As we begin the fifth rotation of the Earth around the sun since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, years after a massive surge of illness crashed New York City hospitals and turned our lives upside-down, it's worth taking inventory of where we've been and where we're going. America is presently facing a surge of illness with the JN.1 variant, set to infect over a hundred million Americans before its peak whilst two-thirds of Americans do not have the protection of a recent XBB booster.
Clearly, the fantasy of "endemic," sold as a desirable fantasy, was little more than elaborate fiction to sell Americans on viral infections as beneficial to their health. We know the routine by now - rising infections lead to hospitalizations, which are followed by needless deaths and disability. The Biden Administration's crusade to artificially construct a finish line to prematurely declare an "end" to the COVID-19 pandemic - in a mad dash to abandon any and all responsibility for the crisis and the bad outcomes which result - has left America largely unprepared for the viral siege.
“1,328 Americans died of COVID last week. It’s the 16th straight week with more than 1,000 deaths. They were assured by those they trust that it was safe to “live their lives” and they didn’t make it out of 2023. Year 5 of the pandemīc is under way with no sign of it being over.” -Derek_a_Franks, January 2nd, 2024
Obviously, it's phenomenal that we aren't having days where 3,000+ COVID-19 deaths are being recorded anymore, and COVID vaccines played a large role in making that a reality. Instead, we're recording 3k+ COVID-19 deaths around every couple of weeks, which means we clearly have more work to do. Thousands of Americans are dying every month because of a "pandemic" they've been told is "over," with countless Americans developing serious health complications and disabilities from their "mild" infections mandated by federal, state, and local leaders, and propagandized to the public by the corporate media establishment:
Instead of an asteroid blast of pestilence like we faced in 2020 and 2021, America is facing a roaring wildfire blaze of constant illness - with anecdotes of constant illness beginning to rise up from social media and start making news headlines. Believe it or not, but you're not supposed to be constantly sick, and especially not your children. We were initially told this was simply "immunity debt," a wholly fictional and unscientific concept repeated ad nauseum by laptop class pundits.
Time for the Bad News
"However, we still observe residual neuroinflammatory responses at different levels and worse in aged animals. Meaning that the body is still fighting against the consequences of the viral presence that happened many months before." -Neuroscientist Danielle Beckman (DaniBeckman via Twitter)
On the flipside, scientific researchers from across the globe have furthered our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease it causes. Compiling hundreds of these publications since November 2022, it's painstakingly obvious that COVID-19 is not simply a "cold" or "flu," but instead a nasty piece of work that causes organ and vascular damage throughout the body, even in "mild" cases - with dozens of studies showing evidence of COVID causing brain damage, and issues with cognitive & neurological function.
Would America's parents really have consented to repeatedly infecting their children - largely unvaccinated - with a virus linked to brain injury, if they were informed of the risks ahead of time? Or did billionaire-funded propaganda, from unqualified quacks like economist (not a science!) Emily Oster convincing them that COVID-19 was harmless in children, mislead these parents into rolling the dice with their children's brain development?
Surviving the Electon of Pandemic Revisionism
So COVID-19 is not "endemic," it's not simply "respiratory," and we're seeing a mountain of evidence growing for the concept of viral persistence as well as brain & other organ damage emerge, as millions of Americans develop newfound health complications from their "mild" infections. All on the precipice of a Presidential election year - in which the public will be subject to a full-court press on pandemic alternative history and elaborate fictions.
Democrats and Liberals will be insisting that Biden "ended" the pandemic through an incredibly distorted presentation of the facts after a year of the Biden Administration leading a charge to end SARS-CoV-2 surveillance programs, and defending a failed vaccine-only approach that has left millions of Americans behind to suffer from crippling disability and other health issues, as well as a lack of free vaccines, tests, and treatments to protect from future harms, such as this current JN.1 surge.
On the other end of this divide will be the Republicans, making headlines in a bloodthirsty crusade against any form of public health - from vaccines to respirators to any type of disease precautions. Ironically enough, thanks to laptop classhole pundits like David Leonhardt of the New York Times or Scott Galloway of NYU, voting liberals have already been primed to surrender entirely to this billionaire-backed war on America's regulatory state.
The COVID-19 pandemic was an opportunity for rich dickheads to enable their feudalistic fantasies of "I'm rich, so you can't tell me what to do," even when that means suggesting that we shouldn't dump toxic waste in the drinking water or expose children to lead and asbestos - the message that the American voting public needs to take away from this bi-partisan crusade for pediatric pestilence led by the White House, at the behest of Wall Street and corporate executives, is that working Americans are not entitled to their own health. The truth is far more grave:
Your employer is entitled to the health of you, your family, and especially your children.
Unpacking The Domestication
Election Season will make for a chaotic time to try and navigate this pandemic, and the overwhelming propaganda the public will be brigaded with. Hell, we're already seeing the messaging that a vaccine-only approach "domesticated" the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Bummer for the vaccinated who died of breakthrough deaths or were disabled by Long COVID after being told to take their masks off - you were human sacrifice for the economic death march towards “normalcy.”
Now anyone who has an experience living with domesticated animals will understand that they generally provide some sort of benefit to the owner, in exchange for food, care, and affection. A domesticated animal generally won't leave their owners with brain & other organ damage, or leave them bedridden with disability, and will typically respond to the commands of their owners. Looking at the Walgreens COVID positivity data for JN.1 right now, with a 48.6% positivity rate in New York alone, does this feel like a "domesticated" virus to you?
Or perhaps, our behavior is how the SARS-CoV-2 virus domesticated us? Constantly offering up our bodies, and our children's bodies to the virus, which sets up shop in our organs to replicate and evolve, before spreading the virus to new hosts around us so that it may continue to breed, uninterrupted? Now that people aren't dropping dead as quickly as they were before, they fell for a campaign to abandon any and all precaution for not only themselves, but their families and communities. As evidence of viral persistence, especially in the brain, continues to grow - perhaps it's time we begin to rethink who truly "domesticated" who.