PROFILE: Anthony LaMesa, "Policy Analyst"
Who Needs Expertise When You Have Fanatical Overconfidence?
One of my favorite brands of Self-Appointed Pandemic Pundit is the “Generalist,” those who have absolutely zero medical expertise or relevant knowledge when it comes to a pandemic such as the ongoing COVID disaster. They then proceed to opine on it with such an overzealous amount of confidence that they manage to construct a Tower of Babel to display their utter incompetence, illiteracy, and inability to perform critical thinking, rendering them utterly unable to serve as any sort of “Policy Analyst,” the sort of dork you find in a cube farm at a policy think tank, funded by the worst corporations in America, to drum up god-awful policy whitepapers read by Congressional legislators who campaign for bills that proceed to line the pockets for the executives of those awful corporations.
Anthony LaMesa is very much one of these people, with nearly 15,000 Twitter followers and all of… 282 followers on Medium, with a “Members Only” grift that has trudged along since 2021. For comparison, the Pandemic Accountability Index began in the fall of 2022, and has amassed nearly 600 subscribers on Substack. LaMesa is not a medical doctor, epidemiologist, virologist, immunologist, or any other relevant field when discussing a pandemic. He is simply a “policy analyst,” a sort of “generalist” much like Nate Silver, Matty Yglesias, Noah Smith, and other utterly worthless morons who insist that their brains are so powerful, they can almost instantly understand the many complexities of any highly technical field and make policy recommendations with an awe-inspiring amount of competence, regardless of how grounded in reality these commentaries actually are.
Anthony LaMesa claims to be a “progressive,” a “liberal,” and a “social democrat,” but as we evaluate his many statements, claims, and his personal echo dumpster of rotted ideology, it becomes clear that this is not at all the case and is a matter of aesthetic presentation in order to launder far-right derangement as enlightened, bi-partisan consensus. Don’t believe me? As of the date of this writing, January 30th, 2023, Anthony LaMesa has just endorsed the COVID policy decisions of far-right lunatic and governor of the dilapidated shoe masquerading as a state Ron DeSantis:
What Anthony LaMesa is actually endorsing is the mass infection of children with COVID as far back as early 2020, when we knew far less about the virus and a vaccine was not available to anyone. You see, LaMesa has written nearly 100 - yes, nearly one freaking hundred paywalled Medium articles, entirely focused on one topic, and one topic only: ensuring that every child is repeatedly infected with COVID - and downplaying the ideal that any of the deaths or disabilities inflicted by the virus exist or even matter. On top of this, hundreds of thousands of children have lost a primary caregiver, one of the strongest contributors to a child’s academic struggles - something LaMesa has never factored into his dozens of pro-COVID articles.
Anthony LaMesa is not a doctor and has zero medical expertise - yet finds himself educated enough to give actionable medical advice about COVID in children, when he is about as qualified as “Dr.” Malachi Love-Robinson - the Florida teen who was arrested on felony charges for LARP’ing as a licensed medical doctor and practicing medicine without a license for personal profit. Is there a legal argument to be made that Anthony LaMesa putting actionable medical advice, encouraging the repeated infection of children with a new, deadly, and disabling pathogen, behind a paywall qualifies as practicing medicine without a license - and potentially up for indictment on charges of fraud, and other serious felonies that carry significant prison sentences?
As nobody at the Pandemic Accountability Index is a lawyer, we are not qualified to make this argument. You see, we practice a rare trait called “humility,” and knowing when to not speak confidently about topics out of our expertise. As it turns out, Anthony LaMesa has spilled a lot of digital ink commenting on topics he knows absolutely nothing about. If you’re hiring up at a think tank and this man’s resume comes across your desk, it’s worth considering that LaMesa is little more than a professional bullshit artist who makes a presentation of overconfidence to serve as cover for his inability to perform the duties of a competent policy analyst.
Anthony LaMesa advocated for the mass, repeated infection of children with COVID, even before vaccines were widely available:
January 27th, 2021: Anthony LaMesa writes a Medium piece advocating that we follow Europe’s approach to resuming in-person learning. He proceeds to do so again on February 1st, February 4th, and February 11th.
As it stands in early 2023, the CDC reports that over 2000 children have died of COVID, making it the leading disease killer of children in America. In 2022, it became widely understood that hundreds of thousands of children lost a primary caregiver to COVID, many of them because the child was infected at school, came home and infected their family, and lost a parent or caregiver as a result - forcing the trauma of having played a direct role in the death of a loved on onto a child. Over half a million children are now suffering from the effects of Long COVID, which includes neurological and cognitive impairment. These are the sorts of horror stories that actual teachers working in actual schools are dealing with:

If we had followed Anthony LaMesa’s pro-viral proposals from the beginning of the COVID pandemic, these awful numbers, with very real trauma and suffering behind them, would be exponentially higher - and he is actively crusading for a “do-nothing” response for the next pandemic. The response Anthony LaMesa has to the damage currently being done in the ongoing COVID pandemic has been staggeringly horrific and sociopathic. To comment on children’s health with such overzealous, unqualified confidence, and then publicly shrug off & downplay the suffering of so many, is utterly indefensible, and renders him unemployable as a policy analyst - frankly, he shouldn’t even be trusted to pump gas.
Anthony LaMesa has continually practiced a subtle nudging of anti-vaccine rhetoric:
LaMesa loves to fetishize Sweden’s non-response to COVID, and suggests we follow their example to the letter, quietly endorsing the ideal that “healthy” children do not need to be vaccinated against COVID. Of course, LaMesa is - yet again - not a medical doctor nor expert in any fashion. A real life, practicing doctor, who has written extensively on the subject - is Mr. Jonathan E. Howard, MD who works as a neurologist in New York City and writes for Science Based Medicine. Jonathan definitively answered the question of whether or not children should be vaccinated against COVID in May of 2021 in an extensive and well-cited article, ending with this crucial reccomendation of administering the COVID vaccine to children:
Millions of children have contracted already COVID-19 in the US. Millions more remain vulnerable. Were the vaccine to be delayed for the purposes of obtaining a different regulatory label the additional safety information would be extremely marginal. Although the overall rate would be low relative to adults, during this delay, many children would get sick, some would die, some would be hospitalized or suffer a long-term complication. Others would lose a parent. A safe and effective vaccine can prevent many of these tragedies. We should use it now for children older than 12 years and later for younger children, if supported by positive results from Phase 3 studies in this population.
One might suspect that Dr. Howard is a far more reliable authority on this topic than LaMesa, even though the real doctor writes with far more humility & empathy than any of the drivel that has spilled out of Anthony’s rear end as of late.
Anthony LaMesa has regularly mocked the need for PPE during an airborne pandemic:
On March 29th, 2021, Anthony takes to Medium to argue for “normalcy” in American schools, because adults are being vaccinated against COVID. There is no COVID vaccine authorization for children at this time - and LaMesa declares that “a grandparent living with a school-age child” is “good-to-go.” Again with actionable medical advice from behind a paywall, from a man with zero qualifications or a medical license. Tens of thousands of Americans, potentially over 100,000, have died as a result of a breakthrough infection since then. LaMesa also argues that children are at “less risk” compared to adults, which while being true, well… let’s just say that LaMesa largely got his wish of zero mitigations in the 2021-22 school year.
In August of 2021, the CDC reported around 500 pediatric COVID deaths. As children were rammed back into schools with no mitigations and a guarantee of COVID infection, this number began to explode - with over 1,000 pediatric COVID deaths reported between September 2021 and June of 2022. So for ~2,000 adults, they lost the most important part of their lives - their child. Hundreds of thousands became disabled or disabled chronic health issues as a result of COVID. Countless children were hospitalized - landing many parents in crippling medical debt they may never be able to pay off in their lifetime.
It is obvious fact that adequate PPE, such as an N95 respirator freely provided by the government, could have prevented a great deal of suffering. However, Anthony LaMesa has decided that on top of a licensed medical professional, he is also an aerosol physicist and engineer as of November 23rd, 2022:
If LaMesa seriously considers an N95 “suffocating,” then he clearly already has issues getting an appropriate amount of oxygen to his brain, as it clearly is unable to function. I’m sure PPE manufactures such as 3M or Armburst would be excited to receive feedback from LaMesa and his negative experiences with their product and appreciate his input on the research and development of new PPE. I mean, according to Anthony’s ego, he is the ultimate and final authority on all things COVID - and just who are we to doubt this incredible “policy analyst?”
What’s also incredibly dangerous here, as well as being actionable medical advice from an unlicensed and unqualified fraud, is that it was known in 2021 that a significant amount of COVID transmission occurs via asymptomatic individuals. With a lack of testing and strict quarantine protocols, asymptomatic transmission becomes rampant and can led to many dead and disabled. LaMesa does not care.
Anthony LaMesa argued there was “no evidence” schools contributed to transmission of COVID:
On April 7th, 2021, Anthony LaMesa writes yet another Medium article, claiming that schools - an indoor building with many rooms full of dozens of people at a time, often poorly ventilated - did not contribute to transmission of COVID, citing reports out of Europe. As stated before, over 1,000 American children died of COVID in the following 21-22 school year. Hundreds of thousands of newly disabled children, hundreds of thousands of newly orphaned children as well.
LaMesa has not retracted or corrected this article, nor has he apologized for getting this wrong. On October 8th, 2022, Anthony LaMesa proceeds to tweet the following at Dr. Lisa Iannattone, a Canadian asst. professor of dermatology and excellent Twitter follow for reliable COVID information:
“No serious person ever said this” - except…Anthony LaMesa. Anthony LaMesa has finally admitted the truth - that Anthony LaMesa is not a serious person and is to be ignored on all matters when it comes to children & COVID. Thank you, Anthony! Now you can finally delete your accounts and donate all of your COVID commentary income to the Long COVID Kids charity organization, before quietly dropping out of public view and finding a real hobby, such as dirt polishing, or engaging in competitive navel fluff collecting. Either way, your time as a “policy analyst” is over.
Anthony LaMesa has continually ignored the reality of asymptomatic COVID transmission, displaying his ignorance of the virus:
On August 3rd, 2021, Anthony is back on Medium arguing against COVID quarantine protocols - suggesting that schools should “simply allow vaccinated staff to do nothing, unless they display symptoms.” It was already known in the summer of 2021 that asymptomatic transmission contributed to many deaths. If LaMesa is giving out medical advice, unlicensed, and writing policy guidance about COVID, and it’s obvious that he is not staying up to date on the latest COVID research, then he is utterly unqualified to serve as a policy analyst - on COVID or any issue, for that matter. In a rapidly changing and evolving environment, policy guidance should be written by those with up-to-date facts and knowledge - not delusions and wishful thinking. To quote LaMesa directly:
we simply eliminate quarantine policies, notify parents when a positive case is found in a student’s classroom, and ask them to monitor their children for illness. If their children become symptomatic (i.e. sick), parents are told to keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic
This is a fundamentally delusional understanding of the virus, and yet again shows LaMesa’s scientific illiteracy as an overconfident man with no relevant expertise.
Ultimately, we will need to treat Covid-19 like any other respiratory disease in our schools.
SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne, socially transmitted virus that causes the vascular disease COVID-19, which can damage every organ in the body, including the brain. Calling it "respiratory” invites fictional and inadequate comparisons to colds and the flu, which do not kill over 1,000 children in the course of a single school year. LaMesa yet again proves himself illiterate and utterly unqualified to comment on COVID policy.
Anthony LaMesa endorses the Great Barrington Declaration’s rallying against contact tracing:
In truth, LaMesa’s brain is so rotted by pro-viral sentiment, that he has previously argued the far-right and eugenicist Great Barrington Declaration, funded by rightoid billionaires such as the last surviving Koch brother is somehow a “pro-worker movement,” because forcing regular and repeated infections on some of the poorest people in our society is somehow doing them a favor. The GBD has been openly embraced by the authoritarian fascist governor of florida, Ron DeSantis, who is currently crusading against school libraries that are apparently hotbeds of “groomer” (a slur for LGBT people) propaganda. No serious progressive, liberal, or social democrat would align with a Koch billionaire or bigoted fascist - thankfully, Anthony LaMesa has already confirmed that he is not a serious person.

On December 8th, 2022 LaMesa endorses the ideal that contact tracing was a complete waste of time, and that we should have encouraged further spread of the virus - which would have led to ever greater COVID deaths and disabilities. Again, human suffering, death, and trauma is simply irrelevant to the “policy analysis” of Anthony LaMesa, a self-admittedly unserious person.
Anthony LaMesa has frequently argued against COVID testing in any form:
On June 13th, 2022 Anthony LaMesa commits a fundamental logical fallacy, suggesting that COVID testing should be abandoned because “Americans would prefer” treatment for other diseases, some of which are even linked to have been caused by COVID infections, something that has been known since 2021:
Again, LaMesa proves that he is a failure of a policy analyst, and functionally illiterate when it comes to discussing and evaluating not only the COVID virus, but healthcare policy as well.
On July 4th, 2022 Anthony LaMesa writes a Medium post titled “Today we should declare our independence from excessive COVID-19 testing.” LaMesa is not an epidemiologist & has zero relevant experience on pandemic management. He has also displayed a fundamentally illiteracy when it comes to the facts of how the virus operates, transmits, and harms.
Yet again, the man gives actionable medical advice from behind a paywall, practicing medicine without a license, and is desperate to obfuscate the fact that COVID can cause serious chronic health issues such as diabetes. Will LaMesa donate his profits from COVID punditry to the Insulin for Life charity, ensuring that children who developed diabetes after a “mild” COVID infection are receiving the care they need? No, he won’t - because Anthony never cared about children’s health or welfare.
In truth, Anthony is exploiting the controversy around children and COVID, especially with so many unknowns, in order to build his own profile and advance his career. By building an audience of gullible jackasses who are desperate to be told what they want to hear, he can present himself as some sort of “authority” when looking for work as a supposed “policy analyst” - even though a layman would assume that a self-admitted unserious person would not do well in such a role.
“Social democrat” Anthony LaMesa argues that authoritarian Singapore is a model to follow when it comes to COVID and PPE:
On August 21st, 2022 Anthony LaMesa takes to Medium to endorse Singapore’s approach to abandoning PPE requirements during an airborne pandemic. Singapore is led by an authoritarian government, and LaMesa has endorsed the fiction pushed by their Prime Minister that PPE during an airborne pandemic somehow “harms” children. In reality, COVID is the leading disease killer of children in America. No child has ever died from wearing an N95. There is no serious literature that suggests PPE harms children in an airborne pandemic - hence why LaMesa must retreat to the delusions posited by authoritarian ministers.
The truth is that Anthony LaMesa is not “liberal” or “progressive” in any serious way - he believes in an extreme authoritarianism in which an airborne virus may kill or disable countless Americans, stripping them of their freedoms and liberties. Employing Anthony LaMesa as a policy analyst is endorsing a brutal, viral authoritarian approach that goes against many core American ideals.
“Progressive” Anthony LaMesa endorses British Tory Prime Minister Liz Truss’ Suggestion that “Schools Should Never Have Closed.”
On August 25th, 2022 LaMesa is back on Medium arguing that Liz Truss is right to suggest schools should have remained open at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, when little was known about the virus and hospitals were overwhelmed. This would have collapsed the already struggling NHS and allowed Truss & her Tory friends to profit immensely as American health insurance companies reaped the profits of unleashing privatized healthcare upon millions of British citizens. No real “social democrat” would openly advocate viral warfare on socialized healthcare.
Liz Truss would go on to become the shortest-serving Prime Minister in British history, with her hyper-competent policy proposals and mass-COVID infection programme leading to a new Golden Age for the British public after only 45 days. After the failures of “herd” and “hybrid” immunity, Liz’s programme of Higgledy-Piggledy Immunity not only ended the pandemic, but wildly improved neurological and cognitive function in millions of British schoolchildren.
Having done her job effectively and without controversy, Liz humbly retired to the countryside without much in the way of pointless theatrics.
No, really! This is what actually happened.
Anthony LaMesa believes that COVID infection is no big deal, and Long COVID is irrelevant and insignificant:
Katie Mack is a highly accomplished theoretical cosmologist, aviator, and writer, who accurately points out the reality many are facing with COVID:
Commentators online: Don’t worry about Covid! If you’re healthy & vaccinated it’s just a little flu!
Actual people I know: It’s day 14, still testing positive, fever is worse, can barely move, feel like death… [2 months later] still fatigued with brain fog but can jog sorta…
Anthony LaMesa inadvertently acknowledges that yes, he is a completely unqualified commentator online, and decided that he needs to put this dumb broad in her place:
What’s so especially dangerous about this delusional and fictional rhetoric is the ideal that well, if the vast majority are “fine,” then to hell with everyone who is still suffering after 5 days. Just a little subtle eugenics, a founding pillar of fascism, from this “Social Democrat.”
Again, LaMesa makes this declaration as if it’s a universally recognized fact, with zero evidence to back up this claim.
Anthony LaMesa “suspects” that public heath protections are responsible for Long COVID, not the actual virus itself:
Even with the overwhelming mountain of evidence of Long COVID that continues to grow, millions of victims still suffering today, and countless activists who have spoken up about their suffering - Anthony LaMesa jumps on Twitter on January 29th, 2023 to sneakily suggest that public health protections, direct and visual reminders that we remain in an ongoing pandemic, are the real cause of COVID-induced disability and chronic health issues that emerge after even “mild” acute infections.
Anthony LaMesa is not a doctor, nurse, or medical expert in any way. He is a “policy analyst” who refuses to do any actual research or practice an ounce of empathy.
“Social democrat” Anthony LaMesa believes the government implementing airborne COVID precautions would somehow collapse society:
For a man who spends an obsessive amount of time calling himself a Social Democrat, Anthony is taking a remarkably hardline libertarian approach here. Then again, he does publicly declare himself an unserious person. Of course, this is a man so delusional that the Koch billionaire funded Great Barrington Declaration is somehow a “pro-worker movement.” Of course, LaMesa is not a medical expert, aerosol physicist, or engineer with any sort of relevant qualifications or knowledge. He doesn’t even bother filling out this thought, because in his mind, women are stupid and need to accept his supreme authority on all things COVID, just like previous PAI profile subject Alasdair Munro.
Anthony also spends a lot of time whining about “fearmongering” about COVID on Twitter, as well - and yet - here he is, fearmongering with unfounded claims that reducing COVID infections would somehow collapse society.
Anthony LaMesa compares remote schooling programs to the many atrocities of the war and occupation of Iraq:

On October 25th, 2022 LaMesa takes to Medium to make an utterly horrific and indefensible statement, which has to be seen to be believed. Emphasis added:
It’s fair to say that U.S. school closures … were a social policy catastrophe. They were arguably the domestic policy equivalent of the Iraq War. A major mistake.
What an incredible choice of words, Anthony. They inform so much about your character & values, as well as your complete and total lack of empathy for anyone who is not a well-off white man - for someone who writes dozens of articles about education policy, you clearly need to be taken to remedial English class.
You see Anthony, you petulant manchild, a “mistake” is when you have too much to drink and accidentally throw up on the subway. A “mistake” is when you unknowingly say something horribly offensive, and apologize after the fact.

A “mistake” is absolutely not what you describe a horrific and illegal war and occupation that destroys the lives of millions of innocent people, in which American armed forces willfully committed unforgivable atrocities, including the gang-rape and murder of 14-year-old Iraqi girl Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and her family. American soldiers also tortured and raped many Iraqi boys in Abu Ghraib. All the while, the United States Government orchestrated a smash-and-grab of the Iraqi public sector, taking a crowbar to the nation’s wealth and creating an endless bounty for foreign corporations. As written in the “social democrat” publication Jacobin:
After the ousting of Saddam Hussein, Bush appointed Paul Bremer as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Bremer, who was in a position of unchecked authority, began with a sweeping decree that disbanded the Iraqi Army and barred members of the Ba’ath Party from holding government jobs. Since party membership had been virtually obligatory for professional appointments to state-run enterprises, Bremer’s action dismantled the entire police apparatus and crippled Iraq’s education and hospital systems, while ensuring there would be no systematic effort to rebuild its damaged infrastructure.
A second set of decrees ordered the shutdown and sale of all state-run enterprises, creating an immediate depression in most of the viable domestic industries, apart from those related to oil production. The CPA determined that Iraqis would have to work for and buy goods and services from private, mainly foreign-owned enterprises, or not at all.
The motivation for those decisions partly stemmed from Thatcherite ideology. Indeed, Bremer went further than Margaret Thatcher herself by successfully destroying a state-financed hospital system and insisting that all medical care outside hospitals would have to be “transferred” to a private clinic system that was never constructed. A third of Iraqi hospital professionals left to work in other countries — a major contribution to the still-ongoing crisis in Iraqi health care.
As these policies took effect, two-thirds of Iraqi families were functionally unemployed and had to rely on the inadequate government subsidies established under Hussein. Bremer then began cutting these subsidies, while using lethal force to quell the ensuing protests.
To refer to the raping of children and pillaging of a nation as little more than a “mistake,” Mr. LaMesa, is an outspoken declaration that you simply do not see Arabs as human beings equal in value to yourself, a well-off white man - making you little more than a white supremacist that shrugs off the rape and torture of foreign children of color, comparing it to Americans struggling to protect their children from a new and unknown disease in 2020. You hold a “Bachelor of Arts” in History and Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, which explains a great deal as you paint this abhorrently rosy picture of literal crimes against humanity with the blood-ridden stool that causes severe fecal impaction in the colon of the 2023 Winner for Man Most Completely Full of Shit.
Believe it or not, this actually happens to align incredibly well with LaMesa’s flamboyantly displayed ignorance around COVID and how the burdens of letting the virus rip have been disproportionately & undemocratically forced upon people of color, as detailed by epidemiologist Justin Feldman and Dr. Mary T. Bassett:
Anthony LaMesa, you are not a “policy analyst,” nor a “social democrat,” a “progressive,” or even a “liberal.” You are a functionally illiterate white supremacist viral authoritarian who covers for your own inadequacy with a revolting aura of obsessively unhinged overconfidence and complete lack of humility or willingness to admit fault. Given the opportunity, you would happily destroy the lives of countless innocent children, disproportionately children of color, all in service of your unhinged addiction to a sense of “normalcy,” a poorly defined term abused literally hundreds of times across your Medium and Twitter accounts.
You see, it’s not enough for Anthony to “return to a 2019 normal” where he can embrace delusion and denial as a coping mechanism to cower from the fact that we remain in a horrifically mismanaged pandemic, going up against a new virus and disease, and public health protections including masking and mandates remain essential, even if they damper the ~*~vibes~*~
To abuse the poor and Actual, Licensed Medical Doctor Jonathan Howard yet again as a crutch, in order to make a crucial point:
We’ll be learning about the effects of repeat COVID infections on our brain, lungs, and heart for the rest of our lives. Only a medical radical would suggest repeatedly exposing unvaccinated children to a novel virus and hoping for the best.
Anthony LaMesa is a radical - a radical viral fascist, willing to serve up others’ children to the totalitarianism of a viral pandemic he knows utterly nothing about. Just like a fascist, LaMesa believes in the bullying and harassment of others in order to force ~*~good vibes~*~ on those who dare to challenge his delusion, focusing mostly on women, knowing that his audience of mostly rightoid anti-vaxx & anti-mask bullies will use his spotlight as an inflection point to drive harassment of public health experts and activists, in service of the rightoid billionaire crusade against the state ever protecting lives from needless, preventable death and suffering.
So Why Bother Highlighting Someone so Disgustingly Pathetic & Grotesque?
An excellent question - this is the sort of “generalist” white man who fills the desks of countless “think tanks” across America, writing policy whitepapers that are read by Congressional legislators. Men like LaMesa have grown up incredibly privileged and comfortable for their entire lives, having never worked a job requiring manual labor, and generally spend their entire lives enjoying an absurd level of comfort and luxury that many Americans can only dream of - LaMesa even brags on his LinkedIn on how many dozens of nations he’s visited, an incredibly expensive luxury.
These are the sort of braindead jackasses that your politicians are reading and being “informed” by, leading to utterly disastrous outcomes for those of us who actually have to work a real job in order to pay the bills and make a living.
Over the past 20 years, the rise of the smartphone and high-speed internet revolutionized convenience and luxury in America, providing instant gratification to the Americans well off enough to afford these services, such as think-tank bros like Anthony LaMesa. The permanent labor underclass, disproportionately people of color, are shouldering the burden of delusion that freaks like Anthony LaMesa seek to enforce - whether it’s the Amazon warehouse stocker shipping his cheap plastic crap, the DoorDash delivery man dropping off his lukewarm $27 burger, or the Uber Black driver who sleeps in his rented car at night while making less than minimum wage during the day.
These people aren’t human beings with rights or dignity in the eyes of men like LaMesa - they’re faceless servants that exist for the convenience and comfort of the upper-middle class and above. If you want to truly understand why COVID outcomes in the United States are so utterly horrific, then you need to realize it’s because public health policy is being written by unqualified, overconfident freaks like Anthony, in service of deranged billionaires like the CEO of Delta Airlines - who lobbied to change the COVID isolation guidelines from 10 days to 5, only for Fauci to go on CNN and declare this change was to “preserve societal function.”
This “function” being the permanent labor underclass to serving the whims and desires of their supposed economic betters, who frequently display their own stupidity and incompetence on public forums for everyone to witness in a vulgar display of how truly little they think of their fellow Americans.