PATIENT BEWARE: Mary Talley Bowden, of "MDBreathe" and "MyFreeDoctor"
Ten of the Most Ridiculous Statements from America's Leading COVID-19 Grifter

If you or a loved one is considering consulting the medical assistance of Mary Talley Bowden or her affiliated companies, please do take the time and inform yourself of the things Mary actually states in a public forum. Mary is not a credible medical professional whose views are based in scientific reality, nor can she act like a rational, mature adult. You simply cannot trust your health, or the health of a loved one with Mary Talley Bowden or anyone affiliated with her.
When a population wide crisis like a pandemic occurs, one would hope that most people look for opportunities to help their fellow citizen and save lives. However, there are those among us that look at a global crisis such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and see an opportunity to line their wallets at the expense of others' health. The worst-case scenario is when that sort of person happens to be a medical doctor, unfortunately. This is the first global pandemic with global social media, one that Mary Talley Bowden has exploited to great personal financial gain but has also gotten herself in a lot of trouble with legal authorities and medical licensing boards. So, let's interrogate precisely why that is, and why you cannot trust your health to this dishonest, irrational snake-oil saleswoman.
I. “I hope Elmo doesn’t die in his sleep.”
Mary Talley Bowden tweeted this in June 2022, in response to a Sesame Street PSA about the safety and effectiveness of pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Someone who fantasizes about the death of child cartoon puppets is not a trustworthy, rational adult you can entrust the health of you or your loved ones with.
II. “I hope [your daughter] doesn’t die in her sleep.”
Later that month, Mary Talley Bowden would sling this same revolting insult to a mother awaiting the opportunity to vaccinate her daughter against COVID-19, a virus that has killed thousands of unvaccinated children and disabled millions more - a reality that Bowden profits from denying on social media. This is not somebody who has the maturity or responsibility to work in the medical field and cannot provide effective medical care to you or your loved ones, hence why she was suspended from Houston Methodist. This is someone who profits from sick children she can profit off of and fantasizes about children dying from safe and effective vaccines.
III. "Public health is communism"

This is not something a serious or credible adult says, either. Public health mandates have been a central part of American history since the Revolutionary War, ( for starters. Is George Washington a Communist now, or the Supreme Court of 1905 (Wikipedia) which upheld the authority of states to enforce vaccine mandates in Jacobson v. Massachusetts? I assure you that can find & trust a doctor who is not this openly and willingly ignorant of basic medical history with your health.
IV. “Pronouns didn’t exist until recently.”
In April 2023, Mary Talley Bowden would claim "Pronouns didn't exist until recently. And I predict they won't last longer. Doesn't make me hateful... I just have common sense," in a bold refutation of thousands of years of written language and human communication. This is not a mature, rational adult you can trust with your health. This is a social media crank who derives their self-worth from outlandish contrarianism.
V. “Maybe you and your club shouldn’t have minimized early treatment. Or relied on worthless hospital protocols.”

Mary Talley Bowden claims to "treat" a “record number” of COVID-19 positive patients by simply running a sketchy website (MyFreeDoctor) which allows her to quickly crank out prescriptions for inappropriate treatments such as Ivermectin, an anti-parasitical drug that does not work against viral infections, as these are two entirely separate biological phenomenon. She uses this as a foundation to lash out at doctors who don’t get fired from their hospitals - claiming “useless hospital protocols” employed in a state of emergency to keep generating new COVID-19 patients are her alleged professional inferiors. Mary is simply ashamed there’s better doctors than her.
There is a mountain of scientific evidence that Bowden’s favorite drug Ivermectin, useful in other specific contexts, (Wikipedia) is obviously inappropriate for the treatment of COVID-19. However, it is cheap and readily available, and it's easy to make money writing a lot of prescriptions over the internet to people you've never actually seen or spoken to. You’ve certainly seen ads on the internet selling prescriptions for erectile dysfunction pills and other drugs written via chatroom windows - and this has a chance to cause serious health complications!
The overwhelming medical consensus, even from some anti-vaxxers and backed by quality evidence, is that nobody should use Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. She would later claim this scientific consensus is actually proof that pharmacies are out to get her, personally. Oh, the poor martyr Mary, oppressed by The Man, throwing herself on the sword for our "freedom" to misuse lifesaving medicine for completely incorrect and ineffective purposes! Modern medicine is thankfully based in science, not fantasy.
In Spring 2022, Mary would begin attempting to incite public harassment of pharmacists across America for refusing to fill a clearly fraudulent and potentially harmful prescription. In reality, this is known as simply doing their jobs as ethical medical professionals. Do you really think you can trust your health to a doctor that can’t work alongside qualified pharmacists?
VI. “I have seen thousands of COVID patients. I’ve never seen a child with Long COVID.”
In August of 2023, Mary Talley Bowden would deny the existence of pediatric Long COVID, an umbrella term for the millions of American children who became disabled by the SARS-CoV-2 virus she championed infecting children with to build “natural immunity,” and is a highly researched topic by serious medical professionals at reputable institutions around the globe. Bowden will, however, fearmonger about pediatric vaccine myocarditis, which is far less common than COVID-19 myocarditis and pediatric Long COVID - yet Bowden makes money denying this fact of reality on social media - and is now selling ivermectin prescriptions for Long COVID, a condition she previously denied the existence of.
Mary Talley Bowden simply wants to make money off of your sick & disabled child. That’s why she fearmongers about preventative medicine, including a safe & effective vaccine that can help protect them from COVID-19’s worst effects, and then sells you an ineffective anti-parasitic drug for the effects of a viral infection.
VII. "This variant is mild and indistinguishable from other respiratory viruses. Oxygen saturations are not dropping. No need to test, no need to mask, no need to vaccinate."

In September 2023, Mary Talley Bowden declares: "This variant,” an Omicron subvariant, “is mild and indistinguishable from other respiratory viruses. Oxygen saturations are not dropping. No need to test, no need to mask, no need to vaccinate."
Except, Mary Talley Boden makes her money from people getting sick with COVID-19. If people take preventative measures (such as N95 respirators and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters) to prevent serious COVID-19 infections, nobody will be coming to her for ineffective Ivermectin prescriptions. Preventative medicine is not nearly as profitable as snake oil, but it’s far more effective.
This is nakedly dishonest profiteering and highly unethical - another reason you simply cannot trust Mary Talley Bowden as a credible medical professional. The more sick people she “influences” on social media to embrace repeated COVID-19 infections, the more money Mary lines her pocket with. She fails to disclose this basic conflict of interest, because Mary Talley Bowden is a dishonest crook.
VIII. “This is not legal.”
In May 2024, in response to a CDC Press Release issuing guidance "for preventing spread of infections in schools to keep children health & learning," Mary Talley Bowden boldly declared "this is not legal." This is a supposed doctor that believes keeping children healthy and learning in schools "is not legal." Why would anyone trust their health, or the health of a loved one - especially their child - to someone who openly declares her desire to see children sick, disabled, and potentially dead as a consequence of getting an education - because she personally profits from suffering kids being constantly ill?
IXX. “Nuremberg 2.0”
Mary Talley Bowden has wasted years of her live fantasizing about show trials and public executions of those that have objectively proven her wrong and publicly criticized her. Anti-vaxxers frequently fantasize about a “Great Reckoning” where they’ll finally round up all the decent human beings that have saved countless millions of lives through vaccine science and kill them. Why? Because their existence and mountain of achievements are embarrassing to dishonest frauds like Mary, and quacks like her want these painful reminders of real medical science to be eliminated. If this would ever come to pass, and people like Bowden got their way, pediatric deaths due to disease would skyrocket as a result. Why would you trust your health to someone who fantasizes about dead children as a result of state-sanctioned murders?
X. “…started ivermectin that was hidden in a sock.”
To close this out, let's touch on Mary Talley Bowden's current legal troubles, for which she has publicly begged billionaire Elon Musk to pay her lawyer fees. Bowden filed a $25 million lawsuit over her suspension (and later resigned) from Houston Methodist Hospital. Bowden would sue Houston Methodist for defamation, and quickly had her case dismissed in February 2023, as Houston Methodist was entirely accurate for their public criticism of Bowden's unscientific, anti-vaccine statements whilst she was under their employ, including her claim that Houston Methodist was turning away unvaccinated patients - that even Mary later admitted was false.
Later in June 2023, the Texas Medical Board has taken Mary Talley Bowden to court over complaints of serious misconduct, (Nickmmark via Twitter) including one allegation that she sent someone to administer Ivermectin to an ICU patient she had never seen or examined. This is a massive ethical violation and a very serious allegation of misconduct, which sadly aligns with Mary Talley Bowden's previous statements and pattern of established behavior as a dishonest liar that peddles ineffective snake oil for profit.

In conclusion, it's hopefully unlikely that Mary Talley Bowden will retain her medical license and be able to crank out endless ineffective Ivermectin scripts. Ideally, she would be facing criminal charges. In preparation, Mary has expanded into forming a political action committee (PAC) called "Americans for Health Freedom," dedicated to electing Republican anti-vaxxers. A serious political party of principled liberals would beg for this sort of opportunity to be handed to them on a silver platter - the ideal "perfect enemy" that any reasonable person would immediately identify as a scourge upon civil society. Unfortunately, the major "left-wing" party in America has decided to embrace a much more cowardly brand of undignified “libertarianism” - giving way to a rising tide of societal pestilence and civil irresponsibility.
Being a loyal viral sycophant, dedicating one’s career to dishonest grifting, and the cheerleading of pestilence in children are all that Mary Talley Bowden and her generic anti-vaccine "PAC" grift represent. She'll likely enjoy paying herself a six-figure salary for cosplaying as some sort of hero to the masses, because PAC grifts have long been a billion-dollar grift that forms the crumbling foundation of American electoral politics. This is what any reasonable person should be willing to roll up their sleeves and take a bold stand against crushing this modern resurgence of the outright criminal crusade against public health must become a central priority of anyone to the left of Ronald Reagan. Especially with a potential H5N1 pandemic on the horizon.
If we can't be bothered to protect our children from needless harm and pointless deaths, then just who are we as a society? Mary Talley Bowden and her ilk want you and your family to reject preventative medicine and become constantly ill so they can personally profit from your loved ones’ suffering - and they will happily exploit your child's death to further fearmonger about safe and effective vaccines that can save the most vulnerable among us with the most to lose.
For frak's sake, we're talking about a woman who screeches "I hope your daughter doesn't die in her sleep" to responsible mothers on a public forum, for protecting their children from disease. Democracy fails when decent people just roll over and let exploitative creeps like Mary Talley Bowden run wild without consequence.
Enough is enough.