Part One: Is Kicking Babies Fun? Tucker Carlson invites Professionally Kicked Baby, Kevin Bass, to Discuss on Fox News.
Allow me to ask a simple question: Do you enjoy kicking babies?
That’s likely never a question you thought you’d have to consider during the ongoing COVID pandemic, but here we are. Kicking babies is a horrific & indefensible act, obviously. But what if we’re talking about a grown adult male, acting like a baby and crying - after being told off for shitting on the floor, and is now naked on the floor, rolling around in his own shit, making a mess of things? You would probably want to kick them, at least in the hopes they would stop getting shit everywhere.
Ladies and germs, it’s already time to revisit Kevin Bass. We recently responded to an opinion piece he wrote in Newsweek - detailing his background as a eugenicist fascist before rebranding himself as some sort of enlightened “Centrist.” Now, we were originally focused on ripping apart such a terrible article, an opinion with zero facts to justify them from someone claiming to be part of the medical community, as well as evaluating the credentials of Mr. Bass.
Bass then proceeded to have a many-tweet meltdown about the backlash he received when he failed in covering up his public support for eugenics, a founding pillar of Nazi ideology. The victim of censorship and persecution, Kevin Bass proceeded to escape cancellation make an appearance on Fox News, alongside America’s most upstanding moral leader: Tucker Carlson - who is a massive piece of shit, that has never worked a real job, and stands to inherit a frozen TV dinner empire. He was also, nearly 20 years ago, utterly humiliated by Jon Stewart on CNN’s Crossfire in front of an audience of millions, leading to Crossfire’s cancellation.
Personally, I wouldn’t get my medical advice from a show that is hosted by such a ridiculous fraudster - but millions of Americans apparently disagree with me, and it’s always nice to wake up in the morning and know that, without a doubt, I possess at least above-average intelligence.

Tucker Carlson on his own show recently claimed that the Pentagon trying to vaccinate our soldiers against COVID-19 was a conspiracy to convert our military into a legion of thoughtless, feminized sissybois who wear pink frilly panties under their vintage ACU uniforms and listen to crappy Korean boy-bands. This is barely an exaggeration. Sucky Shitterson said that vaccinating the military was “doing PR for Satanists,” and that buying a fake vaccination record from some random Instagram grifter for literally thousands of dollars, in order to enjoy endless appetizers at Applebees, when the actual vaccine was literally free, is an “act of desperation by decent, law-abiding Americans.”
Part Two: Revisiting Kevin Bass
Now that I have revealed my true feelings about Tucker Carlson, the inspirational paragon of the United States of America, and outed myself as a ruthless authoritarian Communist partisan, we can now move on to Tucker’s guest, and new favorite feature of the Pandemic Accountability Index: Kevin Bass. Kevin Bass is a medical student who presented himself as a “researcher” and member of the scientific community. When the PAI first uncovered his decade of education, lacking a master’s degree - many medical professionals who follow us on Twitter expressed curiosity and concern at his educational background.
Personally, I learned about the medical field from Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace, the greatest medical drama in all of human history. In that they didn’t talk about medical school at all, so I had no idea that this could be an issue. In most universities, if you hang around long enough, they shove a degree into your hand and kick you out the front door just to get rid of you. Yet apparently, to become a nurse or doctor, you have to attain something called a “medical license,” to help ensure that you don’t commit “medical malpractice,” which is odd, because I thought you went to medical school to “practice” medicine in the first place. Ah, what a fool I have been for this miserable excuse of a life.

In the past twenty or thirty years of videogames and the internet, many arguments would erupt from strongly opinionated fans of certain videogames or specific consoles. Videogame developers would likely not consider these incredibly vocal individuals to be members of the “videogame developers’ community,” and would not invite them to the yearly Game Developers’ Conference. Having opinions, on the internet, is sadly not a qualification on its own. One would also make the argument that being a student of videogame art and animation, programming, or other specialties would necessarily make you a member of the game development community - just look at Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen, over a decade after its Kickstarter, and hiring waves of students fresh out of Gamer University has failed to result in the release of “the best damn space game ever made.”
Kevin Bass has clearly never treated a COVID patient or done any relevant work on the front lines of COVID. Instead, Kevin loves to make many appearances on Youtube, where he… debates vegans, after declaring on Twitter that veganism is little more than a pseudoscientific diet? Regardless of your personal views, would you take advice on an ongoing pandemic from somebody who spends precious manhours picking slapfights with vegans instead of finishing their Masters’ degree, PhD, and obtaining a medical license?
Part 3: Would You, The Reader, Trust Donald Trump, Over Actual Doctors, With Your Health?
Listening to accounts from frontline, actual doctors & nurses who served on the frontlines during COVID and comparing them to the drivel of an opinion this student gave on Tucker Carlson, it should be obvious who the general public would prefer to listen to. From March 31, 2020 in a CNN article titled “Inside a Brooklyn hospital that is overwhelmed:”
“A medical war zone,” Mollette, an emergency room physician at Brookdale Hospital, told CNN. “Every day I come, what I see on a daily basis, is pain, despair, suffering and health care disparities.”
Versus, well. Look at this slop from Mr. Bass - just look at it:
When former President Trump pointed out the downsides of intervention, he was dismissed publicly as a buffoon. And when Dr. Antony Fauci opposed Trump and became the hero of the public health community, we gave him our support to do and say what he wanted, even when he was wrong.
Kevin Bass has frequently declared that Donald Trump was right, and the actual doctors are wrong, on many issues - including the application of adequate PPE. Here is one such quote from the end of December 2022, via Twitter:
There was evidence neither for washing hands nor masks, and there is a good argument today that anything short of an N95 doesn’t work at all. If we realize that Trump said this with a different set of preferences in mind, Trump’s position isn’t so wild. And it was widely held.
This entire Twitter thread is Kevin Bass going to the mat for a moronic charlatan who told the Americans he was elected to represent that drinking bleach and taking an anti-bacterial drug (Ivermectin, which even journalists turned contrarian addicts Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald admit was ineffective) to treat a viral infection was an effective COVID mitigation strategy. Yet again, at the end of January, Kevin goes to bat for Donnie-boy yet again:
Cochrane Collaboration, the most respected institution in the world in evidence-based medicine, shows that cloth and surgical masks don't work for COVID It appears that Trump, not Fauci, was right after all.
Gee whiz, Kevin. Bold play to make as a wannabe pro-COVID “centrist.” Let’s see if anyone bothers to read this Cochrane paper - a “meta-analysis” of 49 studies, written by a Mr. Jefferson, MD. You see, the problem with bullshit artists is that they just don’t know when to shut the hell up - because eventually you fill the air with so much shit that you make the room unbearable. Brave Mr. Bass reposts a Substack interview with Mr. Jefferson, MD - which anyone can read & review for themselves:

Here’s a fantastically horrific quote, in which Jefferson rallies against layered COVID mitigations to reduce the amount of COVID in the air & infections:
“I like Swiss cheese to eat - the model not so much…it’s predicated on us knowing exactly how these respiratory viruses transmit, and that, I can tell you, we don’t know.”
This is factually incorrect. COVID is well documented to be an airborne, socially transmitted virus. Adequate airborne PPE, such as an N95 respirator, will help to protect you from infection. Combined with other mitigations, such as a portable HEPA filter or Corsi-Rosenthal box, can provide highly effective protection from what we know very well to be an airborne, socially transmitted virus. Mr. Jefferson is simply mudding the waters here - and Kevin Bass declares that he agrees with him, “completely.” Bold endorsement, Kevin! Maybe read the fucking article before sharing it to Twitter, and showing that you’re the most inept medical student that any passerby can fucking see, Kevin!
Let’s continue:
The idea that the COVID virus is transmitted via aerosols has been repeated over and over as if its “truth” …. You can quote the Swiss cheese model, but there’s no evidence that many of these things make any difference.
As a human being with a semi-functional brain and some memory, I do remember that the ideal of COVID was airborne was hotly debated in early 2020! After very intense and rigorous scientific discussions, mainly professional experts dealing with untrained charlatans polluting the discourse, it became commonly understood that COVID can be transmitted through the fucking air, and airborne precautions such as an N95 respirator and HEPA filtration are absolutely necessary! Kevin, are you certain that you alone, as a student who spends their free time debating vegans on Youtube instead of studying to attain a medical license, have decided that you, almost entirely on your own, are smarter than a world of many medical professionals?
Hold on, I actually have an answer for this. The actual practicing doctor Satoshi Akima posted multiple extensive Twitter threads about the research and development of PPE across various professions. Here is one very insightful and direct response to Jefferson’s comments about “Swiss Cheese” model of Layered Mitigations. Here is another Twitter thread, that is excessively detailed and definitive about the potential use of Randomized Control Trials when researching PPE such as an N95 respirator, from a real practicing doctor that actually treats COVID patients, and like myself, has never been infected with COVID. They are very professional and informative.
Of course, someone bothered to send one of this Kevin’s way. He responded almost instantly:
We have a med student publicly refusing to read or engage with an extensive technical breakdown from a practicing physician, and immediately dismissing it as simply “nonsense.” If the dean of Kevin’s school saw this, he would be getting dragged through the hall into the dean’s office, read the riot act, and immediately expelled with extreme prejudice.
Ladies and germs, when you are looking for reliable information on how to protect yourself during a deadly and disabling airborne pandemic, who would you trust between these two men? A purely unscientific survey, if you would be so kind. Here is subject A, Dr. Satoshi Akima, from Australia:
Decent looking chap, professional photo, says in his Twitter bio that he is a working doctor and actively treats patients. On the other hand, we have Subject B:
Only an absolutely illiterate jackass would assume ‘Le Burg-Prez is a more reliable source for COVID and PPE knowledge, instantly dismissing actual working medical professionals. How does Kevin know that he is a more reliable speaker on all things COVID than an actual, working physician?
Wait, Kevin. This is a rhetorical question. Don’t - don’t open your mouth. Stop, Kevin, wait what are you doi-
Part 4: Is Kevin Bass Guilty of Stolen Valor?
If you’re under the age of 35 or so, you might not remember, but a cultural panic began during the mid-2000s or so about something called “Stolen Valor.” Some random weirdo would buy a uniform and a bunch of random medals off eBay or an Army-Navy surplus store, dress up like a Real American Hero, and pretend that they had previously served in the United States Military. What was funny was how they’d never pretend they did a boring job, like driving the typewriter around - these shmucks always pretend they’re the elite of the elite, special forces, classified black operative Mall Ninjas - Tier Negative Four, above even the President himself, and personally granted the Fifth Freedom of Splinter Cell fame.
Regardless of your personal feelings about the United States military (personally, I think it’s very bad) - it’s pretty damn weird to go out in public and pretend to be something you’re obviously not.

Especially if you are doing so in front of millions of Americans, Mr. Kevin Bass, who presents himself as a “Medical Researcher” and claims to be part of the “Scientific Community” on Fox News, declaring your vocal support that we all should have simply gotten on our hands and knees, and bent over for a virus. A virus that has not only killed but also disabled millions upon millions of Americans, and damages every organ in the body, including the brain and penis. Just a few years before at the beginning of the pandemic, very real fucking doctors were treating actual COVID patients, (and still are!) and sometimes were forced to amputate their limbs as their body had become overrun with COVID-induced blood-clots. Overwhelmed with the stress and horrors of the opening of the pandemic, these real heroes took their own fucking lives. You’ll never be able to apologize to them, Kevin - not even in the afterlife, as your own actions and statements have damned your soul irrevocably.
These noble, actual heroes - not a pretend one on TV like Kevin - sacrificed all, including their health and sanity, in hellacious conditions, up againstan unyielding fucking nightmare trying to save as many lives as they could against impossible odds. And you have the fucking gall to go on national television, in front of millions, claim that you stand not only shoulder-to-shoulder, but actually above the very real American heroes, pissing on their fucking graves? In the fucking faces of their families?
Just who the fuck do you think you are, Kevin?
You’re simply a student, Kevin Bass. You pick fights with vegan Youtubers to boost your public profile, before declaring your submissiveness to a virus that damages the brain and penis. Why has nobody - with a master’s degree, medical license, or does any actual medical or scientific research - ever heard of you, Kevin? Because nobody remembers students like you, Kevin. You haven’t done anything of worth or made any contributions of value to the medical field, Kevin - and why you have to you push unregulated supplements on your embarrassment of a Substack, instead of attaining a medical license and treating actual patients on the fucking line.
Say what you please, but the public is entitled to some fucking honesty about where your opinions come from - which are clearly an amateur, childlike mentality with a complete and total inability to practice critical thinking or reading comprehension.
Part 5: Unraveling “The Globalists’ True Agenda”
Kevin Bass appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, which is hosted on Fox News. Fox News happens to have very strong feelings about “Stolen Valor,” believe it or not:
“A crime against our nation’s heroes.” Wow.
Let’s put the question to Fox News: why is pretending to be a man who took lives, almost certainly innocent ones, worse than pretending to be a man who saved lives? Why is Tucker Carlson, the leading moral paragon of the great United States of America, Prince of Justice and TV Dinners, enabling stolen valor to an audience of literally millions of Americans? Tucker Carlson said that getting vaccinated against COVID would eat my balls, and Tucker wouldn’t lie to me - but now he’s actively participating in the perpetuation of stolen valor? You see, it’s okay because Kevin isn’t pretending to have served in the military - simply a member of the “scientific community,” when he’s just a student, like dropping out of Boot Camp and pretending you were combat infantry. Any reasonable person would value the medical advice of a licensed & credentialed medical professional with years of experience over that of a mere student, especially one that has been in school for quite some time. However, Tucker Carlson decided to present Mr. Bass as an equal member of the “scientific community.” Just as reliable as any frontline doctor.
In the original Newsweek article, Kevin Bass endorses Jay Bhattacharya and the Great Barrington Declaration, which encourages mass & repeated infection of COVID-19 with zero mitigation or prevention strategies. This would have been disastrous, and driven many more doctors, nurses, and other frontline heroes to suicide - the members of the “scientific community” who were fighting on the line to save lives, whilst Kevin was safely at home queuing up for Call of Duty: Warzone. A major crisis of this pandemic, and a focus of the Pandemic Accountability Index, has been decision-making that is influenced by Armchair Epidemiologists, treating the pandemic like some sort of abstract thought exercise - overriding the very real experiences of doctors and nurses who put their lives on the line in order to save others, sometimes paying the ultimate price themselves.

The Great Barrington Declaration was funded by white supremacist billionaire, buttcoiner, and generally awful excuse for a human being Jeffrey Tucker, who has “fascinating” views about child labor laws and teenage smoking. To summarize, Jeffrey Tucker believes that 14-year-old teenage girls should be pulled out of school, sent to work at Hooters, and smoke Virginia Slims on their break, because…it’s fuckin’ cool. - that’s literally Tucker’s argument: that children should smoke because it’s cool. This is the sort of thought that Kevin Bass, a Texas father, endorses - child labor, child smoking, and child ravishing by COVID.
What we now have a much better understanding of is how COVID can damage the reproductive organs, including the penis, a critical organ for men who spend all day on Twitter crying about “wokeness,” screeching slurs in Call of Duty, and buying stupid shit like “a Box of Manliness” (like LootCrate, for your balls!) in order to re-assert their incredibly artificial and depressingly performative masculinity. By declaring your support for the repeated infection of yourself and your son Kevin, you are inviting you and your son to be castrated by a virus - making your son’s attempt at a the “normal” life you insist we ignore COVID for, with essential experiences such as love and sex, very abnormal - which is an odd thing to be blatantly ignorant about, especially when your own podcast from June 4th, 2022 argues that sauna use “demolishes male fertility.”
I’d bet five bucks he felt the same way about the new Star Wars movies, which “Alternative” Gender Theorists on Kevin and Tucker’s side of the aisle have… “interesting” ideas about:
Offering up your son in submissiveness to a virus that can castrate, disable, or even kill - that you clearly know nothing about - means that not only are you not a medical expert, that you’re also the little white cuck ball in that I kept hearing conservatives whine about in that Star Wars reboot! You’re the adorable little Cucky-4-Tucky (C4-T) - and his little goober, Jay Bhattacharya, who insisted on mass, repeated infection of children and others who were low risk, as “focused protection.” This is a ridiculous and easily debunked concept that even a grade school child can dismantle.
Even Jay knows this, as after publishing the GBD, Jay did not rush to get infected with COVID - even though he was low risk & under 65 - until after he could be vaccinated in 2021. Jay, like Kevin, is also a notorious anti-vaccine advocate. His health defended by the “focused protection” he himself said he didn’t need, did Jay ever thank those brave “soldiers” going out and getting COVID?
Oh, no. Hell no he didn’t, because “herd immunity” never arrived. We simply didn’t mass infect enough kids fast enough - and many children got terribly sick and died instead. C4-T, this could easily be your child - and after enough repeat COVID infections, it likely will be. All for Smilin’ Jay & the Buttcoin Pervert who wants to drunkenly ogle and grope teenage girls at fuckin’ Hooters! Do you think your son will ever speak to you again, when he realizes what a failure of a man you’ve become, for millions around the world to witness? Don’t you think your wife deserves the chance to find a real father figure for her son, that won’t get on his knees so easily? Why don’t you roll up into your little white cuck ball, roll out for smokes - and never return. You would honestly be doing them a favor.
You see, Kevin Bass is an unwitting agent of the oft-mentioned “globalist agenda” of wealthy men like Tucker Carlson and Jeffrey Tucker, who openly practice eugenic ideals - most notably the now-dead billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who hung around Harvard like some lecherous creep, trying to get them to help with his dream of “seeding the human race with his DNA.” Why do billionaire men like this believe that they’re entitled to spread their genes like this? Well, it’s clear that by asking such a question, you’re a fucking poor. Allow David Cross and Bob Odenkirk to explain The Worthington Law:
More money = better than you. Have you figured out the real agenda yet? You see, letting a virus that can wreck reproductive organs will stop very many people, who have less money than me, and are such genetically inferior, from having children, who will likely grow up to be poor, and also inferior to me. If I then have very many children, many more than these impoverished shmucks, they will grow up having much more money than most people, meaning that they’ll grow up to become Great Men. A society with more Great Men, like me, is preferable to a society with many Poor Men, like yourself, who are quite poor and inferior to me.
This is what unhinged billionaires like Jeffrey Epstein & Jeffrey Tucker actually believe. Kevin Bass, a proud eugenicist, seems to have failed to understand that he has less money than Jeffrey Tucker - obvious from Bass’ pushing of unregulated supplements via a Substack grift - which means that his child is incredibly inferior, and frankly, a detriment to America’s gene pool to Tucker, which has very little billionaire DNA inside it - and this is why America is on the verge of collapse. Again, this is what billionaires actually believe.
Part 6: Alexa, Play That Skrillex Remix of the Syndicate Theme
How does Kevin Bass plan to resolve this woeful inadequacy? From his Twitter:
“Nonetheless I think the prospect of cognitively enhancing our children through genetic manipulation is a fascinating one, and an issue that we as a society will grapple with in the coming decade or two. This is an inevitable discussion that we will have. As it stands, I would want my own children to have that advantage if it existed. Other people may have different opinions. To some extent, some services are already making something like this a reality. This is eugenics. This is just the reality of modern technology.”
Just had to stand up and stretch before typing out a full-fledged response to this utterly fucking incredible paragraph. Okay, here we go…
Ladies and germs, the Pandemic Accountability Index, the highest standard of bullshit detection within the borders of North America, are proud to announce our official rating of this statement by Kevin Bass:
That’s right, everyone! The PAI has rated this “declaration” a full 10/10 absolute BULLSHIT! Made up! It’s not fucking real! It’s horrifically unethical! It’s based on an utter crock of fiction! Don’t forget the part where Kevin says he would actually carry out “gene manipulation” on his own fucking children because he thinks it would “cognitively enhance” them! Just fucking imagine that reality - grown men dragging their children to the mall to hack their genes because they read online it would improve their standardized test scores! Holy shit!
If you want some real scientific analysis, here is a quote from neurologist, psychiatrist, and friend of the P.A.I, Dr. Jonathan Howard:
We’ve known the gene for Huntington’s disease since the 1990s. We still can’t cure it. We’re nowhere near the ability to genetically engineer intelligence, a word whose meaning has changed a lot over the course of my life. What kind of intelligence does he have in mind? Would an emotionally stilted math genius make him happy or a child who wasn’t good at math but was a leader who could inspire people?
So Dr. Bass can debate and discuss all he wants. But it’s just his imagination he’s revealing.
You’re off in fuckin’ fantasy land, dude! You’re going to try and gene hack your kid’s brain? And you think you’re fit to comment on medical issues to an audience of millions? The fucking hubris!
This is the sort of incompetence and gullibility that fraudsters and bullshit artists like The Great Barrington Declaration prey upon. Don’t be like Kevin - submissive and on your knees, offering up your own children to a virus you know nothing about, and sacrificing your children’s health for the agenda of an unhinged billionaire pervert, who thinks that he’s entitled to the bodies of teenage girls and believes that they need a Hooters uniform and a nicotine addiction instead of a public education.
As it turns out, the real “groomers” were fucking around on Fox News this entire time, not stocking shelves in the public-school libraries.
The Pandemic Accountability Index is a grassroots funded institution not backed by shadowy billionaires or dark money interests. If you would like to support our efforts to document and maintain this registry, please consider a paid subscription or making a one-time donation via Paypal.
BONUS: Kevin Bass spent $8 to post a “long tweet.” It’s quite the impressive meltdown:
The irony is that Kevin literally sits on the sidelines and does nothing except stroking himself in front of Tucker Carlson and his millions of viewers, whilst actual doctors struggle to treat patients who have been dangerously misled by the utter nonsense that Bass has poisoned the discourse with.