the immune system is akin to having a mortgage, or a personal loan. Because treating our health like we’re in an abusive relationship with payday lenders is certainly an effective way to communicate scientific concepts to the public… oh I’m sorry, I meant - confuse the public and encourage mass, repeated infections in children, many of which will leave permanent harm if not outright killing them.
The ringleader of this ticker-tape parade of crap is Alasdair Munro, a Paediatric Registrar (record keeper) from the United Kingdom and professional Substack grifter who has dedicated multiple years to shitting up social media with pro-COVID fiction, and has always had the same conclusion: that getting COVID is no big deal, and nothing should be done to prevent infections, especially in children. In fact, child infections should be encouraged. Remember how I noted that the woman in the above video is an actual, working immunologist? The scientific field of study centered around the immune system?
This is Alasdair’s response to an actual immunologist stating that this stinkin’ broad doesn’t know what she’s talking about - in a pathetically condescending “oh dear,” like she’s a child who has spoken out of line. Alasdair then proceeds to cite… himself, someone who is specifically not an immunologist.
Ladies and gentlemen, what we’re looking at is the textbook definition of “mansplaining.” This is a topic for another article, but a great deal of pro-COVID grifting & screeching is deeply rooted in outright misogyny. Everything from “wearing a mask is for pussies” to having the gall to screech at a woman that she doesn’t know her own field of expertise - because she’s debunking my bullshit, and I’m a man, and that just won’t stand! Time to put this painted jezebel in her place!
This isn’t even Munro’s worst crime. His advocacy for the mass and repeated infection of children, a grave violation of their health that can and often does leave permanent damage, is something that should be seen as disgusting and distasteful as being a registered member of the North American Man/Boy Love Association. (NAMBLA) Civil society rightfully understands that pedophilia is a grave and disgusting violation of children and their bodies, but Munro would have you believe that permanently violating children’s bodies and their health with a deadly and disabling virus is a noble venture to be encouraged.
That’s really all that needs to be said about anyone peddling this revolting fantasy of “immunity debt.” We’ll come back to Munro’s history of bullshit at a later date.
#18: “Herd Immunity” becomes “Hybrid Immunity”
Doubling back to myth #2, the Koch-funded Great Barrington Declaration, much like the Koch-funded Tea Party movement that evolved into the Donald Trump fandom known as “Make America Great Again,” peddled an idea of mass infection that would achieve a mythical status of “herd immunity.” This was never the case, much less based in science, and as I said before, fails to hold up as people are now encountering their third and fifth reinfections with COVID.
In 2021, after the initial rollout of the COVID vaccine, pro-virus influencers such as Monica Ghandi and Irene Petersen began to pivot to a new term titled “Hybrid Immunity.” That getting vaccinated, and then getting infected with COVID, would somehow provide you with a mythical “super immunity.” Then tens of thousands of Americans got breakthrough COVID infections, and suffered a slow and agonizing death. Oopsie.
It’s the same conclusion, that “getting COVID will protect you from COVID,” but rapidly shifting the goalposts without any sort of evidence supporting their ludicrous claims, and without any sort of self-reflection on how they previously got it wrong. There is ZERO benefit to being infected with COVID, a deadly and disabling airborne virus. Anyone suggesting otherwise is peddling dangerous disinformation in an attempt to fool you, and the entirety of their commentary can be thrown in the bin.
Since we’re all taking creative liberties, I’d like to interest a new, very scientific term I just pulled out of my butt called “Honky-Tonk Immunity.” Getting repeatedly infected with COVID can damage your sense of taste, and leave you thinking that the song “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk” by Country singer Trace Adkins is somehow the pinnacle of cultural nirvana. The power of the Honky Tonk will protect your Badonkadonk from COVID, removing the need for PPE during an airborne pandemic. As I grew up surrounded by rednecks, I am fully qualified to speak on this subject, and am demanding millions of dollars for my sudden spark of epidemiological genius.
#19: “We have the tools”
COVID Minimizers & Centrists love to abuse this phrase as a justification for rallying against PPE mandates, and suggesting that everything around COVID is fine now. Are there tools to prevent COVID transmission? Yes, absolutely. Here is a fantastic rundown by Cybersecurity exert Kim Crawley. The problem is that you have to actually deploy said tools in the field - whether that be schools, workplaces, etc. - instead of simply acknowledging their existence. This is why you have public health mandates - to deploy said tools in order to protect… the public’s… health.
So let’s say I’m a wealthy liberal COVID influencer academic who sends my kids to a private school that spends millions of dollars in renovations to prevent COVID infections in my kids and their classmates. So clearly, we have the tools, and we’re all done here, right? Time to celebrate! Biden’s doing a great job, he’s “listened to the science,” right?!
What about the public schools? More specifically, the underfunded public schools in disadvantaged areas? I mean, Biden gave out all this COVID relief funding, right? Tools? Have. Work? Done. We don’t need to think about all this pan-demmy stuff anymore, right? We can focus on getting back to normal! Hold on, I’m getting a little voice in my ear…
One Wisconsin school district built a new football field. In Iowa, a high school weight room is getting a renovation. Another in Kentucky is replacing two outdoor tracks — all of this funded by the billions of dollars in federal pandemic relief Congress sent to schools this year.
The money is part of a $123 billion infusion intended to help schools reopen and recover from the pandemic. But with few limits on how the funding can be spent, The Associated Press found that some districts have used large portions to cover athletics projects they couldn’t previously afford. -AP News, October 6th 2021
Well, apparently, new football fields and dumbbell weights will prevent COVID infections. I mean, I’m not the Biden Administration or a member of Congress, and clearly they know better than me, so let’s get out there and play ball! Hold on, I’m getting another voice in my ear…
BELLEVUE, Ky. (WXIX/Gray News) - A high school in Kentucky says it is canceling the rest of the football season for its varsity team.
On Tuesday, Bellevue High School Athletic Director Jim Hicks announced that the school made the decision because the team has a limited number of healthy players available.
Well, it’s just one school, right? Maybe there’s just something in the water down in Kentucky, there’s no way that COVID could have… hold on, the voice is back…
Bellevue High School has joined other programs that have also recently canceled their football seasons.
Last month, officials at Okemos High School in Michigan said they canceled their remaining games because of health concerns regarding players.
A school district in Nebraska also made a similar decision at Lincoln Northwest High School in September.
Oh. Shit. Well, I guess we didn’t have the tools after all, and now many kids across America can’t play football or engage in sports anymore. But gee whiz, it sure was nice to pretend that we had the tools, in some sort of quantum physics thought exercise that confused their mere existence with some sort of actual physical deployment in schools, workplaces, and so forth.
#20: “Everyone will get COVID, repeatedly, forever. Nothing should be done to prevent this.”
For our grand finale, we come to a close debunking an absurdist, deranged myth that repeat COVID infections are inevitable, that is the center of the pro-COVID derangement brainworms which infest popular COVID discourse. The reality is that the exact opposite is true, and has been known for quite some time.

The history of civilized society and disease prevention goes back hundreds and hundreds of years, hand-in-hand with the advancing of technology, science, infrastructure, and yes, even politics. In the 1300s, the Black Death ravaged Europe and killed countless people. Poor sanitation, including people dumping their shit out the window and into the street, was a major driver of infections and death. European society did not emerge from the depths of misery and despair without improving sanitation, cleaning the water supply, constructing sewage systems, and other massive structural improvements to daily life.
These societies did not “learn to live with the virus” by embracing it’s inevitability or encouraging mass, repeat infections. They fought the virus and prevented infections, which led to significant advancements and improvements to daily life, instead of simply living in filth. These public health measures weren’t “living in fear,” either - it was caution and vigilance that brought about the end of the Black Death.
Defiance, not submissiveness.

We’ve debunked these pro-COVID influencers’ claims that masking doesn’t work, or is somehow harmful or causing “immunity debt,” an absolute work of fiction. These plague rats are Nurgle-infested cultists demanding submissiveness to a virus that they clearly do not know anything about. We’ve debunked their absurdist fictions about “Herd” or “Hybrid Immunity” which will never come to pass. We’ve established the mountain of evidence which shows the permanent harms that COVID can do to the body. We’ve shown how arrogant and utterly depraved these pro-disease viral sycophants are, with absolutely zero respect to actual scientists that rip apart their ridiculous claims.

We’ve pulled back the veil on a massive amount of death and disability caused by breakthrough COVID infections in the vaccinated, of which these sick freaks masquerading as wise sages have zero answer for - or even worse, argue that this tidal wave of suffering is either imaginary or irrelevant to inform public health policy. What we have established is that there is certainly inevitability, alright. The inevitability that all of these frauds, grifters, sham artists, and bullshit peddlers have attached themselves to a deadly and disabling virus as a gaggle of viral familiars, who have abandoned their communities in service of a faceless, speechless enemy.
The science and our understanding of COVID is still unfolding - but we’re already staring at a mountain of research and science establishing the harm it does to our communities. In the void between, we’ve also been forced to bear witness to a deranged tower of fiction, much of which used to justify policy choices that have done irreparable harm to countless families. The reality is that COVID is not inevitable. You do not need to be repeatedly infected with COVID, and you do not need to compromise your health so these sick freaks can smugly cross their arms and make a mockery of your suffering.
Any jackass peddling this crap should frankly be exiled from polite society, living in a self-imposed “lockdown” for the rest of their lives out of fear for what the public, many of which now struggling to raise once-healthy children with new post-COVID health complications & chronic illness, would do to them. Instead, the vulnerable among us, including the disabled and immunocompromised, are being forced to live in fear out of policy choices influenced by an utterly sadistic betrayal of the principles of public health, and civilized society.
The Pandemic Accountability Index will delve into the individual derangement of many of these pathetic personalities in the coming months. Strap in and enjoy the ride.
The Pandemic Accountability Index is a grassroots funded institution not backed by any shadowy billionaires or dark money interests. If you would like to support our efforts to document and maintain this registry, please feel free to make a donation via Paypal.