PROFILE: Marjorie Taylor Greene, American Congresswoman
Examining this rabid possum unleashed upon the body politic.
I: Unearthing Marj’s Plague Cave
One of the greatest points of failure when it comes to an effective pandemic response falls on the shoulders of our elected political representatives. Differences on ideology when it comes to the economy are one thing, but entrusting political power and influence on somebody who has clearly and completely detached themselves from reality is an incredibly dangerous proposition. An active observer can look at people from across the political spectrum - Communists, liberals, neoliberals, libertarians, and even a few conservatives admit the need for a heavy-handed pandemic response. They can also see many people from all sides of that spectrum act with willful ignorance and selfishness against their own obligations during a national pandemic.
Instead, America’s pandemic response has become a corpo-libertarian nightmare that could easily be repurposed as the central foundation for a cyberpunk dystopian novel. The “market” and making Wall Street profits go up regardless of the casualties amassed in millions of dead and disabled Americans. We’ve been submerged into a horrific consensus against mandates, PPE, quarantine, and nearly every essential tool to combat a 100-year pandemic event. Many conservatives who played a central role in constructing this disaster of a disaster response are major fans of libertarian/objectivist thought, which essentially boils down to lionizing a sadistic selfishness as some sort of brave or noble ideal - instead of a grown adult with the emotional maturity of a child and can’t accept their obligations to other people, including strangers.
This philosophy originates with the author Ayn Rand, who spent the end of her life committing fraud in order to collect Social Security checks. She also was on the record worshipping a man by the name of William Edward Hickman - who murdered and dismembered a young girl in 1927. Hickman then sewed her eyes back open and attempt to collect ransom. This got Ayn all hot and bothered, writing that this child murderer possessed “no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman.” The fact that any American politician lionizes this woman’s deranged screeds only goes to so just how deep the depravity in American culture goes.
However, when it comes to pandemics, Ayn Rand writes this:
“If someone has a contagious disease… then the government will have the right to require quarantine…to protect those people who are not ill…to prevent the people who are ill from passing on their illness to others. Here you are dealing with…physical damage…to quarantine the people who are ill is not an interference with their rights, it is merely preventing them from doing physical damage to others.”
Oddly enough, nobody in the Trump Administration, Republican Party, or even Libertarian Party has fought to construct nationwide quarantine facilities to isolate those infected with Sars-CoV-2, a socially transmitted airborne virus that has killed and disabled millions. In fact, they’ve encouraged the infectious to go out and infect others, and completely ignore the frequency and role of pre-symptomatic & asymptomatic transmission of the virus. One of the very real tragedies of this pandemic has been the federal government’s insistence on implementing disaster policy that is based in a completely fictional understanding of the virus, and the Republican Party has misled tens of millions of Americans in the very real dangers to the public’s health in service of their own goals.
One of the leading influencers of this crusade is Marjorie Taylor Greene, (who will be referred to as “Marj,” the rabies-infected possum going forward) a Congresswoman who now has a seat on the House COVID Committee. Long before 2020, she has been completely detached from reality, claiming that the mass shootings of Sandy Hook and Parkland, in which many children were murdered by legally purchased semiautomatic rifles, were staged events played out by “crisis actors.” She now sits on a committee to “oversee school safety,” as she encourages a virus which causes a vascular disease and can damage the brain to repeatedly infect schoolchildren, potentially causing neurological and cognitive impairment.
In fact, it’s incredibly obvious that Marj has absolutely zero understanding of COVID and is completely unqualified to make any sort of statement or guidance on the pandemic, much less sit on a committee. Any political party that insists on being this delusional has surrendered its legitimacy and must be driven out from the halls of power before being allowed to do untold damage. Let’s review the statements that were so fantastical, pre-Musk Twitter had to banish Marj from the platform in order to protect their stock price.
II: The Howling of the Plague Siren
On May 25th, 2021, Marj took to Twitter to declare that proof of vaccination was like the golden star that Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Which is ironic, considering Marj’s political party of choice championed literal torture camps in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib. She also declared that “unvaxxed people…trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.” A ridiculous statistic considering how America has had the worth death rates for COVID compared to the rest of the developed world, and our life expectancy is currently in freefall with no end in sight. But perhaps… this is the intended objective of Marj and the Republican Party as a whole - more on this later.
On August 4th, 2021, Marj made a bold claim that the COVID vaccines somehow cause miscarriages. In the fantasy realm that Marj wants you to believe in, this might hold up to her moon-logic that was clearly inspired by the third Gabriel Knight adventure game, in which the titular character Gabriel must attach masking tape to a hole at the bottom of a toolshed, then chase a cat through said hole in order to collect some of that cat’s hair (designer Jane Jensen has clearly never owned a cat) to construct a fake moustache in order to steal the identity of a man who literally does not have a moustache. Seriously! - Watch!
In reality, the vascular disease which attacks every organ on the body can harm a fetus, potentially causing a miscarriage. Which means that drastic measures are required in order to reduce viral transmission in order to protect babies…which as a supposedly “pro-Life” possum, should be of tantamount importance to Marj. In reality, COVID vaccination for pregnant mothers helps protect both the mother & fetus from the virus, as antibodies are passed from mother to child. Epidemiologist Ellie Murray, who has championed vaccination in the pregnant and been the target of frequent abuse for this, has long been on the right side of this issue, and supported by actual, tangible data. Compare Ellie’s tweet from early 2021 to new research from 2023:
Here’s an important point to make here - as a major public figure and elected representative, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s blasting of absolute fiction around COVID and vaccination has certainly influenced the decisions of many Americans to fail to protect the pregnant and infants from the ongoing pandemic - if a single American baby was lost due to COVID because of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s deranged attempts at poisoning the discourse, then Marj is potentially guilty of treason: betraying her fellow countryman in service of a deadly and disabling virus, by giving them actionable medical advice without a license or relevant expertise. How one can get so much innocent blood on their hands and dare to show their face in the halls of power is quite astounding.
We suffer from a total lack of accountability in American politics, and the cowardice of the American people to respond to this derangement is having disastrous consequences across our national and societal fabric.
On August 9th, 2021, Marj wrapped up a lie in some half-truths. Yes, people vaccinated against COVID-19 have suffered breakthrough infections and developed Long COVID disability or possibly even died - which means stronger measures are required to defend the lives of the Americans that Marj is sworn to protect. However, being vaccinated against COVID greatly reduces your odds of suffering a bad outcome if infected post-vaccination - and you should continue to protect yourself from infection with adequate PPE such as an N95 or P100 respirator. What goes unspoken is Marj’s insistence that we do nothing against COVID, which would greatly increase the harm done by the virus. The big lie here is that “individual freedoms” are somehow violated by mandating vaccines and restricting travel when the unvaccinated are shown to be more likely to infect others.
The “individual freedom” that Marj is going to bat for here, is the freedom to infect and harm others with a deadly and disabling virus that has killed over 2,000 children, and disabled hundreds of thousands more - stripping them of their freedom, liberties, and futures. Even Ayn Rand agrees that this entire ideal is bunk, and quite dangerous. The cowardice of the opposition party to go to the mat against this ideological cyanide is going to have disastrous consequences for our next pandemic.
III: Necrotic Budget Balancing
We could spill hours and hours of ink detailing every single one of Marj’s ridiculous claims about the harmlessness of COVID and the dangers of vaccines and masking. In truth, MTG is not unique or interesting in any regard - this has been the deranged bloodlust of the mainstream Republican party for decades now. These dickbags are constantly shitting out nonsense, and before you can fully refute them, they’ve already pivoted to another ridiculous line of attack. Many of our readers under the age of say… 35, may not remember this, but there used to be a President, believe it or not, who was actually worse than Donald Trump.
This former President went to war against civil rights, defended financial criminals, tortured countless innocent people, committed horrific war crimes against the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and many other absolutely nightmarish policy decisions that still haunt America to this day. This President was George W. Bush, pictured above.
In fact, there was a natural disaster called Hurricane Katrina, and the federal response was such an incredible and horrific failure that it overshadowed armed vigilantes going around murdering innocent Black people in the chaos, with sadistic maniac turned household name Chris Kyle bragging about these criminal acts of racially charged murder in his memoir, American Sniper. None of Kyle’s former comrades corroborated these claims. Chris pretended he was murdering innocent Black people in the wake of a hurricane in order to sound cooler to bloodthirsty racist pieces of trash, and had a multi-million Hollywood film starring Bradley Cooper made about Chris, portraying him as some sort of national hero.
The cowardice and complacency of the opposition party to incite the public and mount an overwhelming response to snuff out this sadistic force of depravity is an indictment of their own cowardice in a crisis, and a contributor to the Biden Administration’s absolute failure of a COVID response after taking office in 2021. One of the Bush Administration’s few failures was his inability to privatize Social Security - a program that American workers pay into for their entire life, and receive checks from the government starting after they turn… 62 years old, which is already incredibly old. Well, the idea of the government writing checks to people who don’t already have eight figures in the bank is downright heretical, and we have to put a stop to this! Oh, what’s that? We have a once in a century pandemic that kills mostly older people and can cause chronic, long-term health issues? Well damn, let ‘er rip!
Americans lost 20 years of progress on improving life expectancy in just a couple of years, and the nation remains in complete freefall. You see, Marjorie Taylor Greene and her pro-viral advocacy is in service of destroying Social Security, much like the Bush-era Republicans attempted in the mid-2000s. If you can’t privatize Social Security, you can try killing as many Social Security recipients as possible, since dead citizens can’t cash the check they’re legally entitled to. You know who else has championed cutting social security? Joe Biden, for nearly half a century now.
Worse, if COVID has left you with health complications that are exacerbated by old age, then you can’t spend those Social Security dollars at the bingo hall, they have to pay for expensive treatment and medicine to try and keep you alive - which if Marjorie was invested in health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, she would see a marked increase on her returns from the tens of millions of Americans suffering from Long COVID - a condition Marj has declared doesn’t exist and is actually “mono.” Again, Marj is a rabid possum masquerading as a congresswoman, not a licensed or credential medical professional or expert in any form.
What we are going through now is what Naomi Klein titles “disaster capitalism,” in which the wealthy take advantage of a crisis to achieve their economic and political goals, shrouded by the chaos of a presently unfolding crisis. In fact, Klein has frequently referenced this ideal when talking about the pandemic as early as 2020, as she discusses with Medhi Hasan, who now has his own show on MSNBC.
The only way the currently deteriorating conditions of this pandemic begin to improve is by the American public making the current status quo physically and economically untenable. The powers that be know this, and that is why the Biden Administration is prioritizing spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on giving cops even more assault rifles and military toys, and offloading the pandemic response to the private market, as celebrated by pitiful yes-man and 3rd COVID Czar Ashish Jha.
We are constructing a turnkey tyranny, and doing everything in our power to make it inevitable that someone as treasonous and deranged as Marjorie Taylor Greene is driving this bio-mechanical horror of death & disability right through the heart of America - all for the profit of an extreme few, off the backs of the suffering many.